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Everything posted by nikki.

  1. You need to go to Lark's room, in the Northwest corner of the Fort where you first found her scrolls. Then read them again, and voila!
  2. Vague one-liners make the world go 'round! "It was simple after that." See?
  3. Quote: Originally written by upon mars: why is Diki and Niki like ice cream and why am i like that ? What flavour? And why are us two, out of a couple hundred people "ice cream"? Also, on topic, from what I've read and heard about GF4, I will probably be a member of this club when Jeff finally finishes the Windows port.
  4. Mars - when you post like that, it's okay. It's fairly readable, and people can discuss it because they understand it. We aren't shaming you because of your dyslexia, or whatever, but we have asked you to proof-read your posts, and run them through a spell-checker. It just makes it that little bit easier for us to read them, and if we can understand them without struggling, then we're much more likely to take you seriously. Looking back, the post above is almost identical to the one before, but the new one is much clearer to read. If you try to post like that in future, I'm sure people will be a lot easier on you.
  5. They do it in DwtD as well, in the Vampire-guys castle, Diki, but I've never encountered it in the Avernum series.
  6. Quote: Originally written by Garrison: Mindduel in Exile 3 was very hard to pull off if I remember correctly. Plus, finding Smokey Crystals was difficult too!
  7. Quote: Originally written by Dintiradan: By Slarty: Quote: I haven't used it in A2, so perhaps it was weaked, but Mindduel was a real killer in E2. It was, after all, designed to be the reasonable way to defeat the final boss. A2 took that last bit out, which annoys me tremendously. You seem to be saying that mindduel was present in A2. Am I having a brain fart right now? I don't remember anything like that. Nah, it wasn't in the Avernum games. Which is a HUGE shame, by the way. But we got prettier graphics instead
  8. Quote: Originally written by National Champion UF Gators-- Again: You know it makes a backup file before it changes the outdoor size, so your scenario hasn't really been corrupted. Open up TV.bas.bak to get back on track. In my scenario folder? Yay. I'm not on that computer at the moment, but I'll go and check later. Thanks
  9. Quote: Originally written by National Champion UF Gators-- Again: I've had a problem with the 3D editor's Change Outdoor Size feature. Basically it corrupts various towns, which eliminates its usefullness for obvious reasons. I've tried it with various scenarios with no success. Has anybody else had this problem? Yes. Just. It appears to be a Windows only problem, if it's working for others, and as well as messing up towns, it also destroyed my outdoors, and the editor shows me error messages when trying to load different towns. And promptly crashing. So TV is dead. Gah. I am not a happy man.
  10. Ishad Nha, please, please, please stop referring to hex-editing. The board CoC says it's naughty: Quote: What constitutes a major transgression for a member: + Any discussion of hex-editing or requests for "cracks", pirated software, ways to pirate software, etc.
  11. Quote: Originally written by Dintiradan: By Laz: Quote: You're my hero. Second that motion. By the by, is there a simple way to disable sounds in the editor? There's been a number of requests for that. Yes. No sounds please!
  12. Quote: Originally written by upon mars: That is true she/he has nearly the same problem of spelling which between waking and sleeping make me roll over and die of laughter. Erm... are you trying to say that I can't spell either? 'Cus, see that may be true to some extent, but I can spell fairly well. Well enough for the boards, anyway. And sadly, Diki, I am not a bear.
  13. I don't have much to add, except that it is possible to own your own house in Avernum/Exile 3, although not until quite a way in. That's sorta like one of the things you were talking about.
  14. Quote: Originally written by upon mars: I like betwen walking and sleeping. Do I take that as a good thing or a bad thing?? Anyway, as for the overt femininity, I must thank you all for noticing I was really waiting for the next photo thread to pull this stunt though... Sigh.
  15. Quote: Originally written by Micawber.: I do miss it in Avernum 4, although not as much as mass haste. Seconded. Removing mass haste was probably the biggest non-BoA thing I hold angainst Jeff.
  16. I'm thinking this is here because the Shapers and the Resistance or supposed to be Nazi Germany and Japan... Anyway, I think either 1 or 4... It depends on a lot of things - I'd describe myself as quite quixotic. Although, I also think Thuyrl has a good point... (yay a story!!) In secondary school (so when I was about 14 or 15), we were rushed to an emergency assembly and told that the school was under siege. Our teachers told us they wanted volunteers to try and find out where the people attacking where coming from, with the risk of certain death if found. About a dozen people out of 500 or so volunteered, myself included. Of course, we weren't under siege, and once outside, we volunteers were let in on the idea - it was something about War awareness or something they were trying to teach (and obviously it worked, since I forget the point ). Still, only about 2% of the population reacted in a way comparable to choices 3 and 4. And sure, maybe age is an issue, and maybe the scenario is different, but the fact remains that half of us didn't stand forward when asked to, even be people we supposedly respected. In fact, my school was bad about things like this - earlier on when we were 11 or so, we were told that there had been an outbreak of plague...
  17. Quote: Originally written by wary wanderer: As an aside, what's with the misquote of The Smiths? I recently saw Morrissey live in concert (in Manchester!!), and he played 'Please, please, please' but with those lyrics. And they're much better than "let me get what I want", in my opinion. Quote: And in order to stay on topic, I'll comment that you've left out living tools, spore batons, and plants that produce useful seed pods. I wasn't totally sure about these, and misinformation is bad unless you're Aran or *i, so I didn't comment.
  18. Goatchesse/Goat's Cheese... You tell ME the difference. Anyway - what is the Trakovite agenda? I'd assume they were linked to the Rebels, but clearly this isn't the case.
  19. I'm basing all of this from GF1-3 canon, and obviously, if there are explanations in GF4 for these things, then you should ignore what I say.. Chitin armour is just the shell of a living creature (such as a clawbug) that is treated to be wearable, as far as I know. Chitin exists in our world too, and is the basis for many insect's hard shells. Thorn batons are animals inside wooden(?) casings, that have little intelligence. They fire when the user squeezes the rear end of said animal. I can think of better ways to live... And the "plants" that give you health and energy (I'm presuming you mean the hand-shaped ones) are actually crystals. I think GF2 explains this properly, but I can't find the exact location of the description... Hope that's been more than vaguely helpful.
  20. Quote: Originally written by Dikiyoba: 1. Yes, he has them all, except for a handful that were lost. 2. No, I don't think he ever posts that list. The next question after the question that is answerable by answer three of your pst, Diki, is this: Does anybody else have a copy of those names?
  21. Quote: Originally written by Delicious Vlish: I seem to recall some text stating that they had tried to waylay an apprentice previous to you in Geneforge. I could be wrong, it has been a long time. I remember it saying they tried to use a full Shaper, but it didn't work out. And then they trapped you. I shall hunt for quotes later - on the wrong computer.
  22. Quote: Originally written by opon mars: Are we obliged to post ? Any way i think that geneforge 4 spells are better they look relly real. No, we are not obliged to post. Especially people with sloppy spelling... As for my two cents, as it were, I think Divine Warrior was easily better than Retribution. I used the former constantly, and the latter infrequently.
  23. I support the person who can write posts which do not make me cry.
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