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Mea Tulpa

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Everything posted by Mea Tulpa

  1. Really? They don't get the 1/2 pt per level that creations get? That's news to me, and is definitely different from later games.
  2. Or "Trajkov". That makes sense, though -- "Sucia" was a name long known and recorded among the Shapers; the others were not, and were passed on mainly by oral transmission.
  3. Zachary doesn't say that. He says how long it's been since he and Barzahl were on Sucia. That's not *quite* the same thing as G1, though it's likely within a year of it. There was an exhaustive analysis of this done in another topic.
  4. This may sound like a stupid question, but can you save other files, in other applications, to the same location?
  5. I thought I remembered that and was about to ask. Thanks for digging that up, Diki. The 7 years number is made up. G3 definitely doesn't say that. Originally Posted By: Sleeping Dragon If there were another faction involved that didn't believe all drakons should be wiped off the face of the world, they would probably be much more open to relations. Except that there have been other factions that believe that. They didn't trade openly with Barzahl or the Awakened during G2, only prior to it. During G2, they want you to destroy Barzahl and the Awakened. The drakons kill Trakovites on sight in G4, even though they don't want to wipe any drakons off the face of the world. Similarly, though they obviously prefer her to Alwan and Taygen, the drakons are happy to destroy Astoria and her faction in G5.
  6. *facepalm* I would just like to point out that people repeatedly suggested you post part of the script, and you repeatedly refused, saying it wouldn't help. However, had you posted that one line of code, somebody would immediately have been able to point out the problem. A little humility goes a long way.
  7. No concatenated signatures-within-signatures?
  8. simuracurlicam is the best vanahatti yet
  9. No no no no no no. Nothing in leadership or mechanics yet. The game makes you THINK you need them, but really you don't. There are plenty of areas to explore where they are not required, and you will get plenty in them eventually. Pump Int so you can get a full complement of Vlish + Terror Vlish as soon as possible. There is no permanent loss (and no meaningful temporary loss) out of delaying leadership and mechanics; whereas delaying the essence required for one of your creations for a few levels, will result in the PERMANENT loss of several experience levels for that creation.
  10. I forgot, thanks for the correction. You still want to buy a second level if you can afford it, of course.
  11. Pick up and sell more crap. Unfortunate but true. This is important as you will want to buy _two_ levels before getting the CV canister.
  12. Finish the first island, go to the second island, buy Create Vlish.
  13. Picture threads have been a mainstay of SW since the early days, actually.
  14. Right, but "low" is relative and not synonymous with "worst" in any event. And A4 was unpopular with a certain subset of forum users. It wasn't actually unpopular by a particularly gross margin here -- though the preference for A5 does seem to be nearly universal -- and we are a pretty self-selected subset of his customer base as well.
  15. It's been a few years since I've played, so I'm afraid I don't remember how I did it. It may be necessary to poke around another zone or two first, or to abuse save-and-reload.
  16. Gah!!! No leadership, no mechanics. There are ways to get through the tests without them. You can buy those points later, after you've gotten your shaping and Int up and created some vlish. You are literally shaving 7-8 experience levels off of all your creations, permanently, by using skill points that way.
  17. Careful, this is how misinformation gets started! Jeff did not say those were his two worst game sales (although given everything he's said about BoA, it may be reasonable to assume that for BoA). He just called them "unpopular."
  18. As a result of user comments, Jeff changed encumbrance in G4 so that only equipped items count towards it. The limit is also a bit lower, but it's far more manageable.
  19. Originally Posted By: Abhishek Sometime y didnt u neglect it. By the way, this is a good example of a sentence that is totally incomprehensible. "y" for "why" and "u" for "you" are just annoying, but even understanding those, it's impossible to tell what you meant here.
  20. Well, you listed the Divinely Touched bonuses for the first 3 characters but not the 4th one, and you specifically labelled "racial bonus" on the 2nd PC while not listing any racial bonus on the 3rd or 4th. What exactly did you expect us to think?
  21. Dare I ask what traits the "mage" has instead of Divinely Touched or Natural Mage? I notice the "priest" and "mage" both look to be human, as well.
  22. Huzzah! The simple start: 1. Make a shaper. Put all your skill points into Magic Shaping, at least until you get to 10. After that put points into Intelligence. 2. Dash for the Testing Hall and obtain Create Artila. Make a bunch of Artila. They will be overpowered for the first island. You don't need to put points into Int, they will work fine without it. 3. But, don't do the entire first island, just dash for the required zones and move on to the second island. 4. There, dash for Create Vlish -- I forget where it is, but FAQs should help you out there. Absorb the artilas and make a bunch of Vlish. Again, no points into Int, you can add those later if you desire. I also recommend getting the Create Vlish canister on the island ASAP, and once you have enough essence, replace 2 or 3 Vlish with Terror Vlish. Terror Vlish don't terrorize in G3 but their missile attack is poison-based instead of magic-based, which is extremely useful against certain enemies, like Gazers. Depending on how the numbers work out and how early you get Create Vlish, increasing Intelligence before you have 10 in Magic Shaping may be helpful if it allows you to create more than one vlish a level earlier than you would otherwise. (Remember, your creations get 3/4 of your XP with no scaling, ever, whatsoever, in G3.)
  23. The TV Tropes page claims the concept "dates back to the Zelda series" but I don't think that's true. It's a clear reference to the "second quest" in the original Legend of Zelda, which is indeed accessed in the same way New Game+ is typically accessed. However, it's not a New Game+, it's essentially a New Game in a different scenario.
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