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Everything posted by Sticky

  1. I think that protective circle works. And quickfire almost defintly does. But I would have to dig to check and I don't feel like it. To lazy ( and not feeling like staying away from the books for the length of time that would take, who here loves finals)
  2. I am sure that I don't need help figuring it out, I just haven't tried in the Avernum series. But 10 reasons. 1) He likely has smelly feet 2) He never leaves his little room and never talks to anybody but you 3) His name is not George, Steve, or Matt 4) His name is slander against the biblical dude of the same name 5) I find it enjoyable to kill him 6) Others find it enjoyable to kill him 7) Why not? I kill everyone else. 8) It is a way to stick it to the man 9) He likely has smelly feet 10) He has no other recreational uses that make me want to keep him alive.
  3. Or just kill them with field spells(protective circle) or quickfire.... Edit: On reflection this is Avernum no Exile, and I never really spent enough time going through all the possibilities in A1 or 2 so I really have no idea. perhaps a summoned creature and then field of blades?
  4. For large amounts of interesting but false information on this look here I am sure that it will satisfy your longing as it was just revived......
  5. Thanks W/o you I never would have read the last page of this topic, as it was written at a time that I had no internet for a month. I found it one of the more enjoyable ones........ But behind the door? A semi-blind calculus teacher with a serious affinity for chalk boards and cats.
  6. Unless you want 227 of special item 227 I did the same thing my first time, after doing the necklace quest for the nephilim. The mayor was hostile too so I ended up killing everyone on the isle and not being able to get off.
  7. Quote: Oh, yeah, thanks
  8. hmmm I thought that you just said join- due to a conversation quite a while ago..... have you tried that? Edit: Due to this topic
  9. With an editor though it should be able to work like that. The interface would change the code that fixes the dialogue in place. I suppose that would be rather complicated but it is just an example.... Hmmm would you restrict it to just 100 nodes? or maybe 1000, or much bigger?
  10. Err just click on the little icon...... It just installs the library which should be some other files as well, and then AvScript will work.
  11. Erm I don't think that Ravaged soul is even banned any more. But yes that was kind of what I meant. The random people assault random people. Like in that evolutions thread that has now been beat dead, Kelandon made some statement and the n00b bit his head off. And numerous other examples from numerous other people.
  12. Sorry that was not were I got it I could not find it again at the time. But now I have so.... This is where I got it but I am trying to mail it to you as well.
  13. There has been a lot of bannings lately but most of them have been a lot more unproductive then Arenax and a lot more belligerant. I hope that he doesn't get banned for something as innocent as pushing TGM. It just get's out of hand when random people get assaulted when they are in a topic
  14. Quote: OK, I am having problems opening AvernumScript. I download it from your site, unzip it to a new folder on the desktop, and I double click on the icon "AvScript v0.2 BETA". I then get a message saying this: Run-time error '339': Component 'COMDLG32.OCX' or on of its dependencies are not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid What is this? Means you don't have the correct file library I posted the place to get the file in the thread for the AvScript Or I or someone else can email it to you
  15. If I had to choose a dragon to pick it would not be Motrax. I think that I would go with Athron, as she always seems the most well, interesting of the four. In interest the dragons go Athron, Sulfras, Pyrog, and the Motrax for me, while in loot the Death Spear of Athron, and the mace and armour of sulfras are almost as nice as Scrioth. The only dragon who's loot totally sucks is Pyrog. Is he the weakest?
  16. Yeah a couple of us XP users are having trouble, and that link..... well it really didn't help me but hey nothing better to suggest Oh here is the actuall site for this specific problem- Right HERE
  17. I guess it doesn't depend then but rather what Arenax said made more sense in the context of the first one. Back to the topic though it really is not the benefit of the challenge that is fun but the part where you overcome it no matter the reward. The reward just determines which challenges to take on- For really difficult things the motivation of a reward at the end does not motivate as much as the desire to beat the the challenge, at least for me
  18. Quote: Run-time error '339': Component 'COMDLG32.OCX'or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid I am trying to reinstall that now..... Edit: FIXED Edit: This might work
  19. Erm, what folder do you need to put this in so that it can find the files it needs? Unless I was mistaken and this is actually for Mac.....
  20. Well it depends on which pic was being refered to. I think that it was the one calling Arenax a n00b which then got changed to the whiny one. But hey it was worth the chance to be able to reasonably defend TGM's actions for once. -?-
  21. Do you have a link on that? It sounds intriguing for a time when there is nothing to be done.
  22. Probably the graphics that I have now. They don't look like much, and the starting graphic for John is the Red/Brown swordsman while Ariel is the Axewoman in erm pink I think, but am probably wrong.
  23. Eh- I don't think that you regain all of it. You regain like 500 or 700 hp or something like that though so it tends to be all of your HP. I just know that with a powerful Drayk I have had to return once or twice to a town. Edit: This might have been GF2-
  24. Ohhhh i <3 chets theys mak mi day, i ben lukin fur thes cant u giv som more plese plese? i lik teh traner 2 u might lik 2 tri it it givs exp lol
  25. plan 1 sounds really nice, and plan 2 would be decent. And color coding on scripts is really nice ;0;
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