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Posts posted by Jaid

  1. activating AI makes fights go a lot faster. it also avoids problems with accidentally telling your creation to move instead of kill the thing next to it, or (even worse) telling it to skip it's turn by clicking on it.


    personally, i have found use for it in the form of large groups of thahds in early game. all i really wanted them to do was run up next to stuff and beat it to death, and then take a beating in return... why not just let the computer handle that? =D

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by The Ripper:
    Along the lines of stealth...

    You know those unstable reptiles that follow you and bite you until they explode usually causing a deadly chain reaction?

    What if you could create an "Unstable Assasin"? you would tell it to target a servile/shper/whatever, and it would walk up to him/her and blow up... silently so no one around would notice. hopefully the damage is enough to kill them, otehrwise you'll have to send more than one. And if you fail to kill them in one shot of course, everyone becomes aware of your actions.

    I apologize if this was already posted in one of the above TLDR's
    you can already make pyroroamers. it is my understanding that if they are absorbed, they explode as if they had died normally. apparently, the explosion does not activate combat in any way either.
  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Dikiyoba:
    The madness power of the canisters seem to be growing with each game. Soon they will be so powerful that just one canister will send the user into a homicidal rage.

    Innocent bystander: Hi!
    Mad Shaper: Fool! I'll smite you!
    Innocent bystander: Ahh!
    Mad Shaper: That was easy. Hey you! Quit looking at me!

    it isn't all that far off now:

    civilian:hi. i think sentient beings should be allowed to think for themselves.
    non-canister using shaper: SMITE!
  4. actually, the three types of damage would be:


    1) magic/energy damage (ranged attack)

    2) physical damage (melee attack)

    3) poison damage (secondary effect, melee attack).


    so actually, yes, vlish do 3 types of damage. the fact they have a ranged attack doesn't somehow make them unable to make melee attacks you know, and their melee attack may not be amazing, but it certainly is decent. at the end of the game, having started off with several vlish, my vlish were doing over 50 damage each, which may not be much, but keep in mind i had only put the base amount essence +2 intelligence into them. if you keep them around, they level up reasonably well and can get pretty good.


    of course, since i had 7 vlish, and was a shaper, i admit i used items that boosted my creations, but the resistances are still dang nice.


    as far as drayks, i never said drayks were not better. i merely pointed out that vlish are quite good, and suggested he aim for gazer (since if he already has vlish, magic shaping is likely his focus).


    anyways, the slow effect is also nice, but as i said, seldom comes into play for me.

  5. 1) vlish are quite good, actually, for their cost.

    2) a gazer is still better, if you can.


    IMO, vlish are probably the best creation for their level... potentially 3 kinds of damage (although one rarely kicks in for me, since 7 vlish hitting the target seldom leave it alive long enough for poison to do anything noteworthy), and even their melee attack is ok, if not great. and the resistances... man, those are sweet. i have cleared many a minefield by sending a vlish through it and laughing as it takes 4 damage per mine.


    but i can certainly see how you might eventually want something better than a vlish... just, IMO, it's better to stick with one type of creation and max that out.

  6. we haven't seen much of the GF world. how do we know how big it is? really, you've seen a single island (GF1) a small area way out in the middle of nowhere (GF2), and a small chain of islands off the mainland (GF3). consider how big the mainland might be, not to mention any further islands, and also consider that there's a whole continent out there that we haven't seen (where the sholai come from).


    i think the GF world is big enough, if they chose to put it all in there.

  7. mind you, in GF3 i don't recall any trainers that train strength. it can pretty much only be increased by canisters or shaping iirc (and shaping is more or less the same as canisters).


    so, i would say don't hold off on buying strength if that's what you're aiming for. pretty much you can train in the combat skills, the spell skills, spells, and creations, and i don't think there's anything else that i can remember...

  8. frankly, i wouldn't want him to do it. or at least, not GF as it currently is.


    possibly if they were to make a GF based strategy based game or something i could see it, but otherwise i still say no.


    of course, even that isn't likely to happen as an online game, since if it's too much work and resources involved to modify GF to be online, then i doubt it's any easier to make an entirely new game engine, and then to make that online wink


    mind you, i dunno how much effort it would be to make it LAN playable... that might be interesting...

  9. hmmm... that seems odd... i had presumed that the one specific rotghroth was supposed to always drop one (since i ended up getting exactly one each of gazer eye, drakon scale, and rotghroth fang i think)...


    i always just assumed it wasn't random :p


    anyways, you pretty much have to try it over and over and over and over and... uhhh... well, you get the idea. the chance of an enemy randomly dropping an item is really not very high.


    [edit] there are item trainers on these boards, shouldn't be too hard to find one... [/edit]

  10. ermmm... well... they're bluish... and uhh... they look... well... sorta like a stick... with little things sticking off the end.


    come to think of it, you can find one within the first couple of rooms in the first area of the game, iirc, and it explains it all to you as i recall... it's on a table in a room to your east, i believe...

  11. well, zooming in on the picture, it looks to me like his character (or possibly greta, but i think it's his character) is basically a white outline.


    of course, i suppose that could just be a weird flaw in the zoom in option on the viewer i'm using, but that's what it looks like to me.


    in fact, i'm kinda suspicious that the only reason the white outline is there is because the character is selected. i also kinda suspect that greta is also invisible, although it is also possible that she is just not on the screen at the time the shot was taken.


    as far as what might make that happen, i haven't a clue, though =\

  12. i would guess the image tag found in the "instant UBB code" heading below the area where you write what you want to post may do something like that.


    you would have to get it online somehow or another though, if i'm not mistaken.

  13. Quote:
    Originally written by Delicious Vlish:
    I could see a tinker class of Shaper.

    No idea of what it might be called, but they would specialise in mines, turrets, planting thorn bushes that you would have to be able to come back later and harvest, etc.

    I think gameplay wise, they would play like a Bounty Hunter in Baldur's Gate SoA. Lay down a whole line of mines, traps, and maybe a turret or two, and then lure enemies through your deadly minefield when the situation allows. This would not always be the case.

    Then again, I don't see this happening in Geneforge. Nevermind.
    the word "sapper" comes to mind to describe this kind of person. alternatively, "engineer" might also work, or something to that effect.

    sounds like an interesting type to me laugh

    of course, the AI might need a bit of an upgrade in this case (for example, at least the higher intelligence creations would probably somewhat try to avoid mines) and possibly some other limitations (the implications of many reaper turrets attacking en masse is just way to scary to even consider, IMO), but i think it would certainly be interesting laugh
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