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Mea Tulpa

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Everything posted by Mea Tulpa

  1. Less serious question: Where the heck does your PDN come from?
  2. Serious question here: At some point wouldn't it be easier to just write a new game engine from scratch, and make a converter to read in BoE scenarios?
  3. No, it's not. I mean, it might be, but it's not specifically dropped by them. This is Exile, remember?
  4. I believe there's a hidden treasure in one of the dungeons that can only be found if the skull tells you about it. (Sylak's skull, that is)
  5. A 75% chance of removing an extra point of fatigue will increase your damage a lot more, on average, than a few extra damage dice will.
  6. Sylak's Talking Skull says: "Don't forget me!"
  7. What Alorael and Thuryl just said is key. Also, you may want to try playing on Torment before you say anything else. Everything has CRAPLOADS of hit points, so it is rarely feasible to just blast everything with area effect spells. Look, you are trying an extremely difficult challenge. Torment is hard enough, but permadeath on top of that, phew. Do things how you want, but if you choose sub-optimal builds, expect to hear "I told you so."
  8. Sharpshooter is not as good simply because bow damage doesn't scale as fast as melee or magic damage. Elite Warrior is best for fighters but it's excellent for anyone, partly due to Parry and encumbrance but mainly due to Blademaster. High Blademaster lets you use battle proficiencies more frequently! IMHO, this is more useful than 6 points in Mage Spells, but that's just my opinion.
  9. The XP penalties are almost meaningless given how XP is scaled in this game. Even with the worst penalty possible you only trail a no penalty PC by 2-4 levels, which amounts to 20 skill points at the end of the game -- and considering the gigantic value some of the traits are by then, that's a huge loss. (Expect +9 to Magery, Blademaster, and Sharpshooter, in addition to the 20% armor, from Divinely Touched. Elite Warrior provides about +6 to Blademaster and Parry plus a lot of extra carrying capacity. The Mage/Priest skills provide about +6 to spell skill and +3/+6 to Magical Efficiency; Natural Mage lets you cast mage spells in encumbering armor, but most encumbering armor is unnecessary anyway.) Good Constitution does not add to Hardiness, it adds to resistances at I believe +6% each. Given that resistances are calculated by multiplication and not addition this is not very useful. Nimble Fingers adds up to +4 to Lockpicking, eventually. They are not worth the advantage slot. Also, never use Humans. Nephils and Sliths both get equivalent points in weapon skills that help them earn combat proficiencies. Abhi, I admire your courage in challenging Torment like this, but you don't know all of the game mechanics. Read some threads here and listen to the advice you will hear instead of claiming you know best.
  10. Also: Good Constitution and Nimble Fingers? Do what you want, but you clearly aren't making optimal choices.
  11. Or the summon cap could be altered to be 1 summon per character, rather than 2 summons per any combination of characters, which would make more sense and induce more strategy.
  12. Divinely Touched increases your magic power more than Natural Mage does, and it also increases your melee skill.
  13. If you just want to make one character with the highest chance of surviving, BUT you also have 3 other characters, then he doesn't have to adept with every single attack form. Regardless, not having Divinely Touched is crazy. Talk about survivability -- it gives free 20% armor, in addition to the amazing bonuses to Blademaster, Sharpshooter, and Magery.
  14. Originally Posted By: Abhi Slith:elite warrior,natural mage.(giving him all wisdom crystal and knowledge potions,) My mage slith was incredible and experiment really worked i tried to make him too much powerful so that he can run away to town. This is an unusual choice to say the least. I take it that your slith was just a mage who had the Elite Warrior trait (which I've always thought was a great idea) and not actually a warrior/mage, which would be a huge waste of skill points?
  15. Torment with no reloads will be very difficult, especially if you intend to complete every single part of every single area.
  16. I see you are no longer satisfied with just stealing my gimmicks. —Alorael, who really has nothing else to say, and should probably have had nothing to say in the first place.
  17. It is not a spider but a cruel, cruel web. Saunders —Alorael, who wonders how many members he can be at once.
  18. That would make sense, but now recall the sticky politics between the Tower of Magi, the King, and (especially) the Council. Given that it is given to the Castle shortly after Erika precipitated the Empire War, it's not surprising they didn't want to give it to the mages.
  19. That is definitely one of the tougher parts of the game. I found summoning spells (used repeatedly when my summons died) to be very helpful in that fight. The wight (or ghast, something like that) was especially great as it could stun him as well as deal damage and soak up damage. However, I wouldn't be embarassed to set the difficulty level lower for that fight, given that you never get the chance to come back and try later on.
  20. Unless I'm mistaken, Infiltrator equipment existed before the class did.
  21. Plague! The normal kind, not the monster variety.
  22. Just as long as Rentar-Ihrno isn't behind the ice age.
  23. I have said this before, but I am extremely suspicious that stealth has the same effect on mines that it does on hostile creatures. They use similar scripts, and this would explain why people have different experiences with that pair of mines.
  24. If you got the orders for Fort Haledon, you dealt with the evidence as well, I think. Either way the orders are all you need. IIRC you have to talk to a sequence of people in Ft Haledon to get the assault to happen.
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