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Everything posted by monolith94

  1. monolith94

    Avadon 2

    I'm having this problem too, this exact problem. Not sure what to do from here.
  2. The importance of scarabs is that if you time it right, you can blow up a whole bunch of probes/drones/scvs. Duh.
  3. One RPG trope that I like as a solution to explain why level 1ers are heroes is the "start off in a tough spot" trope. For example, I started one 1st level D&D campaign where the party began imprisoned in a Rakshasa's lair and had to scrap their way out.
  4. Laser puzzles!!! Oh god the pain. The worst was when you would leave a screen with the job done, and then go back and find out you had to destroy ALL of the lasers ALL over again.
  5. Sounds like you don't like having your party die, gauss. *shrug* I've gotten used to it.
  6. From what I've heard of the new game, it's going to be a battle between good and evil, civilization vs. barbarism. What's interesting to me is the Bluebeard influence. http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/23/6723-050-87ADDE3F.jpg Bluebeard's a very creepy story, but it's got a very ornate and rich feel, as well. What I'm hoping is that we have an opportunity to play in a world where civilization is wealthy but decadent, and politics might be a factor. I'd love to hear more updates on the new game's progression, but it's probably too soon. Can't wait forever though Jeff!
  7. The avernum 3 game heroes retired to the surface, didn't they?
  8. What sticks in my craw is that this is a spell that you can never cast! All of Avernum at your feet, practically, and you can't find a single spellbook to cast this cool lasting damage alternative to acid spray??? And how come there's no "kill" spell anymore. Gah!
  9. Same thing happened to me. Then I headed toward the exit and all of a sudden he started to catch up.
  10. I'm playing the game on a 15" imac and I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Admittedly, it does get a bit crowded; it'd be nice to have a bit more condensed interface, especially considering I mostly use the keyboard... You're missing out, I have to say. This is easily the best Avernum of the 4-6 generation, with some really compelling areas/activities.
  11. ooooooh. that's silly. now I can not feel so bad about letting those eggs pop. I'm guessing the eggs I need are in the chitrach hive in the eastern gallery?
  12. ? I've bumped my nature lore up to fourteen even, and each time I click on one of those little eggs, it gives me the message that it's icky and gross, but I can't pick them up?
  13. I have to say that I really liked the (SPOILER!) fight against the Scourge near the end. It really challenged my party at the time, and it felt appropriately epic.
  14. I actually play with sounds off, and listen to the radio while playing. Helps the game run faster.
  15. This is definitely a challenging game, but I'd say that (while playing on normal level) it's a doable challenge. I just finally bested the half-ghost slith, which was probably my most frustating battle yet, but eventually I figured out a method...
  16. Any changes made so that I can use the keyboard more than the mouse would be welcome...
  17. More research on this topic: After killing Sulfras, which dread cursed me, I left to go cure it. Came back to raid the treasure, each chest that I opened dread cursed me! Ended up with twelve points of Dread Curse Also, engaging Sulfras' pillar black shades in combat and then sneaking into his treasure lair seemed to lead some of the pillar shades away from their pillars. And yet, even after this, I wasn't allowed to strike them? Bosses shouldn't have goons in their service that are harder to kill than they are!!!
  18. I was incensed at Sulfras' haughtiness, and slew the beast. Beast ceremony + divine warrior on my two fighters + arcane shield on my priest and mage to prevent the black shades from being too annoying. Once he's dead, he casts a level 6 dread curse on you, which is easily fixed back in the tower of magi. Unfortunately, those black shades are there permanently, which is a flaw in my mind. Without Sulfras there to hold them there, what's their point? Kind of makes going to the final gauntlet a pain.
  19. Hey. So, I'm playing as a trakovite, made my way down into Dera. In trying to find the place where I need to make a delivery, I accidentally stumbled into Taygen's lair, killed a few war tralls, etc. Discovered that this made all of Dera hostile to me. the "pleaselikeme" cheat isn't strong enough, though. and my backup save is from light years ago. Am I "effed"?
  20. I'd just like to add my voice to the chorus of people who miss the old outside/inside dicohotomy. Having EVERYTHING be "inside" in A4/A5 made the world feel so… tiny. Also, I prefer type-type-typing to all the mouse clicking. Bleh, mouse, who needs it!
  21. Assault crystal is definitely the easiest way to get through this, especially if you never invest ANY nature lore, like me.
  22. There are actually a fair amount of knowledge potions/wisdom crystals in the game, and if you use them all on one character, I'd bet that they add up significantly.
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