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Mea Tulpa

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Everything posted by Mea Tulpa

  1. Is there no mouse or no cursor? The distinction is important. I know you can't see the cursor, but if you move the mouse around and click repeatedly, does anything register? If yes, it's definitely a display issue of some sort. If no, who knows.
  2. The reputation required by each of the sects is MUCH less extreme than in past games. Leadership can further tilt the balance. So, it should be extremely easy to join each sect in succession, provided you do the two Shaper reputation sects (Alwan + Taygen) either first or last.
  3. It sounds more like a graphics issue. Quit Geneforge and reopen it with different monitor settings. I don't see how script tampering could make the cursor invisible.
  4. In this particular case, there are lots of people here who *have* played through everything and who usually respond pretty quickly. So by offering second-hand advice you are really doing a disservice.
  5. The first and last word on min-maxing. Actually, here's another word. "Damn your merely casual attention to the physics that govern our fickle-fated world!"
  6. Almost certainly. The factions don't actually require very extreme reputations this time around, plus Leadership can substitute for a certain amount of reputation.
  7. "dbugkill" has been in every Geneforge game I can think of (and possibly some of the other recent releases, not sure). I think it was in one of the early Geneforge hint books, though it's possible it found its way onto these forums from somewhere else. At any rate, it's been fairly common knowledge for years.
  8. Sheesh. I've only looked at Astoria's so far, but it has a massive number of variations compared with past endings. We're talking G1 here, but with more minor details, many of which I can't recognize the triggers for at all. What determines -- with the Astoria ending -- whether the Trakovites disappear or are eventually victorious?
  9. I just found the endings in the game files! They are just in the data fork this time, but they are there, in their entirity from what I can tell.
  10. Too many rotdhizon topics, Uber. Look, it's great to post about your experiences in G5, but this forum is not your personal journal. It is not your blog. Make one topic about rotdhizons and stick to it, or post in others as appropriate. If you truly have a new topic, great. However, another 2 sentences raving about rotdhizons is not a reason to start a new topic. We are done here.
  11. You did not get your resistances up to 120% and over. If you are adding, you might get them to add up to 120%, but that is meaningless, because the game multiplies them.
  12. Right. If you want to use "dbugkill", go ahead -- have fun! However, there's a reason it starts with "dbug". That code is there for debugging purposes, not specifically to aid players like "healmenow".
  13. The end of G1 is a special case which is completely contradictory to the way the PC's creations work at every other moment of every game. It's hard to conclude much from it at all. I'm almost certain there's a comment in G1 or G2 about the distinction between "permanent" creations and the ones you shape, due to the "I'm just a trainee who has acquired a lot of skills quickly, but not all the skills of a full shaper" mantra that is repeated so often in those games.
  14. For most enemies, it is zero. Eyebeasts and gazers have some luck by default. (7 or 8 I think? It's in the defs.) Unique enemies may have stats set by hand, including luck. This is unlikely but always possible.
  15. Base chance to hit for the spell you are using + 5% / level of Battle Magic + 5% / level of Spellcraft + 2% / level of Luck + 5% / skill in the spell you are using - 5% / enemy's point of Dexterity - 2% / enemy's point of Luck There are some other buffs/debuffs that affect this, like bless, curse, and protection, but this is the basic idea.
  16. In the earlier games at least they are definitely not seperate.
  17. I don't think packaging the Geneforge scripts and making them publicly available is a good idea. At any rate, if you really feel the need to do that, I would email Jeff first and ask permission. Redistributing a substantial portion of the games in modified form is definitely not approved under the software licenses.
  18. There is only one reputation scale, and the numbers Alorael quotes are real. So if your reputation with the shapers goes up, your reputation with the rebels goes down, and vice versa. However, the game will never display your reputation for you.
  19. Originally Posted By: Thuryl Don't raise shaping skills higher than 10: the benefits start decreasing above that. Bzzzt! This is Geneforge 1. Although the benefits do start decreasing, the cost never increases, so even raising a stat from 20 to 23 for one actual improvement is cheaper than in G5, without the 10- and 20-caps. Also, remember that you get TWICE the value from bonus levels as from gained levels, for your creations. My advice for a G1 Shaper is to put all your points into either Magic or Fire Shaping for a while. You can make Artila (or Cryoa) at extremely high levels early on, and you will breeze through everything. Then, when you are higher level, you can start to pump Intelligence and gradually make stronger creations, and finally max out your chosen shaping stat. You just make new creations when you get level ups or use new canisters, instead of keeping hte old ones around all the time.
  20. Or, you could just play the game, which does that itself. The "text dumps" being referred to are, I think, the dump of Exile and Avernum 1-3 that I made for Encyclopedia Ermariana, which was never posted on the boards here, only on EE. That was a rather different circumstance as the game text was not easily accessible -- it was mostly stored in various formats in the application data and resource forks, not in text files that are clearly legible with any text editor and easily batch-searchable.
  21. The earlier games have mostly been less balanced. Geneforge 3 might well seem harder if you attempted to play as a Guardian or as a Battle Shaper. If you ran a Mental Magic Agent or created Vlish, it was one of the easiest games Spiderweb has made, possibly the easiest.
  22. TextWrangler, which is free, offers very flexible batch find with grep.
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