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Mea Tulpa

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Everything posted by Mea Tulpa

  1. Mea Tulpa

    A Reflection

    Originally Posted By: Sun and Shadow and Rain Originally Posted By: Pansupticon Ply Originally Posted By: JadeWolf The mention of tons of dice reminds me of my Magic: the Gathering games. Magic doesn't use dice. Magic very, very occasionally uses dice. As far as I am aware, Magic has never used dice -- with the sole exception of some Unglued cards, which are not part of the regular game at all (and have never been legal in any tournament format). There are versions of Scrabble that have alternate board layouts, but it would be silly to say "Scrabble uses multiple board layouts."
  2. That sounds suspiciously like the end of the game of Life.
  3. Mea Tulpa

    A Reflection

    Originally Posted By: JadeWolf The mention of tons of dice reminds me of my Magic: the Gathering games. Magic doesn't use dice.
  4. Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan ...only doing this to take another swing on the conservative party. Considering that the committee that picks the recipient does not have any Americans on it, and is not specifically concerned with the U.S., it would be very strange for them to pick on "the" conservative party. U.S. politics receive some attention globally, but not that much. It would be extra strange given that one of the five committee members is also a cabinet minister of the Conservative Party.
  5. "Changing a bit of the graphics"? Meaning what? Also, please see the above question that you didn't answer. Look, people here are happy to help you troubleshoot, but if you don't provide all possibly relevant information, nobody's gonna be able to help. You've tried the obvious fixes.
  6. If you really wanted to, you could adjust the graphics for each platform and have two graphics files.
  7. It sounds like a monitor depth issue, and it sounds like you know that. More information, please. Computer, monitor, operating system (you're not running it under emulation, are you?) would all be helpful. Also, was it working fine before and suddenly did this, or did you just set it up / re-set it up and ran it for the first time?
  8. Mea Tulpa

    A Reflection

    Hmm. 66 I haven't heard of 20 I've heard of, but haven't played 4 I played and was indifferent to 5 I played and enjoyed 5 I played and quite enjoyed Yes, it's definitely procrastination time here...
  9. Mea Tulpa

    A Reflection

    Originally Posted By: Thuryl Counterpoint: Diplomacy. Yes, good point. I _also_ hate Diplomacy (you should have seen my reaction when *i first told me he was thinking about a DL Hunt / Diplomacy hybrid). And if Diplomacy enjoyed the same general currency that Scrabble and Monopoly do, no doubt it would rank as worse. Its relatively isolated appearance buffers it from those titles, I think.
  10. You know, some jokes are just stupid.
  11. Mea Tulpa

    A Reflection

    Originally Posted By: Dintiradan Slarty: Word games like Scrabble and Boogle are among the few 'traditional' games I enjoy playing. I agree, it goes poorly when you're playing with people of varying ages and skill levels. On the other hand, every game goes horribly when you play with varying ages and skill levels. I love Boggle, although I know very few people who I can play without the differing skill levels being an issue. That isn't the problem I have with Scrabble, though. The problem is that when it's your turn you want to take a while to find words and when it's somebody else's turn you want them to play quickly. So a smooth game of Scrabble requires not just comparable levels of verbal ability, but comparable and adequate levels of patience (for the untimed version) or pragmatism (for the timed version).
  12. Mea Tulpa

    A Reflection

    Scrabble. I judge them thus based on their ability, and tendency, to foster strife and end in tears. Scrabble takes the cake because no matter how you deal with timing, somebody ends up getting frustrated. Life is admittedly pretty bad. Candyland is just War with pictures, but at least that was educational for me -- I was a very excited four-year-old when I discovered I could stack the deck with the lollipop (or whatever that last candy symbol was).
  13. Mea Tulpa

    A Reflection

    Monopoly is the second worst board game ever made.
  14. Clearly, you haven't been to Paris.
  15. Have you actually followed the instructions of the guy with the pools? The pool ritual is supposed to be done before the tests anyway.
  16. Did you do the ritual with the pools of water? If not, find it and do it. You may need to talk to somebody first (Iglit?).
  17. I remember that game. As I recall, it was nice-looking, but poorly balanced and poorly paced. I'm surprised that Freeverse doesn't even have the full version any more. Have you tried contacting the programmers directly? My experience has been that authors of old games are usually happy to hear that somebody enjoyed their game enough to search for it years later.
  18. Mea Tulpa

    A Reflection

    Er, I misremembered: http://www.tkcs-collins.com/truman/monopoly/monopoly.shtml The light blues are most efficient at recouping cost, but the oranges are just above them in terms of gouging your opponent.
  19. *nod nod* Of course, that is what tends to happen in practice on a lot of roads. It is interesting that speed limits are assigned very differently in different states. Indiana is like dueck's state, but Pennsylvania has (insanely, to me) slow speed limits on highways with the exact same road conditions -- 45-50 where Indiana has 70-75. Makes it kind of hard to blindly trust the signs.
  20. Hahaha. I almost wrote that exact sentence. I also almost posted a description of the maneuver I typically pull every morning when I roll up to the stoplight where Soldier Field Road eastbound and westbound cross, but I thought better of it.
  21. Spun-off from the other driving poll. It will be interesting to see if we get similar results or not.
  22. That would make a good poll question. Is driving exactly the speed limit driving slow, or driving appropriately? My answer would depend on my location. In parking lots and near crowds of children it's the latter, but anywhere else it's the former. I guess as I see it, driving aggressively is more likely to lead to an accident directly, if you do something stupid or fail to react appropriately to an unexpected condition. On the other hand, driving slowly is more likely to lead to an accident indirectly. It irritates other people, which makes them worse drivers. It keeps your car AND the cars behind you on the road longer, increasing the average number of cars on the road (by a picayune amount for one slow motorist, obviously, but combine the impact of them all and you have a real impact). This increases the chance for an accident simply by expanding the pool of drivers, but it also increases it by increasing congestion, which creates better conditions for accidents as well as irritating drivers, which (again) makes them worse drivers. Additionally, I don't trust other drivers. On highways and other long arteries that are not packed, I prefer to trail packs rather than lead them -- I can pay attention and leave suitable space and avoid crashing into the car ahead of me, but I can't stop the car behind me from crashing into me. As a result I tend to drive very fast when there's open space ahead of me and slow down when there are vehicles ahead. In packed arteries, I will change lanes repeatedly to get out from behind slow drivers. Removing myself from that congested spot makes it less congested for everyone else, too.
  23. SimAnt was great! SimCity and SimCity 2000 are classics, of course.
  24. Mea Tulpa

    A Reflection

    Dantius is in fact making the same point I was. I wasn't saying chess has poor market share, I was saying its market share is vastly decreased from ages past when the options for serious strategy games were much, much more limited. And we all know the light blue monopoly is the best one. There's actual a statistics paper proving that somewhere on the internet. Monopoly asks if your person has a big nose. Discuss.
  25. Polling on the old UBB was better for a multitude of reasons. The one that frustrates me most is that users now respond to questions one by one rather than all at once. This is a problem (1) for the user, because it involves almost twice as many clicks and a huge amount of wasted time spent waiting for the page to reload and rescroll (2) for the analyst, because you don't get as much out of comparing data for two questions where the respondants overlap but do not match up entirely.
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