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Ain'aer's Achievements

Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. Is there a similar graphic for Exile 3?
  2. I've found Mace of Augvah somewhere outdoors Image of the sword, 10 damage, bonus -7, value 400, 1 handed edged weapon (o_O) so it is a sword.
  3. Where is the Solberg Tower?(I know that this is somewhere near Formello but how i can get to these lava pools?) Where are they? Oh, i've already found it. Sorry for creating topic :]
  4. There is problem, because i live in Poland and i dont know how i can buy this key EDIT: and i haven't credit card ^^
  5. Hmm, but i only want to buy this key and i dont know how i can do that without giving my adress (sorry for my english)
  6. I have one stupid question: Where i can get registry key for Exile Escape from The Pit for Windows? I cannot pass the Pit near Almaria Answer please
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