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Lowly Exile

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Everything posted by Lowly Exile

  1. Nostalgia is the biggest factor for me. The original Exile trilogy wins for me, but I do enjoy the original Avernum version a great deal. (Plus, it does run easier.) I really, REALLY wanted to like the Avernum remakes, but something about the Geneforge-esque designs bother the heck out of me and I don't know what it is. Exile III was my first game played, so it's the favorite of the trilogy and I about cried when I found myself not enjoying the Avernum III: Ruined World demo. Also, the demo cutting out before I could see the surface sealed it's fate into my Recycle Bin.
  2. Solberg! I knew I recognized your name! You've been a member of this forum for as long as I have! (Albeit a lot more active.) Welcome back!
  3. It's okay. I forgive you. I ended up reloading a game before I even started chapter 2. When I got to the tomb again, I sent the same mage in. However, this time I took the secret tunnel around the vampire. Right after she pulled the lever, the vampire opened the door to that room. Mage ran like heck and escaped. Later, after giving tribute to Dahris-Bok, she was making her way back down that tunnel to open the gates so she could leave. In the narrow corridor, with no lights, she ran smack into the vampire. Battle commences and it's not going well. Then, the vampire cast firestorm right on top of them both and blows itself up. My mage is standing there at exactly 0 hp screaming, "I'M ALIVE!!!" Good times.
  4. Exile III: Ruined World dominated my middle school non-social life. I played the heck out of the demo before I begged my parents to buy the games. I even spent a summer art class drawing the entire demo map area with all the towns and dungeons from memory.
  5. Yeah... I done goofed. I tested and I can reset the gates by leaving and coming back, but all my dead PC's stuff disappears. *sigh* I guess I'll just deal with that. Fear the naked mage!
  6. I think I broke the tomb of Dahris-Bok. I sent my PC in and she made past the chasm, the triple portcullis puzzle and fought a vampire. She defeated the vampire then died of her injuries. So now, my party is at the starting portal, but the very first portcullis to the main room is closed. Is there any way of resetting the dungeon (preferably without losing my dead PC's stuff)? I think I might be screwed on this.
  7. Yes, actually. He can also double as a flotation device in the event of copious underground waterfalls.
  8. Yep, that was it. There's a white outline around the horse now, but I'm choosing to ignore that.
  9. Is it possible to use some custom graphics in Exile II? I wanted to make a party with three characters, but then a fourth PC as a pack mule when I got this idea to actually make a horse. (Sort of.) My idea was to paste the horse graphic from E3 over another PC's graphic in the PCS.bmp file and use it for a character. However, it didn't load correctly in the game. At the graphic selection screen, everything was misaligned and blue. So did I do something wrong or is this just a fever dream?
  10. It's kind of depressing all the same. Hypothetical question here: If I managed to kill Linda before the disaster, would it still occur?
  11. During the disaster at the Tower I ran into the ghost of Bernard who asks me to find his fellow student, Carrie and tell her that he loves her. This didn't show up in my quest list nor can I find Carrie. Is this possible to do?
  12. How do I get through that third guardpost on the way to the portal? I've check the walkthrough but it confused me more. EDIT: I don't believe it. Right after I posted this, I figured it out. lol Either way I still think the walkthrough is a little complicated for this area.
  13. Does anyone know of some way of making custom graphics easier? I want to use some, but I have hard time lining them up correctly so that they're not overlapping.
  14. The Mooing! Revenge of the Cows!!! Now I have this picture of cows with machine guns in my head.
  15. It's been a while since I've played this, so my memory would be fuzzy I think my score would be an 8. I agree with Lurker about all the likable things in the game, plus I'm a history nut, so I think about Romans and pee my pants. Anyway.... the only things that bugged me were the (both understandable but annoying nonetheless) lack of good magic and women players on the Roman side.
  16. 10. Easily. It's just so easy to use. There's no way I'd rate BoA as high.
  17. I've not played many of the scenarios but now that I'm back into my Exile kick, I WANT TO PLAY THEM ALL!! *crazed look* One of my favorites (and probably no one elses') is the game "Election." Not sure why, but that one always had a spot in my heart. Also, "Tatterdemallion" is worth a look, though I don't remember the level range. The programming in that game is incredible, especially if you have attempted to do something like it in the editor and have failed miserably. If I remember correctly, it also won a Scenario Design Contest. (The first one, I think. It really has been a long time.)
  18. Worse choices? How? Where? When? WHY!?
  19. Is it just me or was anyone else a little disappointed with the choice of characters to play? I mean, two sliths and two nephils? Kinda rules out an all slith or all nephil party. I'm just kind of upset I can't do my usual party. I have this trio I've run in every single Avernum game with the same pics (all human) and in A4, only one of the three pics has survived.
  20. Blades of Exile wasn't my favorite game, but it was up there on the list. I just love the scenario maker. I've never seen anything so easy. I can relate to the sun shining feelings. I would sit outside on a beautiful summer day feeling the great weather and think, "This is an Exile day" and then go in and play the computer. Screw nice weather.
  21. Ok, "stressy" I know, but they were saying "sressy". No "t". I can't keep up with all you young whippersnappers and your internet lingo. In my day we actually had to smile! We didn't have no ":" or ")" to do it for us. You kids got it so easy.... *rants...*
  22. My biggest error was in thinking that this editor would be as easy as the Blades of Exile one. I have no computer knowledge and don't really care to learn scripting when all I really want is to just put out short stupid games for just me and a few friends. Though it was funny to see the cats flee in panic when I first opened the editor and screamed in shock. EDIT: Ok... one friend... RE-EDIT: Ok... just me. I have no friends.
  23. Sressy? Wha..? I've not heard that term. And yes, I'm a chick. A hot chick, if you want to believe the scenarios I write. lol
  24. Quote: Originally written by Kelandon: The scenario will be called, "Kill Co-Worker, Win Prize." That sounds like one of those dunking games you see at county fairs. I wonder if I could do something like that. Have the npc "fall" into the water after the bridge disappears and play the waterfall scream sound? Brilliant! Heh. I originally had this set up as a mini quest within "Valley of Dying Things" because I wasn't sure if I remembered how to do all the special programming. It started off with an npc representing me ("You see an incredibly attractive woman sitting at the table. And I mean, damn, she's hot.") giving a quest to find the co-worker and bring back his head. It started growing from there and I remembered how to do things, so I just made it into it's own little scenario.
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