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Emperor Tullegolar

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Everything posted by Emperor Tullegolar

  1. Quote: Student of Trinity: By the power invested in me... I'm afraid this grammar malfunction is going to cost you your claim to leadership. I hearby vest the power in myself to keep this club going. Mission Statement: To assure, through much whining and polite begging, that the geneforge in Geneforge 5 is disgustingly overpowered, at least enough so to make it once again worthey of being the game's title.
  2. There are tigers in the Avernum series. They are immune to magic, smoke a lot, and keep cats as pets.
  3. There are tons of endings. What faction you play determines most of the ending. So, you could say Geneforge 1 has 3 main endings, Geneforge 2 has 4, and Geneforge 3 has 2, but that doesn't account for other possibilities. Such possibilities include major decisions you make, like in Geneforge 1 with the geneforge, or in Geneforge 4 with the Unbound. Then there are canisters, whether or not you use a lot of them will effect the ending. There are also minor decisions such as killing certain characters that can effect the ending, such as Zachary and Barzahl. But then there are the failure endings, in which you end the game without completing major quests or betray your own faction. Those are always fun.
  4. Question: do we know whether the Northforge Citidel geneforge is for humans or drakons?
  5. There was only ever one person in all the Geneforge games I had that problem with. It was that mage in Derenton Freehold that wanders from her building to halfway across the town. Other than her, I never had a problem with clicking on people to talk to them. I'll also take this time to say how much I love the 'showmeall' cheat. In Avernum, I always had a feeling in big towns that I may have missed talking to a person wandering around the outdoor parts of the town. In some cases, I would, and I would talk to them for the first time on my tenth time playing through.
  6. You asked for it. It seems for Geneforge 1 and 2 the loyalist Shaper endings are canonical. Sucia Island was invaded by the Shapers and they cleaned up the mess there. Unfortunatly, some of the mess made it to Drypeak where the Shapers invaded again and tried to end the problems there. Still more mess (Ghaldring) escaped to Ashen Islands, and Geneforge 3 seems to have gone with the Rebel ending, as the Rebellion owns the Ashen Islands in Geneforge 4 and Litalia and Akhari Blaze still live while Lord Rahul apparently got killed in battle. So the answer is: Obeyers for Geneforge 1, Loyalists for Geneforge 2, and Rebels for Geneforge 3. But really you should play all the games though as every faction at least once for the full experience.
  7. That happened to me too but I assumed it was because I killed Trint and thus the quest was being nice and giving me the benefit of the doubt. Did you kill Trint?
  8. Did you put the iPod on every single walking graphic or does it only show up when people stand still? Hmm, it could be funny to replace the weapons that people hold with various humorous objects.
  9. Quote: Originally written by Deprecaticon: shed this whole choose the Shapers / choose the Rebels thing that's been going on for four games. In the first two games you could choose far more than those two factions. And I think that the two faction limit in Geneforge 4 was well done. You had to choose one side or the other, otherwise, you were on your own. It gave the game a rather hopeless feeling that you have to admit is intriguing. I agree with Toast, though. I think I suggested once that there be a 'yourself' faction, in which you defeat other factions, gaining vital peices of research from each as you defeated them. Then, using parts gathered from around the game and said research, you construct your own personal geneforge. Then the ending is basically based on personal philosophical decisions you made in the game. I think that would be the ultimate ending for the series. In my humble, Imperial opinion.
  10. Quote: Originally written by Kyrek: Do you see something more modern with guns and armour In a perfect world, the powers that be would hire Jeff to make Fallout 3.
  11. What, is he a Jedi now? I hope Khyryk is dead in Geneforge 5. Then again, those damn Trakovites will probably just make him a martyr. Stupid extremists and their martyrs.
  12. I think Jeff's endgame involves peace, similar to the Avernum series when the Empire made peace with Avernum. Continuing with that theme, I think the Trakovite ending will happen, and the war will drag on. After even more brutal years of war, people will begin to consider peace on all sides, and the stage will be set for the inevitable lame peace ending. What I would like to see is a Rebel victory. While in real life I would want the Shapers to win so everything could go back to normal, for the game's sake, I want to Rebels to win so everyone can see how horrific a world under their rule would really be.
  13. I would like to join that club. Even though I don't think it made the game any less awesome than it was, it sort of ruined my whole obsession with it as a source of unlimited power. I used to say canisters were only bad because the geneforge made them obsolete, but now I have no reason to stop using them, ever.
  14. I think Jeff is far from the first person to use the concept of chitin armor. In fact, have the Geneforge games ever explained what creation chitin armor comes from? Probably clawbug but I don't think it ever really says.
  15. Legs of the Tyrant have a much better name. Plus, if you want the full experience, you want to make everything, no matter how pointless.
  16. Horse, the editor I made is for Geneforge 4, not Avernum 4. Neither are supported by Spiderweb, but at least Hawk King's is supported by this board.
  17. There is always Hawk King's editor. Something wrong with that?
  18. Jeff's the man like that. I wish he had a dollar for every time I've gotten new codes from him. I change computers a lot.
  19. For number 3, I've never had to go into fight mode to do this. The alphas walk fairly far away and they stay at that end of the bridge for a good amount of time. I have no problem just walking up, doing the deed, and walking away. Unless... does cheating and maxing your stats make you more stealthy?
  20. Back before I cared to figure it out, scripts were in a totally different language and I hated looking at them. It felt like I was taking off the programs clothes, and then raping it by editing. Now, I quite enjoy raping scripts. But I can definitely sympathize with people who would rather have something like this editor rather than do the messy deeds on their own.
