The Real Dragon King
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Posts posted by The Real Dragon King
for the past two weeks I been 'cleaning' up JV's code (windows, and I'm not telling why ), when I came to file: blscened.rc -- this file at the top, has a line that says:
#include "afxres.h"
OK --- just where is it???
Do you Mackys have the file included but not the windows version?
Thanks for any help in tracking down this file.
Thanks for replies --- I now go over and sit on the window still and wait for some new games just around the corner.......
I know I will be yelled at, told that I am *dumb*, but...
Is there anyone working on the Windows port of the 3D BOA Editor?
If so, what is the current status? i.e., are you looking over the source code, checking your tools to compile this monster, anything??
Thanks for reading my dumb rant --- James
How to download the Windows Editor v. 1.0.3
1) goto scenario workshop page
2) right-click either the ftp or http link then select COPY
3) go up to your address bar and click in it to highlight what is already there
4) still in the address bar, right-click and select PASTE
the file name should be:
5) with the address bar unlighted, cursor over to the left of the .zip and enter the following four characters:
the completed file name is should look like:
6) now press enter or return or what ever it is on your keyboard
OR click the following:
At 5.50MB, it will take a while to download the lastest version --- guess JV was too busy packing to noticed the file name in the link didn't match what was in the directory.
Under both ftp and http, I keep getting 'no file or directory' message related to the new windows version of the editor.
Any one else have better luck??
Quote:Originally written by Kelandon:
These are the possible towns for set_out_fight_town_loaded (in the Outdoor Calls in the Appendices).
EDIT: They're also used for fl_out_fight_town_used in the docs 2.4: Creating Custom Floor Types.
James -
Looking through my 'c:\Boa\Data' directory, there are two *.bas files. One I know about is 'warriorgrove.bas'. However, the second one is called 'OutFight.bas'.
Does anyone know just what this file is for? Didn't read anything about it in the docs.
Thanks --- James
Quote:Originally written by Isaac:
Quote:Originally written by Dahak:
Is there a way to ditch the grid lines. They are very annoying (2D or 3D).
Just mention it in the readme file
James -
Avernum IV: Revenge of the Vahnatai
Its payback time...........
Quote:Originally written by Grey-Eyed Stranger:
I reccomend Fresh Download.
It's totally free (even registration), but they're a pretty trustworthy company and they really don't spam you.
Guess you can't have everything...
James -
The slow down is related to Timber-Wolf's problem with the death graphics running slow.;f=2;t=000501
Quote:Originally written by Thuryl:
I assume you don't have anything else running in the background?
I guess I can cancel the last two and see what happens.
Thanks --- James -
Redownloaded the almost 14MB file using 'Fresh Download' -- installed with no problems this time.
Runs great ---- until combat -------
Even with the game speed set to its max., the battle sequences is still a little slow.
My 'mickey mouse' system is dated April, 1999
HP 4530 AMD K6-2/350 MHz, 128 MB ram.
So why is it slow?
I downloaded the *long* Blades of Avernum.exe file last night, this morning, I installed it.
However, when it came time to decompress the .exe file, I recieved the following message:
C:\BOA\Blades of Avernum.exe
A decompression error has been detected (#7)
File CRC mismatched - Data integrity error
I downloaded the file using the HTTP link. I'll try again using one of the FTP links.
Hopefully, this time it willl decompress correctly.
Er, on the workshop page I still see version 1.0 listed for the windows version.
Download Blades of Avernum Scenario Editor
Blades of Avernum Editor For Macintosh v1.1 (4.9 MB)
Blades of Avernum Editor For Windows v1.0 (4.9 MB)
Or the newer file *is* there, just the page isn't updated.
Thank you --- James
You re-install and start playing again, for the up-tine time.....
(waiting for the PC port of BOA)
If you were to **read** the docs -- it said NOT to ever modify the corescendata.txt file nor another core*.txt file. Only Jeff can do this, via updates to Advernum.
You should have used a 'custom object' file -- plase read the docs about it.
You won't have a headache later
You'll find Rhakkus in Benerii-Uss Shaping -- somewhere in the sw corner.
Good luck getting him.
The file your looking for is under the data subdirectory of geneforge 2 --- it is called: gf2prefs.dat
Just backup that file and your good to go.
Aa question to the Mackys
in Blades of Avernum Editor
Thanks Thuryl, one site had listed the contents of the file, now I can examine it.
Bye --- James