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Everything posted by Sudanna

  1. Is it? It's a lizardman. I don't see any particular design similarities within that. The face is different, the legs are different. Slith don't have any superpowers like sleeth apparently do. I don't buy it.
  2. Oh well. We'll calendar again soon.
  3. So, that didn't work out. Is everyone still free for the same time tomorrow? I know it's short notice, but if everyone's okay with it, we can session then.
  4. Blades of Avernum and Blades of Exile are both designed to let users create their own scenarios.
  5. Well, Mexico was itself a literal Empire of Mexico for a while, ruled by an Emperor and everything.
  6. The various Persian Empires. There's a reason evil empires are often flavored that way.
  7. Session 7 will be on Monday, February 29th, at 6:00 PM EST.
  8. Let's Schedule Session 7, Round 3: http://whenisgood.net/xjcfady
  9. Screw those guys, nice post. I always feel the same way about SW.
  10. I, meanwhile, have like eight session's worth of stuff planned in advance and it's growing every day.
  11. Calendar status: zero acceptable times. I will start a new calendar in, like, two weeks.
  12. weeeell, i would have to make a new calendar to do that. just convert to EST with your brain this time.
  13. that's my bad, i forgot to put them in
  14. Session 7 Calendar, Round 2: http://whenisgood.net/mdeqk7z
  15. Calendar status: No acceptable times! I'll make a new calendar next week.
  16. Session 6 video: https://www.youtube....h?v=ImGVVtA5dJY at the time of posting, it's still processing, but it will eventually not be. We meet some nuns! I'm sure they're nice. Batty is a father now. Session 7 calendar: http://whenisgood.net/sk8n3wy One thing I forgot to mention re: homework - you can change your goals, beliefs, and instincts at session starts. If your beliefs or instincts develop in interesting and relevant ways, XP! Like, if your belief is "THESE EYEBALLS AUGH" but the eyeballs do something dramatic to save you, so you change it to "I love these eyeballs, they're some rad pets", and roleplay that, you done good and I like you. I hope and expect your characters to change over time, and one way to express that explicitly and keep it in mind during play is with your G/B/I. Thanks, Burning Wheel and other, better GMs, for these great ideas! Speaking of G/B/I, since we shared them all anyways, we might as well share with anyone else who may or may not be following the campaign. I'm pretty sure Dintiradan is the only one.
  17. Well, despite that, session is in 24.5 hours. You all better have done your homework!
  18. Session 6 will be this Sunday, January 24, at 6:00 PM EST.
  19. Session 5 video: https://youtu.be/oiYk8vO5KGw
  20. Session complete! Party gets healed from their wounds last session, and takes more wounds to compensate. Old cliffhanger, meet new cliffhanger. Video will be up eventually. Calendar: http://whenisgood.net/yr2h5i7 Sarachim left early, and it was maybe a lot, so here's the homework I gave to you all, my lovely players, stolen straight from other, better GMs and Burning Wheel: You the players are to give your characters 2 Goals. They can be short or long-term, petty or ambitious, reasonable or insane, material or ephemeral, mundane or weird. They can be as supposedly game-breaking as you like, and while I won't give you what you want, I will do my best to present you with opportunities to work towards what you want. "Kill Foster and take over the Mill" is a valid goal, and I will absolutely allow you to work towards earning it. "Find a working DVD player and a copy of Die Hard" is also a perfectly valid goal. I am very willing to let you the players take your own initiative. However, your goals should be specific and actionable, and leave you with somewhere to start - rather than "Get a gang", consider "I want Twice to join my gang". 2 Beliefs. These are things that your character believes about the world, other characters, or themselves. They can be ideological in nature, if your character has something approaching an ideology - "Power over men is inherently evil" could be a good belief. They can also be personal or interpersonal - "Batty is dangerous and I need to be very careful around him", "I won't die in my bed", and "I will find my true love someday" are all good beliefs. They should describe your character in some way, but in order to benefit from them, they should be something that can and will influence your characters' actions in some dramatic way. 2 Instincts. These are things that your character does habitually. They are best, though not necessarily, approached as if/then or always/never statements - "If I find anything valuable, then I hide it and come back for it when I know it's safe" or "I never sit with my back to a wall" are both good instincts. Again, these are both descriptive and prescriptive qualities - ideally, they will say something about your character and provide your character with interesting ways to act in the future. Those of you who have been my GMs in the past know that I like to go a little overboard with character backstories, and while you can do that, it's not really what I'm looking for here. What I want from you is ways that your characters are connected to and intertwined with the world. If you complete a goal or make significant progress on a long-term goal, you can mark experience. If your beliefs dramatically influence the way your character responds to something, you can mark experience. If your instincts negatively effect your character, you can mark experience - otherwise, the benefit is the thing your instinct tells you to do.
  21. Session 5, Round 2, will be on Wednesday, January 13, at 6:00 PM EST.
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