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Everything posted by Sawtooth

  1. A long time ago (2002?) while reviewing a MacAddict CD and the featured games. Since that time I have collected the entire GF series.
  2. I have been all over Terrestria and have only found one access crystal, to my dismay. Any suggestions? I would say where I found the first one, but (duh) I failed to note the location. Help.
  3. I found Milla's question regarding the Agent's skin coloring interesting and amusing. So it gave me the idea to experiment and change a graphic in GF2. In so doing, (understand I'm not talking all graphics for the Agent, that would be a major undertaking) I was able to change my Agent, just on the inventory screen, to a long haired blonde w/blue eyes and red lips, black outfit w/silver-grey tights, black boots and a rather enhanced upper torso (in good taste). By making just these changes and using Jeff's original color, the skin tone lightened significantly. FYI, I used resedit on a copy of the GF2 graphics file to do this.
  4. Sorry about the double, must have hit reply button 2 times.
  5. Two quick thank yous are in order. First to those of you that put me in the right direction. Jeff sent a new key and second; thanks to the moderator for leaving this thread open so I could give my thanks.
  6. A similar problem, any suggestions. I do hope this is the right place and apologies beforehand if it isn't. A rather strange problem with a game in progress in GF3. I have the GF series (1/2/3) installed on my G4 in OS9.2 and no problems ever. Today I left San Ru heading west and got the 'big red' question mark indicating an unregistered copy. Say what?, I had already entered my key and have never had this happen. I go to re-enter my key and get the infamous 'incorrect key' window. Any ideas regarding this glitch and possible solution? Thanks in advance
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