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Fledgling Fyora

Fledgling Fyora (1/17)

  1. Unlimited Inventory, or at least, a lot more slots with all like items occupying a single slot. For example, 5 suits of the same armor occupy one slot. Something like the magic bags in Neverwinter Nights where you can dump items in them and they become weightless, and with enough bags you can carry a warehouse on your back. Better yet, do away with encumbrance by weight altogether. One of the principle frustrations of most RPG games is dealing with the huge number of items you end up acquiring. Inventory management is as fun as, well, inventory management. I am signing on to play a game, not practice accounting, and I don't care whether something is "realistic" or not, just simple. A magic backpack with unlimited storage capacity is as "realistic" in a fantasy world as anything else. Managing a huge hoard of items is tedious and detracts from game play. Along similar lines I don't want to have to save a copy of evey teapot, plate and kitchen knife because it might be necessary to fulfill a quest. Make quests action-oriented, not item-oriented, unless it's a special item you have to do something special to get. Finally (and I forget whether this is already a feature in Geneforge or not) would be the ability to equip NPCs with armor and weapons of your choice, and/or use them or your creations as pack mules. Anyway, looking forward to Geneforge 4 as this really is one of the best RPGs out there. Keep up the good work!
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