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Posts posted by Vent

  1. Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    Endurance helps you avoid getting hit by cold attacks and increases your health so you won't die so soon.

    Well my front character has already 10 in END at level 12, I think that should be enough and don't plan put any more points in it.

    I also got the feeling that END from items adds nothing to resistances but I don't know the special math used and there's perhaps just some rounding.

    Originally Posted By: Soul of Wit

    Is there an easy way to see your to-hit chance?

    The game shows it in log each time you attack. It's an important information to observe. Or you can just follow advices in some threads, wear nothing that decrease To Hit, put all attribute points in the class main attribute expect perhaps a few for Endurance, focus your skills on the 2/3 useful all other are pointless. I'd wish that ironical but I'm not even sure it is.

    Originally Posted By: Beer and Motor Oil
    Sigh. The problem with being a PC user is that the game is going to be nerfed before I get to it.
    I saw all these threads about "It's too hard" and my heart and soul were just screaming YESSSSS!
    Oh well. frown

    Lol, but only Normal and Hard are targeted, not Torment, and reading your post you certainly play only Torment. smile
  2. I should have check that before, but the boss is hitting with cold damages, mpf. Well I'm a newbie I sold not so long ago one armor with few cold protection and low physical protection. But I have some other stuff available for increasing cold protection, worth a try.


    EDIT: I could improve a little bit cold protection of front character but not enough to resist two attacks. Then plan with Shield Breaker didn't produce much result because of the magical long range attack of this boss. Ha well.

  3. Originally Posted By: Spidweb
    Right now I am currently planning for v1.0.1 to nerf

    * The Spiral Pit Boss. - I really did want this tone a much tougher fight the party can return for, but this dungeon is just wayyy too close to the start for trickery like this.

    I'm on this one, party level 12 which quite late. It's not a boss that kill in one hit but in one round my more resistant character (but perhaps it's not physical damages I haven't check).

    With plenty trickery and some luck I can lead the fight to the corridor to one vs one. But when it's turn of the boss two hits in one round kill my character with full health, max spell protection and I have one potion of invulnerability but 5 rounds will be impossible.

    I learned slow to try reduce the two attacks in one round into one, but it's not working, and now zero gold for trying slow level 2.

    At this point of the game I don't see what to do next and if you want check this through a save (I'm certainly wrong) PM or post and I'll send a save.

    EDIT: Dam I forget try the trick with Shield Breaker. If it works because often bosses are immune to the immobilization. But worth a try, mpf let try once more.
  4. Originally Posted By: Rent-an-Ihrno

    I'm aware that there are lots of people saying it's too hard right now, and I think I have just the idea to ease things up - field spells!! Whooo!!)

    Sorry to pollute this thread but I think it's exactly my problem. I don't have enough spells and not enough powerful or perhaps I haven't discovered all books. I feel I have a money problem, really short, I don't steal anything quoted NY but I doubt it's the source of my problem.

    What's irritating is I don't see much what I did wrong and I used the editor to make a different party matching description of some post and it's not the problem too.
  5. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S

    ...If you really think armor does not work as we stated, then maybe you'd care to give an example? List everything a character is wearing and the displayed armor %, then take off whatever you need to, list what you took off and the new armor %.

    Lol what a hassle, that's certainly the rounding, I even quote one of 2% giving or removing 3% but also a magical item with 2% giving 1% both thing I hadn't noticed for previous post. So yeah certainly some rounding.
  6. I have no particular problem with the bosses, I suppose many of my posts let feel I'm whining the game is too hard. But it's not difficult for me to understand that it's impossible to make a game that will be a good challenge for everybody.


    How it's supposed to work is that the player isn't dumb enough to not lowdown the difficulty setting when the game is becoming too hard. I don't do it because of two reasons that are quite special. The few time I tried Normal I felt it too easy. But the game is that open that it's clear I could find fights challenging anyway plus just many too easy.


    Also, and it's the main cause, I played Avernum some years ago, and I like this remake but I'm a player that don't replay much. So I don't have the curiosity that a player discovering the game would have. And that curiosity would be enough to play it even if a bit too easy overall. In fact it's probably how I played Avernum. But replay is something else.



    Well some posts are perhaps sort of whining but it's more irritation I can't master the game at Hard, I suppose I smoke too much along my life and now a large part of my brain is destroyed. grin

  7. Isn't a boss supposed to be hard? Myself I admit I feel the game too Hard at Hard but how complain on that? And for the bosses they are just an element. And I feel the game too easy on Normal, which is bad luck but it can happen to have no satisfying difficulty level matching you in a game.


    If I had never played Avernum I would have play this remake anyway even at Normal and feeling fights too easy so not much fun.

