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Arc the Lad

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Everything posted by Arc the Lad

  1. Useful at the start, then gradually gets worse and worse... I still use bows though, I always find a chance to use them.
  2. I always wanted to change the sprites and portraits to other video game characters, I'm just....too lazy, even for MS paint.
  3. Ok I know you can run Avernum 1-3 in a window, here is the catch, how do I MOVE the window? (Windows XP) I like to watch videos while I play so when I play Exile 1-3 I put the game in the top left, and the video in the bottom right. I would like to do this with Avernum but its hogging up space in the middle. I tried DXWnd but it doesn't work, unless I need to change the settings on it. I know it works with Avernum 4 and 5. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  4. I have a lot of questions about Exile 3. 1. three things, Where can I augment? Should I bother? and what should I augment with? (+2, flaming?) 3. Where are all the random items shops? I know there is one in the Tower of Magi and Storm Port. Also, which one is cheapest? (Storm Port has good prices) 4. What is a good amulet to use? I have a couple Fang Necklaces for random bless, which is nice. 5. The Archer's Bow gives 3 defense and weighs 1, so should I equip one on everyone, even if they don't do archery, purely for the defense? 6. What are the best gloves for each type of character? Warrior, Thief, and Magic users. 7. Should I get mythril chain mail for everyone? It seems to be really good, having nice defense and no encumbrance.
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