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Mea Tulpa

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Everything posted by Mea Tulpa

  1. That's not really true, at least not here. A3 is frequently bashed in the same breath as E3 is praised, so it's not about the plot. The most cited issue is atmosphere and presentation.
  2. I assume the Anama Hunter's skill becomes power for that action, and not permanently, right? A very interesting combination of roles.
  3. You keep bringing up that silly game. I'm going to start calling you Alorealmz.
  4. Pokemon's mechanics are actually very different from Geneforge's. Yes, you have disposable PCs, but the ways they are obtained and used are entirely different. (I would also venture to say that Pokemon's battle system has a lot more strategic depth to it.)
  5. Jeff mentioned a novel source? Really? One thing Jeff has made clear, is that Geneforge was originally written as pure sci-fi. He later injected copious quantities of fantasy elements to make it more marketable. That's why the game has swords and javelins and stuff. Think it's a complete coincidence that those batons are six-shooters?
  6. Possibly. However, help files and in-game help have had numerous errors in almost every SW release, some of which seem like bugs and some of which seem like purposeful changes.
  7. Perhaps not "most", but certainly more than zero, and those people might will tip the balance in favor of G1. I guess the counterbalance would be the possibility that the later games have gotten better exposure (including from people who start in the middle and don't go back to the beginning).
  8. So here's a follow-up question. How well do you think the five Geneforge games have sold? G3, for example, has been towards the bottom of most of these lists -- not due to being hated, just due to not being liked as much as other games -- but I think Jeff said at some point that its sales were quite good.
  9. As long as there is no 'Cordelia' thahd...
  10. Not being against an idea, and actually supporting an idea, are two very different things. I stand by my words.
  11. CM, you posted started this thread to find out what other people thought. I think it has been successful in that regard. Not one person has expressed agreement with you that the existence of multiple wikis is a critical problem that needs to be addressed.
  12. GRAPHICS. Notice all those video memory problems windows users are hitting with G5? Having more sprites and a greater variety of them eatings up graphics processing power. Jeff chose a moderate limit to put compatibility first.
  13. Originally Posted By: Lawful Duck *shifty glance* It takes at least a year for Jeff to program these games, and the sales wouldn't be that great. This is patently untrue. Nethergate: Resurrection is EXACTLY what is described here: Nethergate (1997) remade with BoA's (2004) engine in 2007, and that took Jeff something like 4 months IIRC -- AND it didn't delay his regular schedule of 1 brand new game every 12 months, so it was essentially a "bonus" and had no need for jaw-dropping sales figures. The #1 way for people to get irritated with you, Duck, is to post your guesses about something but talk about it as if you know the truth and are 100% sure.
  14. More to the point, the damage multiplier of the War Trall's ranged attack MORE THAN DOUBLED between G4 and G5. I think its native attack strength increased, too.
  15. G1: the freshest, the most interesting, with the best atmosphere, and by far the best exposition of plot. (Probably the best, in that last regard, of all of Jeff's games.) After that I'd put G4, G2, G5, and G3, in that order.
  16. That's the point, the Internet is FULL of pointless redundancy. Complaining about redundancy on the Internet is like complaining about somebody having a stupid opinion and broadcasting it on the Internet (the original strip).
  17. They don't increase, and unless you are a real min-maxing munchkin powergamer, you are correct.
  18. Commence bad xkcd parody: - Are you coming to bed? - I can't. This is important. - What? - Something is redundant on the Internet. Seriously, CM, you are complaining about redundancy on the Internet? Have you gone totally bonkers?
  19. I didn't vote, but the question was ambiguous enough that some people may have interpreted it as which _webspace_ to keep and agreed with your idea to move the wikispaces to barred.ermarian.net. I'm just saying this is a lot of fuss over nothing. The wikispaces wiki has had 6 edits in the last 30 days, 5 by the owner and 1 by Ackrovan. It is sustaining itself, sort of... But, it is not growing exponentially, it is not in need of new organizational schema, etc. I just note that you're not volunteering to do this yourself, you're basically asking other people to put in the time. I'm just saying, as a third party, I don't see the return-on-investment... why bother moving it? Regardless, it probably does make sense to copy the one page with actual information on barred.ermarian.net (my user page & user talk page, IIRC) and get rid of the subdomain.
  20. The poll system SEEMS great, but it has some ugly features if you want to include multiple questions. One big problem is that it's impossible to make people respond to a set of questions at once, which totally ruins anything resembling data integrity when comparing different questions. On the flip side, if you are trying to respond to multiple questions at once, it's very annoying to have to repeat (click your answer, click submit vote, wait for it to load, scroll to find the next question) X times instead of just clicking an answer X times and clicking submit vote once. --- In retrospect, it was clearly a bad idea on our part to attempt to be organized, since nothing ever happened. Hindsight is 20/20, eh? That said, I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to accomplish here, CM. The wikia only has a few low quality articles, all written by one person, and Sucia Archives has none. Right now the wikispaces wiki is the only real Geneforge wiki. They seem to be doing a reasonable enough job with it, so I'm not sure what moving it to Aran's space would do except - create more work for Aran - create a lot of work for whoever moves the content - put Aran in a potentially awkward situation given that the wikispaces wiki "owner" is banned on SW Really the simplest thing to do seems to be to tell the one wikia contributor about the wikispaces wiki.
  21. You're right -- it was 99. I was misremembering my own research. I still think that's a pretty weird cameo for an actual employee. I would suspect the name referring to some relative of Linda's she was making fun of, rather than her personally. Jeff mentioned at some point that a lot of the less plot-integral writing was done by Mariann or Linda. I'm not sure if that was true as of 2001, but it's a possibility. At any rate I'm leaving it in the suspicious section.
  22. I did see that. It's certainly possible, but it just seems like a really weird reference to me. Linda had just started working for SW while G1 was being written, I believe, and that seems like a weird and unflattering cameo to welcome somebody with. I'll add it to the suspicious category, which I should have before.
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