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Posts posted by Vent

  1. Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    This is one of those fights where Jeff scripted it to happen a certain way, but you should be able to do it anyway. The trick that Jeff planned was to split up Varoche and the rest using knockback attacks. It is doable on torment without this, but my party favored range attacks and high dexterity (over 32) to avoid getting hit.

    Use speed items here to get extra attacks at the start. If you get lucky you might even kill a few in the first round. I used a scroll from the first character and got in 5 area attacks as they stood together.

    They don't always have reflection and that comes from the sorceress so taking her out first opens up more options for attacks.

    On thing is to retreat to a position where your meat shields can protect Nathalie. Reducing the number of attackers using control foe and daze sometimes works. But I did find that concentrating on taking them out one at a time can work. Area attacks on clumps helps and don't forget summoning items for more bodies to suck up damage instead of you.

    Got trouble with this one yesterday, gave up at third attempt. It's second fight after Audric that exhausted my patience and tenacity (both are at quite average level!).

    Against Audric I just switched to Casual, was wondering if I had to do it too for Varoche.

    If I understand well your suggestion, it's not to apply the original trick intended by design?

    Honestly I don't see how push back could work, anyway the three characters I have for this part don't have much skills like that if any, perhaps some wands.

    My character is shaman with high dex and summon focus, and I pick Nathalie and Shima, normally I play at Hard (Hard seems in general be the Normal difficulty anyway). I got many problems with Nathalie in this part of the game and often had to finish with two members only.

    And I do agree with the comment that it's tedious to see a pack of enemies constantly make 3 turns and more when you do only one.
  2. I played on Normal then switch Hard. Then played a long time at Hard but started use few consumables sometimes. Then much later, still using some consumable but not much I realized I found the game too easy for fights and then switch to Torment but using relatively often consumables, but not that much. I felt the game limit, and not really easy, but not a difficulty feeling I would expect for Torment.


    The point is I played the first part, ie a large part of the first big main mission, by cumulating some consumable. Then at Hard I used some but continue stock more. Now I have switch to Torment I could be close to use a bit too much consumables but not realize it.


    Now recently I started feel the game a bit more at right difficulty for Torment but not sure if it's just because of the last places/parts I played. But it's also a feeling problem, because clearly I get used to use some consumables for some fights, and more often since Torment but still not that much.


    Possibly the game would worth one more higher difficulty level but I doubt I would use it myself, perhaps later before end of the game. Also I feel the Hard mode should have been the Normal mode with the last fight in first dungeon a little bit less rude.

  3. Thanks for the information. I wonder if this isn't a little short. The game starts a little slowly to capture the interest strongly.


    I remember to have found the very beginning a little disappointing, ie the first dungeon and first steps. Then got curious and found the game ok but still not captured by the game. And it took some time then I quoted I was in and found the game great.


    I don't remember well when it happened, at a point before the end of the demo or after, probably before but not sure.

  4. Originally Posted By: Overwhelming
    I think you should remove that link, or are we supposed to have access to the hintbooks?

    When you buy a hint book it's not a pdf you get but a physical hint book, a little cheap, but well done and a real object.

    It's public site but in many country you don't have the right to download if it's not authorized by the legal owner. In this case I don't know.

    I feel it is handy for people in hurry to try it until it's not on home page. If there's a problem I don't know it, a mod will remove it if it's a real problem, but seriously it's easy to lock access to some folders on a ftp site.
  5. For the best party flexibility Shadowwalker is certainly the best choice.


    About this lockpicking point I'd say it's not a problem for games having 6 characters in a party. But for those with 3 or even 4 and using the companions and roster approach, it's a design problem. Not a major one but still an unpleasant one.


    That said I don't see good solution but to make it a hero skill only, not class related. A design point a little hard to justify from a story point of view.

  6. Originally Posted By: Pemptus
    So you can pretty much mix&match party members on the fly? Do they gain xp while in the "waiting room"? Or is it very disadvantageous to not stick to a particular party?

    As other replied but I'd like add some more points.

    It's a plus of games with a roster well designed like Avadon to use party mix/match. But I would suggest stick to a party choice for each main missions and linked subquests. You'll get a better spreading of the companions living (their dialogs) during the mission. If you don't it will work but not necessarily as well because of the spreading companions dialogs on more companions in the mission.

    If there are more than one mission in a same region, then use for each mission a different party set is cool to get the companions reactions on a region.

    Also there are some companions exchange dialogs, but well there isn't that much and you won't be able see all in a single play, so it's not important to be focused on each mix and more on having or not a companion in a mission.
  7. Pour moi les textes de Jeff sont d'une facilité déconcertante à lire, il faut savoir lire l'anglais, sans plus, c'est à dire qu'il n'est pas utile d'être vraiment bon en Anglais. Je pense que c'est parce que c'est bien écrit, avec un effort sur la simplicité des phrases (pas forcement du sens) et sans trop de mots rares.


