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Mea Tulpa

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Everything posted by Mea Tulpa

  1. Actually, those spells were just renamed. Purifying Rain = Aura of Flames, and Shocking Rain = Essence Orbs. Shocking Rain actually got a boost of about 10 damage over Essence Orbs, too.
  2. The mage summons really were much better in A5.
  3. And for Prismatic Shield / Arcane Shield, and for energy type damage, and in A5 for the very strong summons.
  4. Innocent, meaningless posts with ads in the signature. This is new. It's still spam. Goodbye!
  5. You know, changing Haste had a huge impact on the way G5 could be played. I am really looking forward to seeing A6 with, presumably, the same weakened Haste. I think that alone will make the game much more interesting. Certainly it will change the optimal builds.
  6. You are however significantly less invincible in G5 than in previous games, thanks to several rule adjustments.
  7. Yes, we all know that you can make that happen by editing game files. We're all suitably impressed, Atrix.
  8. It seems to me that since there is HUGE trove of "legacy" scenarios, and it is, frankly, very unlikely that the number of "new" scenarios will ever approach a huge trove, compatibility with legacy scenarios ought to be priority #1 by a longshot.
  9. In G5, the Servile is probably a better choice, because there are more opportunities to boost magic skills to acceptable levels. If you are not playing a _strict_ singleton the Infiltrator has the advantage of more essence for the occasional disposable creation. Even then, in G5 (as opposed to G4) the Servile probably has the advantage.
  10. I think you have missed inherited stats on weapon definitions, and therefore quite a few good weapons.
  11. oh. yeah, that's not reachable. you can however use the editor to reset the chapter 2 boat, and take it by following the path allllll the way from formello. I think there's just a secret passage leading to it somewhere. I want to say the recipe is in the gremlin grove? not sure, but it should be listed somewhere online. google/gamefaqs
  12. I believe you can get to that special without the Orb. Take the portal back to Vahnatai lands and backtrack to the place where the river falls into the bottomless pit. Somewhere along the left wall of that giant room is a secret passage leading to the special. I don't remember what it contains, but nothing too useful I imagine.
  13. One issue about the engine change that is not an issue of engine preference, is the gross distortion of the A1-3 map in A4. Towns that previously were many screens apart are now right next door to each other due to space limitations. This is worst in the Eastern Gallery. A5 doesn't have this issue since it wasn't fitting a predesigned world into a new map system, so it looks a lot more natural.
  14. Cave cows were surface cows sent down with the Exiles, at some point, and bred in the caves. So the Sliths were never really exposed to cows.
  15. According to G1, the original exodus from Sucia was something like 2 millenia earlier -- so there is plenty of time to move around.
  16. Dude. The G1 ending states specifically that Sucia Island is not far from Dillame. It mentions Dillame by name. There's really nothing to debate.
  17. Sucia is off the eastern coast. It's near Dillame -- this is specified in the G1 ending.
  18. I take it that's why you're posting with two different accounts?
  19. Eww. That's pretty offensive to my X-Men related sensibilities. Of course, so was X3.
  20. Up until G5, there was no evidence that Shaper Council members would be running provinces at all. They were always portrayed as being very centralized. Given that, I think it makes sense that they would be mostly located near the Council itself.
  21. Right. If it wasn't for the Chunnel, the French would have had to take those awful boats to get to England, which would take forever, not to mention it would devastate their morale.
  22. Nobody's mad at you, it just seems that nobody who stopped by had an answer to your question. It's certainly possible to do so by editing graphic sheets or def files, whether it's possible to do so without creating big graphics glitches is a different question.
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