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Posts posted by Zummi


    Pacification Fields

    Q: Escape the Fields, default

    Q: Enter Minallah, default



    Q: Bounty: Shrouded Rogues, sign post near the barracks - 250 coins

    Q: Mad, Flaming Fyora, Captain Valentin - 200 coins

    Q: Find Kahl (after Mad, Flaming Fyora), Captain Valentin - Shielding Band, Essence and Healing Pods

    Q: The Testing Halls (after killing the Presence), Mind Shimp - Polar Fur Cloak, Healing Pod, Curing Pod, and Speed Pod

    Q: Malfunctioning Mines, Lazzaria - Bronze Shortsword and Chitin Shield

    Q: Twixx, Keeper Cooper - XP (plus some Shaper reputation if you decided to kill the servile)

    Q: Thahds in the Workshop, Barcott - Wand of Weakness and access to more stock


    Isenwood's Spire

    Q: The Presence, Shaper Rawal - Create Roamer, Essence Shield, and Searer

    Q: The Shadow Road, Shaper Rawal - 800 coins, Terror, and Create Battle Alpha

    Q: Canister Tome, Shaper Rawal - 1000 coins, Major Heal, and Create Wingbolt

    Q: Kill Platano, Shaper Rawal - Essence Charm, +1 Strength, and +1 Endurance

    Q: Agent Micheline, Agent Alurha - Agent Micheline questline

    Q: Storeroom Rogues, Shaper Bruel - Access to the storeroom

    Q: Crystal for the Forge, Sage Fefer - Runed Ruby


    Foundry Promenade

    Q: Three Pylons, Private Savage - Living Tool, and Speed Spores


    Testing Halls

    Q: Herbs for Phipps, Master Phipps - Recipe for Purifying Elixir and perfeced equipment


    Whitespires Pass

    Q: Jelinik's Inn, Jelinik - 250 coins


    North Mera Road

    Q: Koski: the Brigand, Modell - Access to treasure



    Q: See Astoria, Sergeant Shick

    Q: Bounty: Roamers, sign post near the barracks - 300 coins

    Q: Papers for Rawal, Juergen - Shaped Fiber Cloak

    Q: Noxious Powders, Denna

    Q: Info for Micheline, Agent Micheline - 400 coins, Terror Wand, and +3 Shaper reputation if conveyed (-2 towards the Rebel


    reputation if lied)

    Q: The Trakovite Lair, Agent Micheline - +3 to Shaper reputation if conveyed (-2 towards Rebel reputation if lied)

    Q: The Lost Anvil, Dorgum - Access to Shaped stock



    Q: Hunting Bennhold, Captain Herszen - Samaritan Sandals

    Q: Find Gorash-Kel, Sage Quothe - Lowers prices from "Exorbitant" to "Slightly Expensive", and 2 Resistance Spores

    Q: Kill an Unbound, Sage Quothe - Wand of the Inferno, and 2 Restoration Spores

    Q: Free the Fen, Sage Quothe - Grounding Plate

    Q: Baston's Room, Agent Astoria - Access to training

    Q: Murkwood Assassin, Agent Astoria - 300 coins

    Q: Kratoa-Kel, Agent Astoria - Ethereal Seal

    Q: Aid Dominic, Agent Astoria - 400 coins, Terror Wand (to Astoria's faction)

    Q: Contact Tholoss, Agent Astoria - 500 coins, Etheareal Bindings, and a Steel Spine (to Astoria's faction)

    Q: Astoria's Letters, Agent Astoria - 500 coins, Agent Cloak, and a Runed Onyx (factional)

    Q: Break the Line, Agent Astoria - 700 coins, Impervious Band, and a Tiny Orb of Mist (factional)

    Q: The Purity Agent, Agent Astoria - 1000 coins, Demon Fang Talisman, and a Golden Crystal (factional)

