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Everything posted by Lennyhipp3

  1. Thuryl, thanks for the suggestion... i found an old save file and now my problem is they are TOO tough! This is before i got the stuff from the golem in the pit to the far nw corner, and before i got a few more items, but every time those things charge up and hit me with energy blasts, it nearly wipes out my party! Also in the top of the map there is a switch (you have to run over hot coals to get to it) that apparently does nothing. 1)can anyone tell me what this switch is supposed to do? and 2)can anyone tell me what type of creations or armor do i need to survive a few rounds of those energy blasters? i thought about stockpiling essence pods and not retreating from the map (thus resetting everyone's health and the creatures i've already killed) and making new creations that way. LH
  2. after all that... WHAT A LET DOWN THAT FINAL BATTLE WAS!!!! i'm sure i would have polished them off by myself, but with the firepower of one drakon (one refused to help even though i had high leadership!) and Greta with her making a creation AND attacking 3 enemies, twice each after being hasted, the final battle was far from EPIC! It was in fact pretty easy finishing it in my second try. (i re-started after forgetting to haste my group) I expected HUNDREDS of shapers attacking, over the length of 3-4 new areas! LH
  3. Crap. i'm such an idiot! When i got the message about reporting what i saw to the Drakon, i must have fought the shapers and lost... so i said to myself, "let me report what i saw and get some reinforcements!" and never bothered to trigger the warning message again first after i re-loaded my game! ack! Thanks guys! LH
  4. okay... that makes sense, except: 1) I CAN NOT get into the inner shaping hall! 2)There's a Drayk that also told me to go into the inner shaping hall now, and i still cant! 3) Yes, i did "investigate northforge warrens". I almost got to where Alwan and his posse were, and got the text that said something like "this will be a hard battle without reinforcements"! I still can't get into the inner shaping hall! LH
  5. i'm near the end, and the big red drakon, karikiss, sends me to investigate something and when i come back, he's nowhere to be found! His chambers has about 10 creations just sitting by... where can i find him to recruit creations to fight the big battle? LH
  6. has jeff ever talked about making an official editor so we can make and upload our own levels? that would be way cool. LH
  7. On a side note: Anyone ever kill the six Drakons that are watching the big fight behind the pillars in the arena? I was happy to be racking up 15 XP for killing each one and wondering "why the heck are they just sitting there while I kill the others? I thought for sure all 7 of them would fry me and i was looking forward to try to take them all on at once... with the wall there, it would be pretty EASY to kill them all unless they went back out the door and came around to ambush me! LH
  8. Quote: the pink circled door in the lab just connects to the pink circled door in the big room, it's there for "this is how the drakons would get back and forth 'realism'" but it's not meant for you and I to use ha... never really thought about how they repaired the control panel while i was argueing with the drakon! LH
  9. Quote: I'm really not sure why these things are popping up on the anvil, of all places. They are items I added to the item list myself. yeah, it would have been MUCH better if you could still make the Shapemaster Boots and Girdle of Succor! After i used your editor to get an item i dropped and couldn't find again, i had to replace the script so i could make the Shapemaster boots. LH
  10. Quote: There are some doors that can never be opened. In Quessa-Uss off the dueling arena to the northeast is a room with a eyebeast according to Jeff. I'm assuming the room with the eyebeast is the one shown here in blue... 1) has anyone gotten into that room? 2) can anyone tell me how to get into the 4 rooms circled in pink? I've been a pro-rebel, I'm about 16 mechanics, and about 13 leadership. Thanks! LH
  11. UPDATE: As many of you already guessed... It wasn't Alwan that I killed. I remember during this epic battle in P. Ruins that a "general Alwan" was making creations... then at the end, the toughest of the S.O.B.s ran away and I thought i finally managed to kill him... Not the case. I didn't have the game saved any more, so I re-loaded an older game and it took me about 2 hours to confront this "Alwan" again just to prove to myself i wasn't imagining things. Turns out it was Agent Miranda! And, I'm also certain now that I DIDNT kill her either! I know i got her down to below 10HP and then hit her with a Drayk... never noticed she must have slipped off the screen. I know this now because last night i played the area 4 or 5 times trying different things. You can see here how I blocked the doorway so she couldn't escape... but she eventually cast FEAR and managed to break through: Then I tried a different technique, after getting her down below 20HPs, i surrounded her so she couldn't run, and tried biting her to death... Guess what? She must have been using Sarsparilla's editor herself because she didn't even cast a spell of regeneration or healing and her HP STILL jumped 100points! I never knew a character besides yourself that ate pods during battle! So yeah, I couldn't kill her either. Alwan and Miranda =2, Lenny =0! LH The other shaper in the blue robes that i was talking about was shaper Horis. He wanted to run away, but after a few re-tries i managed to kill him before he managed to get off screen!
