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Posts posted by Ephesos

  1. I wondered why this topic had returned...


    But really, there are just two things from your list that made it directly to A4: Area spells and improved lock-picking systems. Regrettably, there are actually fewer spells in A4 than A3, but there are far fewer useless ones. On the plus side, Unlock Doors is finally more difficult to use than straight-up Tool Use (but combining the two is insane...).


    Honestly, 90% of that list was entirely too far-fetched for inclusion in A4.


    EDIT: Well, yes, some monsters can do the strange attacks you spoke of.

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Tyranicus:
    Could someone please tell me how exactly FYT should be used? An example would be nice, even though I'll just make the same mistake again.
    FYT :p

    (Sorry, but you did ask for an example. Though in a less critical sense, FYT would be applicable to this:)

    Originally written by Parapsychosis:
    —Alorael, who can barely bear to step into a new outdoor section if there's any unexplored blue left.
    However, this particular usage doesn't really add anything to the conversation, so it just isn't used that often. TM uses the "rearrange people's words" technique quite often, if you need more examples.
  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Kelandon:
    Heck, R-I in A3 was more fun for me. It's a matter of personal preference, I guess.
    Killing Rentar-Ihrno in A3 was immense fun. Yes, I know it doesn't make any plot difference, but it was still fun to see the huge summoning battle that unfolded. Took about 40 minutes, though...
  4. Okay, I think that you need to speak with an imp who's in the Trash Pits, in the far northwest corner of the fortress. If you've already spoken to that imp, then you should just be able to approach the weak section of wall and get a dialogue box allowing you to tear down the wall.


    EDIT: Of course, this assumes that you're in the right place. Is this the fortress that Grah-Hoth fled to after you freed him?

  5. Yes, the trial-and-error segment of the Rentar-Ihrno fight involving the crystals was a nice touch, though it seemed rather annoying at first. If you know what to do already (or make a lucky guess the first time), then you're in for a much easier fight.

  6. Yes, the atmosphere of the final Rentar fight was appropriately creepy. It's just too bad that her "army" was just two undead vahnatai, which spoiled the effect a bit. The fight was incredibly straightforward, as I just hacked her apart with a few intense volleys of spells, only deviating to fire the occasional arrow at an energy sphere.


    Straightforward doesn't have to be bad, though... I personally loved the Grah-Hoth battle in A1, because he wasn't über-shielded, and he did an insane amount of damage to you. That made you strategize for what starts off looking like a simple fight (well, simple for a room full of demons).


    Dorikas was appropriately difficult, though the whole "forget the plot, he should be dead now" thing. Fear was never used all that well until A4, and this was a good example. If your party was terrorized right after he summoned allies, you had to do quite a bit of catching up the second you came out of it. The setting of the Dorikas fight, however, was a bit of a letdown. It probably would've been better if he'd made for the portal sooner, and not stopped to fight you quite as long. (That'd even take care of those situations where he's standing there with 0 hp and glaring at you)

  7. Quote:
    Originally written by jimmythesaint:
    Also, when I go to leave the fort and get to where the field of pylons were every time i move it activates combat, even though there are no enemies and i can just click right out of it. Very annoying.
    I recall having that one as well... in fact, I remember trying to communicate the problem during beta-testing. Once it happened while some vahnatai allies were fighting pylons out of my sight range, and apparently Jeff thought this was the cause, as that was the save file I sent in.

    That area seems to be very buggy.
  8. (Major Spoilers)


    1. Uh... the ones you've completed always tell you where the next one is. There's the one by Grindstone, one north of Formello, one northeast of Fort Dranlon, one southwest of Almaria, one above the city ruins at the far west of the Great Cave, and one in the Abyss (across the river from Bargha).If you go to one before it's opened, you get a map telling you where to go, so that'll help.


    2. Don't worry about that yet. You can't get there from that side of the river. You'll get to that lair near the end of the game.


    3. Check around the area where the west wall of Bargha meets the cave wall (outside the northwest corner of the city). You should get a message like "you see footprints in the gravel leading north". Walk up to the wall, and it should reveal the passage.


    4. Don't worry about Annatolia. She's not really important to the plot. Heck, I assassinated her in my last game.

  9. Quote:
    Originally written by VCH:
    The spiral Crypt was the only place in the game I nearly got trapped. Where all the undead are just motionless leading into the final area, well I didn't kill any of them. Then I hit the last ruins and bam, every damn one attacks me. That was the hardest fight for my group.
    Heh... I always thought that was a bug, because I really expected them to attack, and they just sat there until I thwacked them. And like a sensible adventurer, I decided that it would be easier to just hack them apart now rather than later. I'm rather glad I did that now... seems that I saved myself a pretty rough fight.
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