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Everything posted by Askman

  1. I thought I was at lower levels. My levels are 7, 9, 9, 8. The only dungeon I have not completely cleared out is the Aranea one. I did the quest, just didn't clear the dungeon out yet.
  2. Or is it just me? The games ahve no music, and as a console RPG player, I am always used to music, especially for important battles. So I find some MIDIs to use a boss fight themes when I play the games. For example, for bosses or major fights in Avernum 1 I used Final Fantasy VI's boss battle theme. For Grah Hoth I used Lufia II's boss theme. for the Royal Spire I used Final Fantasy IV's boss theme. I liked the added excitement the songs added to the fights. So far my "regular boss theme" for Avernum 2 is the Sinstral fight theme for Lufia 2. I dunno what else I will use yet. I almost used an Overworld theme, but I decided against it.
  3. Im at about lvl 5 for everyone, with every quest completed but finding the stolen arrow quest, since the quartermaster died in the attack But I do remember always getting slaughtered in Chapter 2 of Exile 2, but maybe it was because I always skipped every dungeon and went straight to Chapter 2 >_> And are there any places to heal in Chapter 2, or should I bring a ton of food to rest, since it usually takes me 2 or 3 trips to complete dungeons.
  4. I'm deep into it now, almost ready to go down that tunnel the freaky-thing told me to go down >_> It's a lot easier now.
  5. Okay, thanks And is it just me, or is this game a lot harder than A1? I'm having a much harder time keeping everyone healed and killing enemies as fast as the team in A1 did.
  6. Is there any way to change a PC's anme or graphics? My mage is a woman profile pic with a guy's anme and sprite ^_^'
  7. Okay, I almost finished my team. I at first was just going to do a class, but then I realized a lot of skill points were in things I would never use, like my Sith solider would have ahd a few points in Melee weapons, which is what my thief is for >_> Anyway, I'm using a Slith warrior, Nephil thief using a bow (but not thrown missles, yet, and two human spellcasters.
  8. Okay, thanks for the suggestions so far When making a mage and a priest, I do want high Intelligence for spell power, but also good Dexterity for avoiding hits, since the spellcasters will be a little more fragile, right? ALso, should I invest in a weapon skill for the priest, like maybe archery, or would the skill points be better invested in more spell points or possibly tool skills?
  9. Yep, new here, but no to SpiderWeb games. I'm ordering it in a few days, so I'm just going to play the demo for now I played A LOT of the Exile demos back in the day, so I'm familiar enough with the begining of Avernum 2, as long as they didn't change too much about it. I ahve fond memories of being slaughtered by those Salamanders early on In Exile 2 when I was younger >_> I'm going to make a custom party for this game. Back in my Exile days, I always made a team of 6, 2 mages and four physical fighters. In Avernum 1, I just used the default party. This time around, I want to go for more customization so I'll be making my own guys, so my question comes up: how should I make the custom characters? Should I go with two mages and two physical fighers, or mix it up a bit more, like going with a Warrior Mage or odd combos like that. Also, how many party members should I use?
  10. What was the hardest part of Avernum, in your opinion? The hardest part was me was the fight against Grah-Hoth, no doubt about it. I always got hammered by him and his demons, having an obnoxious time trying to get up there. I finally was able to beat him without losing any of my four guys, but it took quite a while to get it right. Even the final battle against Hawthorne was easier for me.
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