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Everything posted by Randomizer

  1. Actually both types require heavy mental magic, but you can use either battle magic, melee fighting, or missle weapons for your primary attack type. I suppose it's even possible to substitute creations for your attack type, but that is probably a expert challenge type to use the worst attack type for the class.
  2. There is some interesting loot in chapter 1, Mechanics 8 gives you the spidersilk robe, which is the best armor for low strength characters unless you get a thahdskin tunic to drop. Mechanics 12 gives the earliest girdle of genius (intelligence +2) but it's better to wait until chapter 2 and come back for it at the same time as the infiltrator's tunic in Dillame after getting tinker's gloves in Purity Workshop B. Remember to save at least 2 creation slots for servile techs in chapter 3. Since you seem to be running low mechanics you might even want to have 3 for the traps in Northern Fens, Northern Grosch and Monarch's Realm where you can pick up an easy 700 experience disarming mines.
  3. I tried to kill Moseh after repairing him with no success (I got all his summoned creations attacking him in blessed and hasted mode). There is a message that there is no point in trying to sabotage his machinery the second time and you have to do it the first time usually to get through the area. Turabi gate has the first location of essence infused skin in the gatehouse for making artifacts. It's a tough fight until chapter 4 where you get better spells to affect the tier 4 creations that guard it. Have fun slaughtering the arrogant guards. Even after you kill them all, if you later return there will be at least one new patrol guard to ask you about what you are doing there.
  4. The blue dot exit is the return trip from Nodicaus' little kingdom of the undead, The secret tunnel north of Bargha should be usable, but the doors tend to close themselves and sometimes there are new monsters in it. The only other way out of the Giant Lands is using the tunnel to the north of the pink mark going across the northern river and through lots of monster encounters going west and then south before reaching a pylon.
  5. The only time I got to avoid the fight with Lethos at Cairn Gates was sending the caravan into a fight with him and then running for the signal fire to betray the caravan. At leadership 6 he will then stand down since you helped the Shapers. You still have fights with everything else in the zone. I always have mechanics at 8 (maybe 6) since this allows doing the mines in the Boiling Mudpits as soon as you cross Citadel Gates. It's easier with a servile or infiltrator since you have higher mechanics and leadership to start than a lifecrafter. If you don't mind losing 2-3 levels on your cryoa you can always use Greenfang the Artila for a few zones to do the fighting.
  6. Thanks for the research. I wish some of it had come earlier to spare me hours of replaying areas to see what happens when you change sides for certain quests. Cryoa should be better than anything you get until chapter 3. If you get enough charms with mind effects resistance for creations you may block the terror and charm problems in the later chapters. It means you don't waste time using spells to remove effects.
  7. There are two main texts depending upon whether you are Rebel or Shaper side in the last battle. Then there are splits into whether you pick Rebel, Shaper, or Trakovite for the control panel. There is a different paragraph for canister usage and there are some variations depending upon who survives the last few battles. Either way your life pretty much sucks except for a very few cases. It's even worse for the rest of the people who aren't leaders.
  8. I burned through almost all my icy crystals taking out wingbolts since this actually will hurt them. To do the Western Morass, I used 2 torrent gems just to clear out the entrance area before going inside the buildings. I found it was easier to terrorize the guards and run past rather than waste time fighting them all and then facing an endless sea of vlish. Battle magic allows for a different approach to mass battles. Strong daze doesn't work that well by the time you face tier 4 and 5 creations. Charm works better now so you can turn them on it other. I used up madness gems until I could get mass madness in chapter 5. There are several specials in the last 2 chapters where melee attacks are the worst choice. Even Monarch in chapter 3 is better dealt with with missle attacks. Maybe specializing in mental magic and missle weapons will work, but they take time.
  9. Jeff must of changed the Agent Miranda leadership from the betas since I tested it once to see about saving skill points. I checked and you are right. I don't know why I needed more in that game. I always do Chickweed Bridge first so I can get augmentation especially for frail lifecrafters and infiltrators.
