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Everything posted by ben4808

  1. I find that if I have a river bank or a mountain going to hills and grass that is following an outdoor section border, the terrain doesn't display correctly - it appears real boxy like on the editor. Does anyone know how I can fix this?
  2. Seeing as I never played either, I couldn't tell you. I imagine DM2 will win out, however.
  3. It doesn't sound like a bad idea, considering you get people willing to participate. Of course, you'd have to give the designers more time than DFtS also.
  4. Yeah, and any monster to set the special class for will not appear until you do call the Place Town Encounter Node.
  5. Wow! It's an interesting combination, but I doubt anybody would want to use it as a setting for their scenario. It's just too big and unoriginal. It is interesting how you exactly duplicated the landscape for certain places, though.
  6. Well pardon me asking, but is there actually a way to "force" a player to enter your scenario with a level 1 party, or do you just set the difficulty on beginner and recommend it? Probably a stupid question, but...
  7. Quote: Originally written by PDF: My "Paladin" and "pure mage" surely aren't optimal, but I created them for RP reasons - after all isn't that the whole point of the game ? Not really if you're intent on winning. An "optimal" party will be better at the beginner stage than a "seems most traditional" party.
  8. Quote: Originally written by TakenName: you could always simply COUNT from where you are centered. Yeah, that's what I do. I was just commenting on how much easier it would be to have the coordinates change in relation to where the cursor is instead of the center of the screen. Oh well, I guess there's no point in whining about it, though.
  9. You tried that? Anyway, I think there should be an easier way of knowing the coordinates to a certain square than carefully centering it in the screen. That seems to take forever.
  10. To save time, and to have the satisfaction of going through a scenario without saving. Not that you'd make it, though.
  11. Roaches, bacause of the non-hack'n'slash difficulty and the fact that it's the toughest plague in the unregistered version.
  12. Yeah, I've been wondering that too. I don't know why they should only have them for Rabacus and River and Leaf. Anyway, yes it is a great walkthrough. Keep up the good work!
  13. You could just set the Preferences lower and use the editor if you get too frustrated. That is, if you want to cheat, which you probably don't. I guess skill comes with practice, though.
  14. Jeff just but those caves in because it's better than just making it cave wall (Jeff absolutely hates black space).
  15. Calloc is not near Storm Port, and the mage in the Inn of Blades has nothing to do with the dryad. If you give her the special flowers found at the end of a long valley north of Libras, she'll tell you of a treasure you can get near Calloc, which, unfortunately, you can't get in the unregistered version. Oh, and the metal lumps are actually Mithral, and can be either traded for a couple of spells (Summon Beast and Conflagration) or saved to me made into a Mithral Broadsword later in the game. Urrr, I think your hidden treasure is just another thing from Jeff to get our goat, kind of like Erika's back room.
  16. Quote: Originally written by Thuryl: cheque This just bothered me. It just did. Sorry. Anyway, if you want to know anything about how the Exile games go, you can just cheat and read the walkthroughs which have a link in the header of this forums main page.
  17. Yeah, and say you want to have your monster have the graphic you have in say slot 17 on your graphics sheet. So when you edit your monster, where it says the graphic number, instead of selecting a default graphic type in 1017 for 1000+17.
  18. Quote: Originally written by Spring: Who has the unregistered verision like me? Me. Quote: Originally written by Spring: Opinions? If you're going to buy the full version, do it and quit putting it off. That's all.
  19. Since the scenario is by no means famous or masterfully made, I'm sure the author will be willing to give it to you if you're truly interested.
  20. *clicks the link and reads the thread* Heh. The way I think about it, if you're going to recreate a Valorim for a scenario, you mays well make it good for all the work it would take. Wow, remaking E3 exactly, though, that would be tough. Do you think it's more than 100 outdoor sections?
  21. Hmm, I like the format a lot better than the first one, with the points system. It should generate worthwhile reviews instead of just reveiws.
  22. Then the file itself must be corrupted. Try to download it from a different site or just forget about it.
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