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Everything posted by Arrian

  1. Right. Eyebeasts can hit multiple targets, poision targets (they could in GF2, at least), and stun multiple targets. Drakons could hit multiple targets, but in my experience their strikes were either ineffective or missed. As for surviving longer, rotghroths have about the same. Rotdhizons have more. Eyebeasts don't need more hit points, because nobody (could) touch them. Even with the eyebeast downgrade, it's still better than drakon and ur-drakon in my opinion, at least.
  2. But creations like the glaak and cryoa got a power boost. Sure, the terror vlish was a disappointment, the eyebeasts are slightly less effective (but then again, the eyebeasts were way too powerful in GF2) but boosting weaker creations was welcome. I remember the struggle period between battle alphas and rotghroths and gazers in GF2. That was quite difficult a time. One creation that definitely needs a boost is the drakon. They are supposed to be mighty and powerful, right? So why can two battle alphas, a glaak, and an ornk take one out? Oh. Maybe it was that wand of nulity. But my point stands. Drakons can't hold a candle to any of the other big creations.
  3. Here's a tip. Turn off all sounds and plug in the Lord of the Rings score.
  4. I do believe, sir, that there is no fair answer to that question.
  5. In my experience there has been no way, but then again, it's not very important.
  6. Shaper. I prefer busting in and doing the John Wayne as opposed to all that sneaking with an agent. It makes me feel dirty.
  7. Creation specific groups are a bad idea. Vary your creation types. You'll find that using several of the same type will get you caught in some stick situations. Mix it up, and usually include one or two battle creations that can take the brunt of the hits.
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