  10. See the end of Canisters for the complete list of training for creations and canisters to buy. I didn't include the prices for Shaper Grim since they range from pretty average to exorbitant depending upon your reputation. You should have enough shaping skill at each point as long as you save a few skill points for shaping classes that you don't already have. Shaping items include - Shaper's robe (+1 in all classes) dropped by Monarch, Shapermaster boots (+2 in all classes) can be made after Quessa-uss, volcanic fetish (+1 in fire shaping), and flamewearer greaves (+2 in fire shaping) can be made after Matala's Workshop without fighting the golem.
  11. I've got a melee fighting servile at level 38 in Burwood. He can deal out decent damage but he's running up against the limit experience limit where he gets nothing for most monsters. Because of the choices I made for reputation he's being forced down the Shaper path to get quests. I wanted to see if Delicious Vlish's idea for a servile with battle magic works out as well as the numbers show. It seems like this is the equivalent of the GF3 agent can be almost as good fighting as a guardian and still use spells. It doesn't take much in skill points and equipment to get decent fighting ability and you get to use all those damaging spells. The best part is that the health is always high enough that you can get into fights that an infiltrator wouldn't be able to survive.
  12. It took me a while to find that lever. *grumble* I hate all the hidden levers in this game. At least the treasure is nice.
  13. If you use a baton or spell then you usually can not move again in hasted mode. The exceptions are if you do a melee attack or click on an item to search it. The order of your actions is important. You could always use attack spells upon yourself or an ally. The game usually only checks for melee and missle attacks where you get the can not talk during combat message. Crystal attacks can be done without causing a fight.
  14. There are a few corrections. It's Infiltrator's cloak not shield in Thorton. The infiltrator's shelter is in chapter 4. Leadership 5 in Southforge Citadel when questioning Agent Miranda nets an experience bonus. Leadership 6 in Chickweed Bridge for training and trading with Burkes for experience bonus. You get the Tinker's bauble eventually as a reward for enough melted sand (I think about 10). Great job since I wasn't planning to raise my leadership up so much in chapter 2.
  15. Quote: Cake — Turabi Gate-SW — +7% Armor / +2 Blessing Magic Is this for real? I saw the cake but never took the time to click on it. I just checked and I don't get anything other than the effect 7 message.
  16. I'm running several hours behind you since I just finished the Cairn Gates. Level 14, health 127, essence 66, spell energy 128, strength 4, dexterity 3, intelligence 4 (+1 from girdle of intelligece), endurance 4, melee wpns. 3, missle wpns. 2, quick action 3, parry 4, battle magic 8 (+1 from carnelian gloves), mental magic 4, blessing magic 5, spellcraft 3 (I trained for 2), starting shaping, leadership 6, mechanics 10, luck 2 (+1 from lucky charm). In Shardfield I tried 7 times with luck3 and no thahdskin tunic or fyoraskin cloak. I got the 2 cloaks later. I still mostly using my stunning blade for the stun effect. Spell damage is moving up there. I prefer daze and burning spray since they usually don't get to fight back. The main advantage over an infiltrator is the higher health allowed me to go and kill the drayk in Chickweed Bridge by forcing melee so I could kill it in the second round. I can survive undazed opponents that would kill an infiltrator. I'm taking the Shaper path until I can get the rewards. The ring will give me +3 to battle magic and the thirsting knife seems to work with spell damage even with nondamaging ones.
  17. I haven't seen the final version, but the first draft had more information than in previous games. The list of useful items in each zone really helps. Jeff only had a partial list of canisters for the more powerful spells but even that is useful until the walkthroughs come out.
  18. I loved that quote about the battle alphas. Too bad that goes by so quickly, but you get lots of chances to read all of them.