    Par contre j'avoue que je trouve qu'il sait moins bien rendre passionnant un récit, et il reste possible que cette impression vienne du fait que je le lise en Anglais.


    Cependant je ne pense pas que cela soit la cause de cette impression, parce que je trouve que sur ce point Avadon montre une nette amélioration. Ou encore j'ai joué à Fallout tout en Anglais sans problème et en appréciant le récit et les histoires. En revanche il m'est quasiment impossible de lire un bon roman en Anglais et d'y prendre plaisir.


    Il reste vrai que si les jeux Spiderweb étaient en Français et bien traduits ce serait quand même un plus significatif.


    (The short English answer: Jeff texts are quite easy to read, and it's not really a problem to understand them. Fallout is another example of game I played fully in English and enjoyed.... Yes English is a lot shorter than French. wink )

  8. I confirm I get bored before to have make any significant progress or understanding in that fight, in casual!!!


    I don't have the damage per second high enough to keep the summons number low or make it lowdown during the last phase, (well I hope the last third) and the immunity logic just going make me mad. In same turn I got a spear immunity and a shuriken hit. If not the same turn, it was without have Motitz cast anything.


    Is that a bug or what?



    At last beat Moritz at casual (switch back to Hard right after).


    If you ask me the logic about Moritz immunity, my answer is none. Just try apply patience and try different type of attack, and if seems in immunity state concentrate on killing the summons and try again a bit later. And it's better to use only long range to not have Moritz making a constant switch flee/flee/flee and teleport back. I also kept summons number relatively low with help of casual, but even with low number of summons Moritz can be immune to weapons AND magic.


    But well if someone could explain me the logic I'm curious to know what I haven't seen.

  9. I'm playing at hard and close to switch casual for this fight. I lost already 3 or 4 time trying analyzing how it works and for me there's no logic or more a logic I don't get, or it's just about having a better damage per second than I have.


    So the first point is I haven't understand the logic leading to Moritz immunity. A first I believed I had to have killed almost all summons, but then noticed it wasn't always true, as I could sometime hit him even with too many summons alive.


    Then I suspected it was linked to Moritz be close enough to the circle but then I noticed case where he was very far and was immune anyway.


    I think I could just switch to casual and get rid of this fight asap. But I feel it as a waste, and feel its better request some help here. In fact I am very surprised nobody ever request a help on this fight (the search show only thread about finding the way to Moritz which wasn't a problem for me).

  10. I don't know but don't buy at mac app store, in no way, the HUGE problem is you can't mod this version of the game. So buy it in any other store but not mac app store.


    And if you think you'll never mod the game then you could be very wrong, for example a mod could allow you get out of a bug where you are stuck, or possibly some mods like see better the lockpick items, just won't be an option for you.

  11. Originally Posted By: The Ratt
    Well shadowwalkers and sorceresses are the only ones with lockpicking abilities, that something important to keep in mind.

    When I started the demo I quoted this point and had suffer too much of similar problem in some RPG like DAO so I pick a shadowwalker.

    Later I pick the Mac Store version and get confused with the save games so started a new character, like a newbie without to think, so I pick a shaman because in any RPG I'm always curious about Druids or Shaman classes.

    Well the lack of lockpicking ability hurt a lot in limiting companions mix, it's either Shima+Jennel, either Nathalie+Nevilin, because no close range character in the party isn't an option, and no lockpicking character in the party is a very weird option, not really one.

    I don't know how this problem of lockpicking could have been solved but it's a real problem.
  12. There's one rule unclear about the reviews in Mac App Store, it's:


    <<Proud the game for its qualities, not at depend of other editors or their applications.>>


    I had a reference to Avernum series, to quote graphic improvements from a comparison point. And a reference to Baldur's Gate 1 because some area remind me a lot BG1.


    It's on purpose I keep a reference of them because I have seen ton of comments using classical games for comparison point so in a way ambiguous with this rule. I made a quick search and in 10s I found an example of a reivew, in this case mentioning Alien Breeds.

  13. Ok changed for pitiful person. I quote I wrote I wanted smashed his face but obviously wanted write I wanted slap his face and it wasn't for real, obviously. But as it was ambiguous so I removed it entirely.


    In fact I wanted slap him mentally, so it means I wish I could tell him his truth.


    Ok posts changed, mission achieved Chef. At your order Chef. grin


    EDIT: Back to topic, no chance of backlog for a week, in fact I submitted close to 10 other reviews just to see what happen, all have been accepted, the review of Avadon still not out.


    The (relatively) cruel irony of the story is I also bought the Mac App Store version to have a chance put a review in Mac App Store if I enjoy the game. LOL, ok I give up this crap, I'll think about not buying any other game here, at least if I can buy it elsewhere.


    And the double irony is I end with a version of the game I cannot mod, lol. About that Jeff should mention that point very clearly in description of the App, not have done it is VERY unfair. But well perhaps I can try ask through an email for a full version.

  14. My aggression is on purpose but targeted to nobody in particular, not even against Apple.


    A system is anonymously violent with me, I like the idea to have some reactivity at my disposal, somewhere.


