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Everything posted by ben4808

  1. Try as I might, I can't seem to get Timmy to turn Archibald back to normal. I've completed the first four vaults, have the Mini Gumby, have talked to Timmy's mother, and have gotten to his birthday party. I'm probably forgetting something important.
  2. When you do your dialogue, you'll notice a box in the dialog nodes that says "Regular Speech". Change that to a different thing corresponding with what you want to do. For example, for a trainer you would use a "Recieve Training" node in responce to "train". To teach spells, you need "Buy Spells". (or something like that)
  3. Yeah. I'm pretty sure the buttons will work after that in some way.
  4. Yeah, you can certainly get to the Tower of Magi on Day 160. Rather easily. But before that, you don't even have to recover the Orb of Thrahni to get there. You just have to destroy the slimes or roaches and then talk to Anaximander. Or did you get that already?
  5. Yep. Three things. 1. Make sure that you know the spell by clicking the little question mark next to the character's name and clicking "Priest Spells". 2. Make sure your party member have 7 Priest Spell skill. 3. Make sure you have enough spell points to cast the spell(s).
  6. Basilisks are not for beginner parties to mess with. But I know there's some on the last of the string of islands south of Storm Port, guarding some mandrake root.
  7. The statue in question is in the Wolf Pit under the Goblin Caves and Bandit Hideout. In a secret passage in the room with all the worgs. Are you sure that's the one you got?
  8. Because you've already beat the game the easy way. ( )
  9. It works full-screen at 640x480 and less-than-full at higher resolutions. That's just how it is. And even at 1024x768, it's still not too tiny.
  10. You could try restarting the computer at that solves some problems. I know it's possible to work because Blades runs fine on my XP.
  11. Quote: Originally written by Chrism: If you attack Erika with the Cooling Amulets from the Bunker you don't die instantly and can kill her. Her and her four doomguards.
  12. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: By the way, I really hope you went through Nephil's Gambit or something to get that Poison Use skill rather than actually spending skill points on it. Urr, sorry. I just use a get a couple levels just because, you know. I suppose it's not all that useful anymore since I've got Major Blessing. Anyway. Assassination, defense, and luck. Got it. Anything else?
  13. Okay, so my party leader, an ambidextrous edged weapons user, has progressed through the levels nicely. However, now his strength and dexterity are 20, edged weapons skill is 20, defense 10, assassination 5, and poison 4. And I still have skill points and can't quite justify what to use them on. What's the most useful non-core trait that I should use them on?
  14. I'm sure that Jeff will be incredibly worried that your unregistered party can now acquire and Super Ravage Knife +28.
  15. Erika's room is generally considered unreachable. It seem somebody with 1337 h4x got in and say that there was nothing there. Don't know about Khoth's, though, as I've still only really played the UR version of E3.
  16. But who seriously can spare 27,000 gold for one extra bonus point on your Alien Blade?
  17. Quote: Originally written by nossage: So I erm accessed nefariousness but I don't get what I do now! How do I move my party a few squares left or right etc? Did you just ask what I thought you did? Why? *gets himself all confused*
  18. What would be wrong with a butcher shop? Too many knives?
  19. Well, the only reason you'd be visiting is for retrieval of vital information [for your games], therefore making the whole experience of educational intent.
  20. Quote: Originally written by Desert Pl@h: Sorry Kel, my internet here is gay; it won't let me look at a "games" related site. I suppose I can use somewhat-nefarious methods to view it, though. =D What, are you at school or something?
  21. Well, I've never played A Little Girl, mostly because of being told repeatedly to keep my grimy cursor off the download link. Go for it, SL.
  22. Quote: Originally written by Slith Lord: Maybe it will be possible (sometime) to create another scenario folder. Then you can choose between them and you got never such problems! Right. You create a folder in the scenario folder and only put the few scenarios you're currently playing in there at once.
  23. ben4808


    Okay, thanks, I got it. By asking about 'sure', which I don't know what it came from. Anyway.
  24. ben4808


    Father Antos? Anyway, I s'pose I can go without. Another question, since it makes no sense to make a whole new topic: I went in the Nephilim Cave and talked to the Priestess there like a long time ago, so now I'm finally getting around to Merinkaprr. (Fun, fun giant quest ) But how do I get Merinkaprr to come with me? Asking about 'leave' gives nothing.
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