  19. Upper Southforge Citadel - Jared Fyora 280 Thahd 210 Artila 210 Chickweed Bridge - Burkes Artila 210 Rivergate Keep - Shaper Duncan (depends upon current status) Fyora 440 (280) Roamer 880 (560) Thahd 330 (210) Clawbug 990 (630) Artila 330 (210) Vlish 1100 (700) Illya Safehouse - Gibbons (only pro-Rebels) canisters at 750 Roamer Clawbug Vlish is 1st Puresteel quest reward Rebel Camp Aziraph - Jared sells canisters at 500 Drayk Battle Alpha Glaahk Shaper Camp Gamma - Shaper Danell Roamer 480 Kyshakk 2400 Clawbug 540 Battle Alpha 960 Glaahk 960 Wingbolt 1920 Derenton Freehold - Orios Blaze sells canisters at 3000 Kyshakk Rotgroth Wingbolt Poryphra Ruins - Shaper Grim (depends upon reputation) Kyshakk Battle Alpha Rothgroth Glaahk Wingbolt Khima-Uss -Gasspahr - sells canisters at 1500 Drakon War Trall Gazer Northforge Citadel - Jared sell canisters at 1000 War Trall Gazer
  20. Man was always there. In Genefprge 1 you learn that some men learned how to use magic to change (shape) existing creatures and to create new ones using essence. Some of the creations were able to reproduce to simplfy the process. Serviles are one such creation that can be created by using essence or self reproduce. There is no mention about the base stock for serviles.
  21. From what I have seen in talking to Alwan and Greta plus Alwan's journal, this game is based upon the GF3 character joining the Rebels. This gave them the victory that resulted in Lord Rahul's death. Alwan is in some trouble because he accompanied that Shaper student who turned on the Shapers. Greta claims that the actions gave them victory but he died. Whatever else happened is not mentioned.
  22. I just checked and I couldn't find a lever to open that door. There are a few parts connecting the meeting hall that you can't access.
  23. Canisters I think I'm missing a few, but this will help: Fire shaping Create Fyora - Boiling Caverns, Dillame Fields Create Roamer - Cairn Gates, Illya Safehouse (buy) Create Drayk - Rebel Camp Aziraph (buy), Wrecked Lab, Monarch’s Realm Create Kyshakk - Derenton Freehold (buy), Valeya Road Create Drakon - Khima-Uss (buy), Gesselin Freehold, Northforge Warrens Battle shaping Create Thahd - Upper Southforge Citadel, Eastern Rise Create Clawbug - Dillame, Illya Safehouse (buy) Create Battle Alpha - Thornton, Rebel Camp Aziraph (buy) Create Rotgroth - Western Burwood, Derenton Freehold (buy), Breeding Pit Create War Trall - Khima-Uss (buy), Windswept Farms, Northforge Citadel (buy) Magic shaping Create Artila - Electrified Fields, Northern Grosch Create Vlish - Illya Safehouse (reward 1), Circle of the Drayk Create Glaahk - Rebel Camp Aziraph, Eastern Rise Create Wingbolt - Derenton Freehold (buy), Poryphra South Road Create Gazer - Quessa-Uss, Khima-Uss(buy), Northforge Citadel (buy) Battle magic Firebolt - Rivergate Keep Burning Spray - Crenshaw’s Dell Searer - Cairn Gates Ice Spray - Western Rise Lightning Aura - Western Burwood Essence Orbs - Illya Safehouse (reward 2), Khima-Uss Acid Shower - Grosch Pits Kill - The Eye’s Road (only if helped refugees) Essence Lances - Derenton Freehold (reward 2), Northforge Warrens Aura of Flames - Northforge Citadel Mental magic Daze - Upper Southforge Citadel Mental Barrier - Chickweed Bridge Wrack - Eastern Checkpoint Unlock - Dillame Fields Terror - Circle of the Drayk Dominate - Grosch Pits Essence Shackles - The Golem’s Fens Strong Daze - Poryphra Ruins Charm - Derenton Freehold (reward 1) Mass Madness - Cultist Safehouse, Frostwood Blessing magic War Blessing - Therile Colony Protection - Chickweed Bridge Essence Shield - Dumping Pit Speed - Thornton Spine Shield - Swamp Crossroad, Quessa-Uss Mass Energize - Wrecked Lab Steel Skin - Essence Armor - Grayghost Gate Elemental Cloak - Cultist Safehouse Battle