    Q: Go to the Council, Agent Astoria - Endgame

    Q: The Lost Ornk, Sergeant Flesch - Shaped Shield (+3 to Shaper reputation if killed, -3 towards Rebel reputation if set free)



    Q: Shaper Papers, Arongo - (-2 towards Rebel reputation)

    Q: Nodye Pass Tunnel, Learned Dominic - Access to storeroom (depends on what you did first)

    Q: The Fen Bandits, Learned Dominic - More access to storeroom (depends on what you did first)



    Q: Papers for Kaz, Labaton - 200 coins, and a pair of Fine Silk Pantaloons (-3 towards Rebel reputation)

    Q: Rebels in the Swamp, Celaa


    Below Nodye Pass

    Q: Aranov's Herbs, Aranov - 50 coins per bundle


    Trakovite Haven

    Q: Reinhart the Trakovite, Caretaker Eloise - 200 coins and a Singing Rapier

    Q: Stubborn Lum, Caretaker Eloise (if Trakovite)

    Q: The Trakovite Hunter, ex-Shaper Litalia - (-2 towards Rebel reputation, towards Trakovite faction)

    Q: The Canister Cache, ex-Shaper Litalia - (towards Trakovite faction)

    Q: Free the Shredbugs in the Secret Laboratory, Litalia (factional)

    Q: Control Core B, ex-Shaper Litalia (factional)

    Q:The Purity Agent - Destroy Taygen's Work, ex-Shaper Litalia (factional)

    Q: Go to the Council, ex-Shaper Litalia

    Q: The Traitor Toroth, Jesstres



    Q: Creations Ledger, Glenny - 1000 coins



    Q: Rawal's Lost Sheep, Trahan - Flamecaster's Shawl and 5 gemstones

    Q: The River Bandits, Commander Illyara - 300 coins, Corrupting Baton, and a Runed Ruby

    Q: East Field Bugs, Commander Illyara (if leaning towards Shapers) - 300 coins, and a Fyora-Scale Shield

    Q: Bounty: Khysakks, signpost near barracks - 300 coins and the Lucky Charm

    Q: The Haunted Mine, Dinora - Radiant Crystal, Beautiful Crystals, and access to her private stock

    Q: Help For Serviles, Preva - (-3 towards Rebel reputation)

    Q: Lost Caravan, Bellock - Dhonal's Band and direction to Sage Taygen

    Q: Alpha Paperwork, Warzana - According to Leadership (with 11, you get 475 coins; if asked Alpha 17 to return, which it wont, 100





    Q: Journey to the Drakons, General Alwan - 750 coins and a Projecting Belt (+3 to Shaper reputation if conveyed. -3 towards Rebel reputation if lied)

    Q: Control Core B, General Alwan - 500 coins, and a Rod of Alacrity (+3 to Shaper Reputation; admission to Alwan's faction)

    Q: Unbound Sample, General Alwan - 500 coins, Runed Onyx, and a Guardian Cloak (factional)

    Q: Shadow Road Rogues, General Alwan - 750 coins, Runed Onyx, and an Impervious Band (factional)

    Q: The Purity Agent, General Alwan - 1000 coins, Gloves of the Hammer, and a Golden Crystal

    Q: Go to the Council, General Alwan - Endgame

    Q: Servile Spy, Pepoy - (-3 towards Rebel reputation)

    Q: Saving Vener, Vener

    Q: Fort Vengeance Message, Sage Pavyl - Speed Spores, Resistance Spores, Ensnaring Fibres, and a Radiant Crystal


    Fort Defiance

    Q: Return Shaper Papers, Shaper Alexie - 1000 coins, and the Skein of Wisdom (+3 to Shaper reputation; +3 more if given Research


    Notes, teaches a point of create Drayk if given 8)


    Fort Vengeance

    Q: Hatra Glaahks, Guardian Genzlen - 250 coins, a Shapemaster Belt


    Fort Rockwell

    Q: Amulet Recovery, Commander Rossi - access to Blessed Anvil (+3 to Shaper reputation if conveyed)



