Originally written by Dikiyoba: I've never done it in G4 before, but I think I can do it. You'll have to test it, though, and be warned it could mess up your game somehow. First, find the file gf4itemschars. It's in the Scripts folder. Make a back-up copy somewhere safe. Then search for shock trooper to bring up this bit of text:
begindefinecreature 49; cr_name = "Shock Trooper"; cr_graphic_template = 150; cr_max_health = 28; cr_max_energy = 20; cr_sound_when_slain = 106;
Change cr_graphic_template = 150; to cr_graphic_template = 140; and cr_sound_when_slain = 106; to cr_sound_when_slain = 127;. This will change your shock trooper into a lifecrafter on the main playing screen. Next, save a back-up copy of the file G209 and save G208 as G209. This will change the shock trooper inventory picture into the lifecrafter inventory picture. And that should be it. You'll still see the shock trooper graphic when you go to choose your character, but in-game it'll be the lifecrafter graphic. Let Dikiyoba know if it works or not.
Thank you! It worked like a charm! As to why I don't like to look like a woman. I play the main character as myself. I give him my own name. And I am not perceiving myself as a woman. It's just a habit I suppose