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Everything posted by Darkbridger

  1. This seems like a really cumbersome and unwieldy system. Why not just have trainers that sell skill points, regardless of level. It's simple, allows for "bleeding" money out the game and doesn't require prior knowledge of the mechanics to make the best use of it. I know the manual mentions this, but it's not really spelled out how it should be used. I'm sure lots of people spread points out in some skills, heck the skill descriptions themselves even tell you when it's best to do that. This trainer system (if you want to make the most of it) seems to be counter to reasonable character creation. If that's what's called "powergaming" in Avernum, then I guess it doesn't matter. A person can complete the game even without utilizing the trainers I guess. At this point, the "unlockable" skills are probably the only thing I can spend money on, unless I want my fighter to suddenly use magic or my priest to suddenly take up pole weapons. The only skills I don't have points in are the ones I assumed I'd never need on that character. Bows seem to be incredibly powerful in this game since they don't require ammunition. My mage is so costly to improve that I've debated, at times, just replacing her with another archer. I gave everyone bow skill at creation time and I tend to only use magic in tough fights. But, I'm only playing on Easy so far, and I've only done the demo section so far. Hopefully magic becomes more potent later on. Still, it's kind of silly to think that people can only train you to Level 2 in Avernum. I guess the 3-20 skill (or whatever the reasonable max is) people are too stingy with their abilities to want to pass them on. Also, I didn't realize until browsing some of the older posts that xp (and hence skill points) and gold had a "cap". If monsters don't regenerate, then I guess you can't just keep levelling to get more points for things. That's kind of discouraging, but trainers fit that system I guess.
  2. Heh... I didn't realize that was there. I have to say, I don't really understand the point of skill trainers. The spell ones make sense, and I've bought upgrades, but the skill ones are confusing. They only train me if I've NEVER put skill points in something? The first one I found in Formello wanted an exorbitant amount of money to do this (around 2,500 if I recall correctly), which makes it seem next to useless. I guess I do things wrong when creating characters. I put points everywhere for everyone... nature lore, arcane lore, first aid, defense, hardiness and bows... even 1 point of luck. If the prices are so steep, why does it matter if I've put points into them, particularly if they'll only train me twice? I don't know how many "points" they put in the skill, but buying level one and two of something is pretty darn cheap point-wise for a majority of the skills. The only character I have that I would consider spending money on this for is my Fighter, who has so far ignored Pole weapons, but needs level 6 in it to make use of Blademaster I think. Am I not understanding how these trainers work, or am I just messing up by creating more generalist types of characters?
  3. I've never seen a "useable" shelf in Fort Monastery. I thought those were all decorative... they aren't clickable.
  4. I tried several searches on the Avernum4 forum, but couldn't find anything covering this. Is it possible to store items in a container indefinitely? I'm getting a little tired of lugging around fine steel and leather and whatnot because I know I'll probably need it given the hints/tips that showed up in the game. Can I just put them in an out of the way barrel and expect them to stay put, or do the containers get reset?
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