  21. Comming June 2008: the iTimeMacine. Now you can play Avernum 5 first and enslave humanity. Edit: Damn you SoT! It was my idea!
  22. The white government enslaving me in the slave scenario might be the indigenous government, but it wouldn't be my indigenous government. I would be from Africa, right? The point is, the situation involves is more closely related to a foreign invasion than a civil war. I'll meet you half way on the point that different strata can be like foreigners to each other. This may be true, but when it comes to strategy used against them, I don't think you can be as harsh when trying to form a new government entirely (American Revolution, Shaper War) as you can when trying to restore the old one that has been brought down (Japanese Invasion, French Resistance). Can we agree on that? Quote: I was never looking at what 'common' people would do in this situation, but as to how those severely oppressed would respond. Oh, so now your no longer saying that humans are brutally repressed under Shaper rule? Fair enough. In that case, I'll meet you half way again. The humans are more likely to align with the Shapers (because conditions just aren't that bad), and the creations more likely to go rebel. Since American's are more likely to go American in your scenario and they represent the rebellion, I guess creations would therefore be the best group to look at, point taken. Quote: may I point out that the occupied Americans are equivalent to the slaves of Imperial Japan? This changed the scenario entirely again. As I said before, there is a huge difference between living as a slave and simply living under a repressive government. As a matter of fact, can you give me your definition of slave? Mine is 'a person who is the property of another.' I don't think we have the same definition, unless Japan went and set up auction blocks across the continent. Quote: You seem to forget that the Shapers are not fighting an external foe. Since your going to try and claim that the Shapers are directly responsible for the rebellion, I'll point out that there was, in fact, an external foe involved in the process... Trajkov. Remember him? Quote: Given that I didn't create this thread in the GF 4 forum, I'm assuming that it is reasonable that post GF 3 events should not be mentioned. On that note, I am afraid I may have to step out of this discussion. There is much evidence in Geneforge 4 that would easily refute the things you are saying. But if you prefer that I not bring any of that into account, I suppose that is your right. Just let me say that things are quite the opposite of what you assume. You underestimate the power of the Shapers, and you overestimate the sanity of rebellion.
  23. Black and White: Like I said, a whole new scenario entirely. This time it is not a matter of revolting against your own government, it's a matter of being a damn slave! There is a huge difference between being a slave in a racist society and living under an oppressive government. You keep making analogies that don't make any sense. 1984: I've read it, thanks. I don't understand the relevance. I can understand the analogy between the Shapers and the Party (good one), but I don't get how any of that relates the the oppressive Japanese regime in your example. The Party rules it's people by harping on nationalism, something the Japanese would not have in America. You still haven't expressed understanding of the vital difference between fighting an invading force and fighting an oppressive domestic regime. Do you get it yet? Control Group: "Unsupported assumtion." Are you kidding? "So wouldn't it make more sense to use Creations as a baseline?" How does making someone more prone to join a certain faction the control group make any sense at all? Sure they represent a stratum (which is the singular form of strata, by the way), and that is the stratum of the common people! Aren't we looking at what common people would do in these situation? Is there something I'm missing here? Quote: If it so suited the drayk-human-servile portions of the Rebellion, they could quite easily depose the Drakons. Uh, have you played the games? Please, humor me by explaining this statement. Quote: It's stated many times throughout the series that what magic non-Shaper humans can practice is tightly regulated by the Shaper regime. It fact, it's one of the reasons that non-Shaper mages are so bitter towards the Shaper regime. You can't keep saying I make unsupported claims when you keep saying things like this. You see freelance mages all the time in the games, where have you been? All kinds of people can teach you magic for a price, it's only when you bring up shaper training that things get complicated. Creations: I'm glad we agree on the creations to slaves analogy. That one actually makes sense. Since there are no slaves in your original scenario, any argument you make concerning creations is now irrelevant. Wasteland: You do realize that the rebellion did not always exist, yes? The Shapers kept the world safe from rogues and crap for years before this all started. Just because they are fighting to bring the world back to order once again doesn't mean that they are incapable of keeping the world from falling into chaos in the first place. You can't ignore all those years of peace just because there is war now. They may be indirectly responsible for the rebellion, but give them a break. Shaping is something so unpredictable that a single man can become a huge threat, the fact that the Shapers held off a rebellion of this scale for such a long time is a testimony to the strength of their order. Quote: From where I stand (having not played GF4) Whew, now some of the nonsense you've been saying can be excused. Hate to spoil it for you, but the rebels are losing as of Geneforge 4. Your character is in the situation where he can try to salvage it by meeting with the distant and racist drakons on the other side of the world (they are the only ones not getting their asses handed to them by the Shapers) or you can jump ship and join the oppressors. Don't worry, you find all that out in the first five minutes, I didn't really spoil anything. Quote: They weren't aware of what liberation would entail for France. I'll just ignore the obvious fact that this statement makes no sense and go back to my earlier argument. You are mixing up two different scenarios again. In the original scenario (as well as the France/Germany one) you are being invaded by a foriegn power! The "devil you know" saying only works when your talking about an indigenous regime.
  24. Security, most likley. I imagine most, if not all buildings in Avernum have roofs. Rats, chitrach, slimes, all these things are probably capable of crawling over a house wall, and having a roof would help you keep them out. Also, I'm no architect, but I think having a roof simply makes your house more stable.
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