  12. Quote: There are some doors that can never be opened. In Quessa-Uss off the dueling arena to the northeast is a room with a eyebeast according to Jeff. I saw that... yes, that was annoying. actually, in the same area, there are two doors in the bottom NE corner i can't get into either... help!? Quote: I went all the way to the end of the Shaper Camp back near the game's start. Do it in several trips to remove the regular guards that don't get replaced and to get to the controls to turn off the electrified field (the building behind it). The guards do drop nice items. Every time my character gets stronger, i go back to this part! I must have had 100 attempts at getting all the way back! Killed all the guards after I made it to Chapter 4. I'm now about to start Chapter 5 and my character is finally strong enough, but i think i'm gonna up my Essence (int) before attempting again. Made it as far as the fort, but then the monsters re-spawn. I think i'll make 4 Rothgoths and NOT kill anyone until my character has time to loot the fort. I got some pretty decent items in the 2 buildings SE and S... but every time i send scouts into the fort (so i can see where to go) that's when my creations start to die on me!
  13. but that's what i'm saying... i prevented him from running away! Although i suppose i'm confusing Alwan with someone else... several of the characters look EXACTLY like Alwan. Then again there's a shaper in blue robes as soon as you enter the fourth chapter (i think it's 4 and not 3) and he's strutting around pretty much saying "i won't kill you now, but i'll be watching you!" and so I said "screw it, i'll try killing him now if he's threatening me!" and he puts up a good fight but when he gets real low, he runs, (and runs fast) and escapes to the north. Well it took me about six times and 2-3 of those tries he is down to less than 10HP before he escapes, but then i got smart and after whittling him down, and just before he runs, i sent 2 drayks to the N edge of the screen and waited for him there. Killed him too... just like i'm 90% sure i killed Alwan. That was about a week ago, so i'm not sure i have my game saved anymore, but i can try and check. LH
  14. Quote: You can't kill Alwan until chapter 5. Not so my friend! (at least i THINK i'm still in chapter 4.) 2 areas east of where Litalia;s quarters are: Alwan is in the middle and runs away when you approach... I stationed two rothgoths at the eastern edge of and chased him down and managed to kill him before he left. Of course... maybe i AM in chapter 5. LH
  15. nevermind! I figured it out... Purest Emerald is made from trying to forge the girdle of succor. It also gives a ridiculous boost to your intelligence. Any reason you would want 7 eyebeasts with their endurance and dexterity maxed out?! LH
  16. So... what is it Sarsparilla? How do we make this Purest Emerald? Enquiring minds want to know! LH
  17. nope... i think i might have killed Alwan. He seemed like a prick to me! oh well. mental note to self: Dont kill everyone next time! LH
  18. Quote: You have to skirt the fence or play two games with different loyalties to go evertwhere in this game. G4 is worth a second game though, doncha think? Agreed. I love the Infiltrator walk through. As soon as i'm done (and at this rate it will be another 3 weeks since i only play on the weekends) I will restart as a different character and max out my spellcraft and mechanics early on... basically following the Infiltrator walk through. thanks guys! LH
  19. Quote: There was one group in Shaper Camp Gamma and another in Aziraph Rebel Camp. If you've been going pro-rebel the whole game you wouldn't have been able to reunite both groups and get them out. i thought i was playing both sides of the fence pretty good, but i admit, i've been a little more loyal to the rebellion because i think the shapers are so strong, i really wanted a challenge at the end. (i'm assuming there's gonna be a big battle down the road?) My problem was i didn't realize there was a Camp Gamma until well into the 4th level of the game! I just completely missed it after completing the 3rd level... I went back trying to locate any shops that might have shaping tools for sale and that's when i discovered a whole area i completely missed! By the time i finally entered Camp Gamma, everyone just attacked me, and they were disgustingly easy to wipe out by this point (having cleared about 80% of the 4th level). I gotta admit, I'm not doing the best job at playing both sides... my philosophy has been: 1)leave the shops alone since i need to sell the items i find. 2) kill everything elsle! LH
