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Emperor Tullegolar

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Everything posted by Emperor Tullegolar

  1. I was playing Geneforge 3 again and I remembered a question I meant to ask a while ago. What's the deal with Master Hodge's old battle alpha that he has in the begining of the game. It describes him as gnarled, highly modified, and scary to students. I imagine the first time I saw him I was probably looking forward to fighting him, but that doesn't happen in the game. What's the deal?
  2. This is the Geneforge forum, why are we talking about what spells we want to cast? I want to shape serviles and golems!
  3. I listen to music when playing games like World of Warcraft, but for some reason I don't like reading and playing music at the same time. That means no music for any of Jeff's games. At least his newer games have plenty of background sounds to fill the nothingness, and he's even thoughtful enough to have the noises stop when lots of text is on the screen. I don't think it would hurt for Jeff to add some kind of ambient music to the game, similar to Fallout. Judging from the opening themes, his taste is neutral enough for it to work.
  4. You should come over to the mac side. We have file recovery programs. Windows doesn't have those?
  5. I still think he is the PC from Geneforge 3. It could be that he tried to help the Shapers (Monarch wears old shaper robes) but after he used too many canisters (and went insane), they turned on him as well. This would explain why Greta hates him and why Alwan is embarassed about him. Sure he only makes lower level creations in the city, but people keep forgetting he is responsible for all the creations in the high level area as well, including the Titan.
  6. What, so you've only just figured out that the Awakened are hypocrites? They support creation rights, yet they have no problems with creating an army of drakons to die for them to defend their towns? At least the Trakovites are willing to die for their beliefs (and they shall), the Awakened would rather hide and murder anyone that defies them.
  7. Cirion, you need to change some things. The Takers are not against shaping, they were the first creations ever to be able to shape, even the original Sholai Takers were in favor of shaping themselves. Also, I'd say the Awakened would support creation rights more than the rebellion, since the Rebellion tends to treat lesser creations like crap, and the Awakened are all about equallity. The Trakovites are fine where they are, though. They must support creation rights a little, since they have creations as members, but not enough really to fight for them. Other than that, nice graph. Kind of generic-political-spectrumish and hard to read, but still nice.
  8. Quote: Originally written by DragonPaladin: Before the Unbound, the common people wouldn't have seen any purpose to the Awakened; they were arrogant enough to believe that the serviles would never rebel, or at the very least, wouldn't do it successfully. But now that they've been shown the horrors the Rebels have at stake, this is the perfect time for the Awakened to return - giving the people a moderate group with the good of the people in mind. People don't generally look to peaceful groups to end conflicts. They like to look to the more powerful ones to make their lives the way they used to be. Humans would not believe for a second that a group of serviles, however enlightened, could save them from the horrors of war. Maybe the rebel serviles would, but then again, the Awakened don't have a very good track record, being totally whiped out and all. Quote: As for the Bharzites, I would argue that the Drakons are becoming just that. At first I was thinking 'Barzites don't support creation rights, this is nonsense.' But then I remembered that book Animal Farm and how the pigs started wearing human cloths in the end. Quote: Originally by striker: i didnt finish geneforce 3 so i dont know what happend to the third shaper...what about a come-back? That third shaper was the player's character. You're not supposed to know what happened to him. Though one theory is he already made his comeback as Shaper Monarch.
  9. Quote: Originally written by Alorael: It's all a matter of degree. I think I illustrated this as well as I possibly could have. Notice the Shapers are closer to supporting self-shaping than they are to supporting creation rights (they will work with shaped people to bring down the Rebellion), and then there are the Obeyers, who are closer to supporting creation rights than they are to supporting self-shaping (they want you to destroy the geneforge but still have the audacity to charge you money for their things). The degrees are there. One thing I didn't know how to put on the graph was 'against all kinds of shaping' which I just threw in with 'opposes self-shaping.' This graph also shows the important difference between a Barzite and a Tullegolite. A Barzite would sooner allow creations to have rights before giving up their ability to shape themselves, but Tullegolites would sooner become conservative shapers than allow rogues to run amok.
  10. I disagree. The awakened were too weak, I think this sets the stage for the Barzites return. With the (either successful or attempted) creation of the Unbound, people will no longer trust the drakons, and there will be plenty of humans that will no longer trust any creations at all. On the flip side, there will be many that have lost faith in the Shaper laws, wishing that their power were less secretive so that common people could actually defend themselves from the constantly more powerful rogues. Hating creations + hating Shaper laws = Barzites.
  11. Probably the same reason the editor isn't: lazy admins.
  12. I always like to think of the 'second swing' as me hitting the enemy the once, and then, as I pull my sword back for the next round, I hit him again. But then, the animation doesn't have characters swing the swords at all. They stab.
  13. I believe ornk replaces fyora, try shaping one of those.
  14. This question has been asked before, which is strange. It is doesn't appear on the map, however, so you do have an excuse. Go to Dillame, the big Shaper city. Go to the North end of the city and you will find the entrance to Rivergate Keep. I never was a fan of zones that don't appear on the map, I hate having to walk to them manually. But I don't have problems finding them because I bought the cheat book, which labels them just fine.
  15. The only reason I made that editor was to tide others (and myself) over until someone that knew what they were doing made a better one. Feel free to improve on it or make a new one or whatever. It should be easy enought to find someone around here to host it, too.
  16. Quote: Originally written by Cryptozoology: Nethergate had mazes in which the automap was unavailable, and so did the Exile series. Most of the time they were a nuisance; the Hedge Prison was pretty much the worst part of Nethergate. How could I forget the hedge maze?!? I don't remember that happening in Exile, though. Maybe it's been too long. Either way, I'm suprised to see you calling such a thing a "nuisance." I'd expect that kind of talk from me, but your the sick freak that likes to challenge himself to playing Geneforge without magic or creations.
  17. Quote: Originally written by Kryten: The serviles have always reminded me of Habnabits . They remind me of Kubaz . But really, I would expect serviles to be ugly. Why would you want to create something prettier than yourself unless you planned on having sex with it? As far as I know, there has never been a documented human/servile relationship, thus we must assume they are hideous, as you would not pass up someone willing to obey your every command otherwise.
  18. Feel free to whipe out the camp, even if you are working with the Shapers. They won't mind.
  19. In Dynasty Warriors V, there were some levels in which the mini-map would not appear to make things more confusing for the player. It was most effective. That would be an interesting element that Jeff could add.
  20. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: Quote: Originally written by Me: Elevation: I'm pretty sure there isn't a single person out there who is thinking "Elevations are coming back? Damn it!" One proviso: elevation is a fine thing as long as the way things are displayed is tweaked so that being behind a hill doesn't mean you can't see a damn thing around you. I should have known Thuryl would find a way to complain.
  21. Quote: Slarty: And I agree with Alorael about the seamless world. If it's a new area, it wouldn't be so bad; the caves of Exile simply weren't designed for those kind of maps and don't lend themselves to them well. I totally said that before Alorael. Or are you just afraid to say you agreed with something Emperor Tullegolar said? Pylons: I'm glad there won't be an army of them anywhere. I probably wouldn't have minded one or two guarding some kind of mysterious vahnatai treasure, though. Elevation: I'm pretty sure there isn't a single person out there who is thinking "Elevations are coming back? Damn it!" Honeycomb: I think the Avernum 5 honeycomb was the most accurate representation of a cave in the whole series. In real life, caves aren't all on the same plane like Avernum is, they go up and down and all around and whatnot. Personal Note: Still no official word saying Rentar is dead. I am, of course, not saying she should be a major character, but I still want her to be alive and with a cameo! I still love you, Rentar!
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