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Everything posted by Zenggah

  1. Ah, so there are multiple ways to build up APs. Fast on Feet makes a little more sense now, but I have to agree with you, it doesn't seem to be worth the effort to dedicate so much to it. Thanks for the explanation.
  2. I believe the original question was not about where Hosharr was in the Honeycomb, but rather where the Honeycomb was. Wyndynights, The Honeycomb is the mazelike tunnels west of Mertis.
  3. First, where is the third test. The shade/ghost/undeadthingy at the second test said NW of Cotra. I've looked NW of Cotra and found nothing. Then I looked N, E, W, S (had to swim for that one), SE, SSW, NE, and in all the caverns and caves underneath the previous mentioned directions. I have still yet to find this third test. Second, does Fast on Feet impart any benefit other then a single additional move point from time to time? In Avenum 1,2,3,and blades, that additional move point was very useful, since it gave you a 25% speed bonus and an additional attack (when not moving). In Avernum 4 however, since you already move 8 and you can't attack twice unless you have 10 movement, I fail to see the benefit of the ability. Am I overlooking something?
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