  20. Forget the name of the area... in the NW corner of area 4 there's the eyebeast with all the frozen creations... I was pretty proud of myself figuring out a way to steal the key and survive the onslaught: My shaper character isnt that strong, so i blocked the doorway (before i stole the key) with a lightning breathing guy, and a drayk. behind them i had 2 more drayks to kill the cryrodrayks, and other missile based creatures, then i stood off to the side out of harm's way and i used my wingbolt and rothgoth to take down the eyebeast while alternatively healing my rothgoth and drayk that was on the frontline. This worked out great because the first two enemies were always 2 rothgoths, who did very limited damage to my lightning breather, and like i said, i kept healing my drayk. They eventually broke through when my wingbolt ran out of essense. (about 5 rounds) and i retreated to the NW corner to teleport home (being far enough away from the door when they finally killed all my creations) So finally, here's my question: Is that it? I can't do anything but retrieve the 2 canisters? When i returned, the remaining 5-6 creations had disappeared... there is no way to venture further east? AND... after clearing the level, killing the eyebeast and there's nothing left alive in this area, why is the icon still red instead of green!? I thought i was doing a good job of wiping out everything alive! many thanks. LH
  21. help the infiltrators quest? I thought i had a kill the 5 infiltrators quest?! hmmmm. guess i can't cross that bridge then, huh? because i don't think i helped refugees get out of the swamp... maybe they attacked me first, but i'm pretty sure i killed them. I absolutely hate areas i can't get into! makes me want to start over. LH
  22. how do i cross the bridge in the NW corner? i killed the eyebeast, and smashed the machine (tried to turn the mines off without using precious living tools!) hope i didn't need that machine... i've played too much to go back now! LH
  23. ttman, i was excited when i read this and i overlooked the lever myself. Why then is it hidden when it opens nothing of significance? It serves no other purpose but to open the little concrete barrier just south of the room where the lever is. Opens to the outisde area that surrounds the fort. pointless because you wouldn't use that way to exit any way! LH
  24. Muffin opined: Quote: And if you just happen to forge a great item, then you got it without cheating! That's just it! Someone on here said "There's nowhere in the scripts that item exists!" Or something like that... which leads me to believe that Sarsparilla was having a bit of fun when he made the editor. It's not a SUPER RARE item i just happened to stumble upon... it was mixing the ingredients that was supposed to give me the shapemaster boots. If someone that knows what they're talking about (and yes, i'm admitting i don't!) can say "There are some powerful items that have a very minute chance of appearing, and that you got one of the rare things!" Well, then and only then, will i go back and retrieve the charm where i dropped it. If you want this item, download the editor and try to make the boots i mentioned, or get me your address and i'll e-mail my scripts folder and one of my save games. LH
  25. Oops! yes, i meant the shaper camp in the far SE not west! Duh. I was up for 22 hours when i wrote that! So, they spawn forever... then i'll have to haste myself and explore, then get the hell out because i like clearing the whole area on every board! In fact, it really irritates me that this version of Geneforge that there are several doors i can't get into! I'm gonna have to start over when i'm done just to see what goodies i missed! It drives me nuts! LH
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