  8. If you are doing right then the game is badly designed on that point. There's many items with armor penalties and you mean they are all pointless.


    For the example you quote I'd say it depends if your character hit easily, not using the better armor seems a wrong idea, if it has pain to hit it seems a wrong idea to use it.


    But what I wanted quote in previous post isn't how play the game but that there's many (not all) items with armor penalty that won't worth anything in almost all cases, in my opinion a problem in items design.

  9. Just checked the stats and saw that awful stat, knowing is my party is just level 11 and this stat doesn't count when I don't care go to end of fight and reload.


    Don't tell me to lower the difficulty I tried a bit Normal right when it was the Underground fort where multiple time you get the warning to put care and scout and avoid confront because they are very strong... but fighting some it was almost easy, breaking quite a lot the mood.


    I don't complain I'm just surprised of how high is the stat. Well I also don't progress much since one day, multiplying failed attempts (mainly slith and mind spiders).

  10. Originally Posted By: The Turtle Moves
    It's Blade Sweep that is linked to Dex. I have no reason to think that Leg Sweep is, but I can't check right now.

    I don't mean I suspect it is, I didn't remember, the point is I'm using it more when I have hard time to hit but you need succeed a hit and this is when it's in case where it's harder to hit, so it gives a general feeling of hardly working.
  11. Originally Posted By: Randomizer
    Sliths are quite a bit tougher than previous versions. Come back with more health in the fighters for shields and spell casters to damage them.

    Thanks for the tips, I'm not sure why, but I tend have hard time to clearly identify the difficulty level of stuff. That should be obvious but it isn't. I have to check again constantly after level up or significant equipment change or new spell learned to know the difficulty. Not to mention to search how manage new situations or new types of opponents so check once could not be enough.

    Knowing that I have a full page of quests on the go, it's a bit strange. Now I'm using flee to make less weird those numerous check and fail. It's not always possible but when it is it feel less weird than too many try fail and reload.
  12. The Lemonwood is lighter, and it's probably more a prestige weapon build with very rare wood from above. An item description should have highlight this. Plenty RPG have few items like that.


    For the steel gauntlet I have no similar explanation because there's many other steel armor elements. In fact it's the whole gauntlet series which is a bit weird and pointless. It's like if to not be the same like bracer series the gauntlet series got low down and end be a series of crap items.


    Some sell prices are also incoherent but I suppose it's harder to complain the price you sell iron shortsword (or steel I don't remember).


    If there's something to fix about items it's probably a better balance between Armor level and To Hit penalty. Only few items has something roughly fair and this break in part this nice change that new system is adding.

  13. I haven't seen in AEFTP any discipline allowing directly lower the armor. You should read more carefully the descriptions because a similar discipline name doesn't mean the same thing than in another game.


    In AFTP Shield Breaker only knockback and immobilize the opponent. Ok you can argue the name doesn't fit, I'm not good enough in English to know that, but in general read the descriptions, even if very few are wrong or omit some important element.


    To lower enemy defense there's Leg Sweep but if I remember well some post it is based on DEX not STR so still not for your tank.


    There's a lack of tool to lower enemy defense, even the War Blessing that should allow indirectly lower enemy defense by increasing attack seems have a bug and always increase To Hit only of 2%.


    Perhaps you can check anyway Leg Sweep and it's perhaps not linked to DEX like I remember.

  14. Originally Posted By: Arch-Mage Solberg
    Here's what I remember doing in Exile and Avernum.

    1. Taking everything I could in Fort X and selling it in Silvar.

    2. Saving my game as soon as I left Fort X.

    3. Get in a few fights outside to increase money and items.

    4. Go to Silvar and do the quests.

    5. Go to Fort Duvno and do those quests.

    6. The Bat Cave in the northeast corner has a few things to sell as well as experience to gain.

    7. Onward to Formello. (All of your characters should be at least lvl 5 by then)

    8. Go check in with some GIFTS west of Fort Draco.

    9. Head back and go south of Silvar to Mertis.

    10. Go to the Tower of the Magi.

    11. Do a little sightseeing in the Honeycomb.

    12. Head to Almaria.

    13. The Castle ('nuff said). Should be around lvl 12-15.

    Mmm not the Slith quests in between? Level 11 and the first Slith keep still resist me at the entrance. What's bother me is I have a vague remembering to have done those sooner. I have started doing some south caves like the ogre mage and Alamria sewers and still get stuck at entrance of this Slith keep. I defeat two smaller group in that entrance but the third one is mpf.

    I even used the character editor to mimic a party build as some post suggests but it didn't help, possibly it's really too soon or my set of spells is to small.