    Q: Phyllida's Amulet, Phyllida (Rebels only) - (-3 towards Rebel reputation)

    Q: Lethia Pass, Mehken

    Q: Find Trakovite Lair, Sakkash

    Q: Kill Litalia, Sakkash

    Q: Break the Line, Ghaldring

    Q: Find Tholoss, Ghaldring

    Q: Kill The 4 Council Members, Ghaldring


    Perikalia Orchards

    Q: Quirce's Stable, Quirce - Unlocks a SE-tern building that conatains a Runed Onyx and a canister of Essence Lances


    Zephyr Oasis

    Q: Reclaim Camp Dranir, Sage Taygen - 250 coins, and a Rod of Battle (+3 Shaper reputation)

    Q: Aid Platano, Sage Taygen - 500 coins, and a Wand of the Inferno (+3 Shaper reputation and admission to Taygen's loony faction)

    Q: The Proto-Fyora, Sage Taygen (factional)

    Q: Get Orb in Secret Lab, Sage Taygen (factional)

    Q: Get Ingredient in Dera Vault, Sage Taygen (factional)

    Q: Complete the Purity Agent, Sage Taygen (factional)

    Q: Go to the Council, Sage Taygen (factional)

    Q: Bounty: Wingbolts, signpost near the commander's office - 400 coins and Sapphire Legplates

    Q: Delivery: Platano, Commander Pritz - Radiant Crystal, Lighting Crystal, Major Healing Pod, and a Berserker Pod

    Q: Hunting Bennhold, Commander Pritz - 700 coins and a Fibrous Breastplate

    Q: Drakon Sighting, Commander Pritz - 300 coins(+2 Shaper reputation and another 250 coins and +2 Shaper reputation if killed;


    250 coins and -2 towards Rebel reputation if lied)

    Q: Camp East Alpha, Federa - Access to a chest in Camp East Alpha (+3 Shaper reputation; -2 towards Rebel reputation if lied)

    Q: Free Camp Dranir, Denna - Tek's Spectral Dirk


    Dera South Shore

    Q: Dera Drakons, Fitz - Unlocks a door to the Blessed Anvil



    For reference mostly. I might add all the reputation encounter available in the game.


    Format mostly is *quest name*, *quest giver* - *possible reward*

  2. So, I blew off the dust on my BoA copy and started a slith singleton, nothing fancy or different, just for the heck of it. VoDT was the only low-level scenario I got and I'm too lazy to DL another, so I commenced.


    After a few goblin, brigand, hydra killing, I found myself near a rock with a skull on it. I decided to not get it. And now I'm teased. Curious, but teased.


    What does the skull do?

  3. It IS intended to clear later in the game.


    I was just curious if how others did clear it pre-Astoria's questline(of course, if possible almost pre-Mera, to which I did, only clearing a few area for easier travel time[and some of the areas only needed to be passed through to be cleared]).



    The screenie shows that I both have the keys acquirable in the pass. Note how there are few special items and note what spells I have on my quick bar(namely Firebolt, Minor Heal, War Blessing, and Daze, respectively). I just reached 25th level when I entered the pass(I was 20 when I left the Whitespires) and left at 26.

  4. It's becoming quite an obsession for me. Of course, some of you have passed through it pre-Kratoa or even the whole Mera itself but my question is: How?


    I did it using 2 Alphas, 2 Glaahks, a Plated Artila, and a Vlish for the first gauntlets then changed them to corrupted thahds for Talis-Eye(6 corrupted thahds, 4 with maxed strength points and 2 with four points in it, all controllable). I was lucky to have three of them have Essence Blade. It took a few reloads but I managed to take down the eye, running out to escape the worms because the remaining thahds were either dying or terrified. So yeah, that's how I did it.


    I'm interested if it's possible doing this solo, with a Warrior, with no creations.

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