Originally written by Aceron A: If you've got a hex editor (or UGE) and you don't mind opening up the BoE exe, here's some stuff you can mess with:
Byte # (Hex Value): What's there:
24576 (6000): Mage spell ranges, 2 bytes each.
24758 (60B6): Priest spell ranges, 2 bytes each.
475426 (74122): Skill costs in Skill Points, 2 bytes each.
475466 (7414A): Skill costs in cash, 2 bytes each.
475508 (74174): Bonuses applies for Str, Dex and Int, from 1 to 20. 1 byte each.
479956 (752D4): Max skill levels, 2 bytes each.
488740 (77524): Trait exp-needed-for-level-up modifiers. 2 bytes each.
13910 (3656): Name of the font used for dialog and such (originally MaidenWord) I usually change this to "Tahoma".
13921 (3661): Name of the font used for everything else (originally MS Sans Serif)
They should be arranged in the same order that they're listed in the helpfile. I also have the mage/priest spell costs listed, but they're seperate values for the actual MP used and the amount listed in the menu, and I'm not sure which is which, but you can search by 2-byte values according to the costs listed in the helpfiles if you want to find them. Although I should mention that if you do bother to find them, they apparently don't effect monster's usage of them.
Once upon a time I had the bytes that changed the max MP and MP values too, but I don't have it anymore. I never did find any way to stop it from resetting your health to 250 when you gained a level if you went over that though. But I used to be able to let my characters train extra health once they hit level 50. It was fun having a character with 380 HP once. But I don't have those bytes anymore, and there are a whole lot of 150 and 250's in the file to search through.
That's what i wanted to hear!
Many thanks!! , Ill try it.