    I don't think I'm blocked and have probably stuff doable elsewhere but it bother me.

    EDIT: And for the GIFTS I haven't found at all yet how manage the constant cast of Daze spells.

    EDIT2: Bat cave level 5, dam I made it quite later.
  15. Originally Posted By: Lilith

    Let me see if I can explain this a little better.

    Let's say that your armour is already 50%. You're blocking half of all the damage that you receive. Now, you put on a pair of gauntlets that has 4% armour.

    If your armour was 0% to begin with, it'd go from 0% to 4%. But your armour isn't 0%, it's 50%. That means the gauntlets aren't blocking 4% of all the damage you receive, they're only blocking 4% of the 50% that isn't already blocked by your other armour, which means only 2% of the total damage before armour is applied. So your armour rating will go from 50% to 52%.

    Well I didn't wrote item with 3% removed remove 2% to the total but 3%. I just check, two different items 2% each, 56% is sheet. Remove one, 54% in sheet, remove the second 52% in sheet.

    The formula isn't applied but well ok I think I know why, it's because it's not armoring but stuff like amulet or ring with armor bonus, those are fully added no multiplication.

    Well why make simple when complicated is possible? The good old adage. laugh
  16. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S
    Originally Posted By: Vent
    A simple experience with armor level, the sum shown in character sheet and the numbers show on items. You wear one showing 4% and you get an increase of 2% or you try with another item at 3% and you get the 3% added or removed accordingly.

    Damage reduction (armor and resistance alike) is always MULTIPLIED together. I would assume this is in the instruction manual as it has been clearly spelled in those since at least A4.

    Thus, if you wear two 33% pieces of armor, your total damage taken is 67% * 67% or about 44%, not 100% - 33% - 33% which would give you 34%. With multiple pieces of armor this effect is compounded so the reduction is not as large as you might expect.

    Now you mention it this remind me something, but I don't see how a piece with 3% when removed can remove 3% to the Armor shown in the character sheet.

    And how are working the skills with that sort of formula??

    I'll check closer but this formula doesn't explain what I quoted but I'll check again with that formula in mind.
  17. Well thanks all for those highlights. I'd say I continue feel most wands and many scrolls aren't really useful. At end either you use a ton for one fight and is the fight worth the price? Either anyway you'll have use another tactic, one or two area attack with poor damages won't change a fight. That said for those that can immobilize (for 2 turn only) well I can imagine some rare time they could be very handy. Also there's clearly some useful scrolls and probably some later wands more useful.

  18. I resurrect this thread because the more I play the game the more I overall agree with OP. Too obscure in numbers and formula. It's not good because anyway many items and skills and stuff show numbers but their real effect is another matter.


    The problem is if there's no numbers, close to zero players will have the patience to try every weapon and armor available. Without to mention that make any choice of skills and attributes without numbers this is like walking on road deaf and blind.

  19. When fighting a certain Ogre Mage I used the tricks "Watching the boss triggers" listed by darik. He was objectively too strong but I end just throw a tank in the room and have all other support and guard outside from perturbations and when there was one they supported less the tank and was focusing on killing to "not welcomed" faster. For that fight I wonder if with some patience you couldn't only just fire from outside area spells and take care of the external elements but not really bother with the mini boss.

  20. Originally Posted By: HOUSE of S

    ...Actually, a lot of the tooltips appear to use legacy text from previous games. There are a few others than are misleading or omit effects, although I don't think anything else is this bad.

    Well ok that for texts but for numbers and from players point of view it's like if ton are wrong.

    A simple experience with armor level, the sum shown in character sheet and the numbers show on items. You wear one showing 4% and you get an increase of 2% or you try with another item at 3% and you get the 3% added or removed accordingly.

    Either it's weird math hard to guess for the player, either it's many wrong items descriptions.

    But all resistances numbers seem weird as well, as you can only guess the formula, it's a bit less weird but it seems vary strangely.

    And when you try Dual and Shield+Sword, once you quote a drop down of 20% of To Hit with dual and another time a drop down of 10% if not lower and base To Hit with one sword wasn't at max of 95%.

    Add to that many descriptions that are very vague and in practice seems do nothing concrete, plus the high number of incoherent objects, for their price or utility. The whole feels like lacking of polishing on this point. It's a bit details but it's unpleasant.
  21. One level of Priest for all your characters won't hurt them and will allow save a Priest before his turn comes. But yes Mass Heal/Cure seems to keep for some cases.


    About the riddle, yes it's better but useful is another point. Better enough to make a difference, I doubt. It's better to use first a wand and get poor damages and then attack, but is it worth it, I don't think so, better take the money. But well this can be argue I agree.

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