    Inglorious Bastards, movie public title, please don't explain me this is an inadmissible swearing.


    EDIT: There's never an explanation for a rejected review, I don't expect any, that's how it works. I only expect my review is accepted for the obvious reason it fits the Store rules and it is perfectly correct.

  15. I had tried the Google translation but I felt the result was very bad.


    I can't believed I got censored on this review. I have many review in App Store and Mac App Store and nope for Avedon there's a mad abusing of his power of decision and reject this review most probably because he has some hate against Spiderweb. I wish know who is this pitiful person at Apple France to tell him his truth.


    EDIT: And I think a better translation, using the Google one for the base:


    I have not finished it yet but I've played about 60 hours. It starts slowly but becomes more and more interesting. For now, it's a great gaming experience. I strongly recommend it to fans of Baldur's Gate 1 because certain regions or areas remind it a lot (a region has multiple zones, and the game contains several regions). It's an indie game and it doesn't have the same consistent quality as the best A games, but the quality is often high in many aspects, fighting, exploration, secrets, quests, stories, dialogues, etc.. And quote that the companions are well developed. Caution it is in English only, it's English text only, no voices.


    Concerning the difficulty, it is not nearly as basic as all RPG blockbuster and for the fights I urge you to use the Hard difficulty level.


    Concerning the graphics, they are very much improved compared to previous games of the same developer, and I advise trying the game with a definition not too high to appreciate it better, a lower resolution is giving a closer view showing better the details. It helps much for the atmosphere at the beginning of the game, and this will allow you to appreciate the better overall quality of graphics which is much better than in previous games from the same developer.


    To conclude, given that I played, it's a great RPG, do not miss out.

  16. I tried put my own review in Mac App Store but it keep been rejected. I hate being censored by some pitiful person at Apple France so I come whining here. grin


    Here the review rejected, in French, sorry, but it's too much work to translate it. To summarize it, great game. laugh


    Je ne l'ai pas fini, pour le moment j'y ai joué environ 60h. Il commence doucement mais devient de plus en plus intéressant. Au point où j'en suit c'est une grosse claque et point à noter, je le conseille vivement aux fans de Baldur's Gate 1, car certaines régions ou zones y dont fortement penser (une région ayant plusieurs zones et le jeu contient plusieurs régions). C'est un indie et il n'a pas la même régularité de qualité que les meilleurs gros budgets, cependant la qualité est souvent élevée et sur de nombreux points, combats, exploration, secrets, quêtes, histoires et dialogues, etc. Et à noter des compagnons qui sont bien développés. Attention c'est uniquement en anglais, uniquement du texte.


    Concernant la difficulté c'est loin d'être aussi basique que tous les RPG blockbuster et pour les combats je vous conseille vivement d'utiliser le niveau de difficulté Hard.


    Concernant les graphiques, ils sont très nettement améliorés par rapport aux précédents jeux du même développeur, et je conseille de les essayer avec une définition pas trop élevée pour mieux les apprécier en plus gros plan. Ca aide bien pour l'ambiance au début et on apprécie mieux l'amélioration et la qualité générale des graphiques qui est bien meilleure que dans les précédents jeux du même développeur.


    Au total, au vu de ce que j'ai joué, énorme, à ne pas passer à côté.

  17. Thank you for all the details. But I have the Mac App Store version, but yes kill with console could work, I just wouldn't have the last dialog at the end of the battle. I suppose any dialog could be skip, I think there's always a close dialog button.


    I has restarted and doing so found new stuff so I'll probably continue with that but thanks for the help. smile

  18. I reach a first time Merula (leader of Ogres attacking the dragon) but after the fight started I quoted I could leave the area through north door. Then escape with a latter. And then use a wheel to open a gate and flee.


    But I hadn't killed her so hadn't finished the quest. I switch to other stuff, for example made the lower prison levels and much later remind I had come back to kill this leader.


    Alas now the gate where I escape is closed. And a gate in underground that opened during a chaining of event (water flood during a fight) is now closed. And then I can't reach again Merula. As it's many hours before and multiple levels before load an old save isn't cool.


    I wonder if there's any way to open one of the two closed gates to reach again Merula?

  19. Originally Posted By: Vent

    Also to compensate I think I'll pick the ipad version too, if I really like the game but just for curiosity.

    Never good to wake up a dead thread but to put a conclusion of a "story", so yes I'm playing Avadon, I'm right into the second big area (with multiple zones) and it's just too great.

    The gamplay is great but the writing, woo, such a mood, good tension building, good building of multiple little mysteries so you get glued to the game, and the zones building, so well done with many little events and stuff that build the zone mood and story.

    I wonder if it's me, but it seems Jeff writing was solid, easy to read, but here in Avadon it's just another level, impressive, and so interesting.

    So the conclusion of the "story", no doubt I'll bought the ipad version too and the hint book, but also possibly a Windows version or just the full CD version.
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