Roar - Healing magic Minor Heal - Boiling Mudpits Cure Affliction - Shardfield Augmentation - Heal - North Illya Road Regeneration - Monarch’s Realm Group Heal - Illya Safehouse (reward 3) Banish Affliction - Burwood South Road Major Heal - Valeya Ruins Aura of Cleansing - Matala's Workshop Mass Restoration - Windswept Farms Spellcraft - Dillame Fields(31st area) Mechanics - Western Burwood Strength - Breeding Pit (SE room),Sealed Catacombs Dexterity - Sealed Catacombs Intelligence - Titan’s Hall Endurance - Titan’s Hall zone 2 - Upper Southforge Citadel - Daze, Create thahd zone 4 - Crenshaw’s Dell - Burning spray zone 6 - Shardfield - Cure affliction zone 7 - Chickweed Bridge -Protection, Mental Barrier zone 9 - Boiling Mudpits -Minor Heal zone 10 - Boiling Caverns -Create fyora zone 12 - Therile Colony - War blessing zone 14 - Cairn Gates -Create roamer, Searer zone 15 - Dumping Pits -Essence shield zone 16 - Eastern Checkpoint -Wrack zone 20 - Circle of the Drayk -Create vlish, Terror zone 21 - Dillame -Create Clawbug zone 22 - Rivergate Keep - Firebolt zone 25 - Illya Safehouse - Create clawbug (buy1) ,Create roamer (buy 2), Create vlish (reward 1), Essence orbs (reward 2), Group Heal (reward 3) zone 27 - Swamped Crossroad - Spine shield zone 28 - Dillame Fields -Create fyora, Unlock, Spellcraft (31st area) zone 29 - Electrified Fields - Create artila zone 31 - North Illya Woods - Heal zone 33 - Thornton - Create battle alpha, Speed zone 40 - Western Rise - Ice spray zone 41 - Eastern Rise -Create thahd, Create glaahk zone 43 - The Golem’s Fen -Essence shackles zone 44 - Rebel Camp Aziraph -Create drayk (buy), Create battle alpha (buy) ,Create glaahk (buy) zone 48 - Wrecked Labs - Create drayk, Mass energize zone 50 - Grosch Pits - Dominate, Acid shower zone 51 - Northern Grosch -Create artila zone 52 - Monarch’s Realm - Create drayk, Regenration zone 53 - Burwood South Road -Banish affliction zone 55 - Valeya Road - Create kyshaak (cultists) zone 56 - Western Burwood -Mechanic, Create rotgroth , Lighning aura zone 57 - The Eye’s Road - Kill zone 58 - Derenton Freehold - Create kyshakk (buy), Create rothgroth (buy), Create wingbolt (buy) zone 63 - Poryphra Ruins - Strong daze zone 64 - Valeya Ruins - Major heal zone 66 - Poryphra South Road -Create wingbolt zone 68 - Cultist Safehouse - Elemental cloak ,Mass madness zone 69 - Quessa-Uss - Create gazer, Spine shield zone 70 - Grayghost Gate - Essence armor zone 71 - Windswept Farms - Create war trall, Mass restoration zone 72 - Khima-Uss -Create drakon (buy), Create war trall (buy), Create gazer (buy) zone 73 - Frostwood - Mass madness zone 74 - Gesselin Freehold - Create drakon zone 75 - Northforge Citadel - Create war trall (buy), Create gazer (buy), Aura of flames zone 76 - Nortforge Warrens - Create drakon, Essence lances zone 77 - Breeding Pits, Create rotgroth, Strength (SE room) zone 79 - Sealed Catacombs- Dexterity, Strength zone 80 - Titan’s Hall - Intelligence, Endurance
  24. Ur-drakons are the last creation made because the third canister is located in Northforge Warrens behind a special door that requires fulfilling the Testing quest in Northforge Citadel. If you rush to get there than you can do more areas. On the other hand kyshakks can be bought for 2 levels at 2400 each in Shaper Camp Gamma and the canister for 500 from Rebel Camp Aziraph at the start of chapter 3. Wingbolts can be bought at Shaper Camp Gamma and the canister is in Derenton Freehold in chapter 4. Drayks canisters are in chapter 3. Spoiler Drakon canisters are in Khima-Uss (buy), Gesselin Freehold, and Northforge Warrens.
  25. Thanks, I couldn't find it without the cursor and your help. I tried the pillars and didn't think of that spot.
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