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Mea Tulpa

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Everything posted by Mea Tulpa

  1. Originally Posted By: Master Ackrovan Quote: If you're going to write an article, how the heck are you supposed to do it without expressing an opinion? Geez. TM wrote this in response to a persons critisim of a BoA guide about Rollic, iirc Close. Creator wrote it in response to criticism of Drakey's choices/linearity article.
  2. Originally Posted By: Enraged Slith Is 9 Kelandon? No. But don't worry -- everyone else probably thought it was him too (see below). Kelandon would probably point out that he didn't yet have a degree to wave around. Originally Posted By: Sarachim 7 is Shyguy. 6 sounds like me. Yes. Yes! Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba 10. Alec? No. Originally Posted By: Dantius Either 1 or 6 is ET. 4 is maybe Jeff. No, no, no. Originally Posted By: Spddin Ignis is 8 artemis? As you have figured out by now, no. Originally Posted By: Thuryl 1. This is the sort of thing I would say, but I'm not sure if I said it. Eh, let's say it was me. 2. This is also the sort of thing I would say, but I'm pretty sure I didn't say it. I'm not sure who else would, though. Alec? 3. This is one of the old German hippie women: either ef or spy.there. I'm gonna guess ef. 4. I hope I didn't write this one. 6. Was this me? I kinda hope it was, but I somehow suspect not. 7. Not even gonna try to guess. Probably some nobody. Now I'm gonna be embarrassed when I find out it's Alcritas. 8. Arctic. 9. It's gotta be Kelandon. 10. This is Jeff. No, no, yes, no, no, no, no, no (see above), yes (and yes to Nikki as well on #10). Originally Posted By: Untrammeled Spiritual Harrowing 1 is definitely me. 2 absolutely has to be Thuryl. No one else would phrase it that way. Yes and yes! This leaves 4, 5, 8, and 9.
  3. Hahahaha. So true. Dikiyoba is correct about 1, 5, and 7. ADoS is incorrect. MM is wrong about 1 and right about 4. The remaining answers are 8 ™ and 10 (Zxquez).
  4. I am now thinking there will be five rounds of this altogether. The quotes in question here were all posted in 2004 or in early 2005. Many are out of character. All show irritation. Guess which member posted them? The usual caveat applies: no google, in this case, no googling PPP. 1. I'd fill this one out, but I'm too lazy and it lacks amusing questions for me to pretend to be witty with. Alorael 2. I think we can all agree that the death of an 8-year-old would be a small, small price to pay in exchange for you never being born. Thuryl 3. Throughout this discussion it strikes me that few of you, pro or contra, seem to have any idea of a woman's reality. If you had, you could not argue as you do; you are as far removed from a woman's feelings and thoughts as you can possibly be. Ef 4. If you're going to write an article, how the heck are you supposed to do it without expressing an opinion? Geez. Creator 5. Okay, he's changed it, and I'm good with it. But either a. you didn't recognize what the original was criticizing, b. you didn't pay enough attention to realize that his edit came after my post, or c. you read his original and were honestly in favor of that sort of tab-A slot-B approach to RPs. A and B are excusable if annoying, but C I'm not going to put up with. Please stop trying to score points off of me. Alec 6. In fact, when I think about how obviously superior you are, it strikes me as cruel how you've yet to do anything with that superiority except tell us about it. Maybe you're put off by the hostility here. I know I'm pretty abrasive sometimes, but I'd like to be the first one to humble myself a bit. Please, please... show us the error of our arrogant, inexperienced ways. Sarachim 7. The "whiney guy" part didn't bother me half as much as the second line. What IS the matter with these people? Don't they know that Windows users can't open .sit files? Shyguy 8. ^_- May the anime smiley fry all unprotected brains. And I was driven to do it by my biology! Saunders 9. I find that most of you have no knowledge of the historical events surrounding the birth of Christianity in the Mediterranean world. I hate waving my degree around, but I didn't learn Ancient Greek and Latin, translate 3/4 of the Gospels, and spend 3/4 of my college credits pursuing a degree in Classical history and language to be refuted by a born-again fellow who's been spoon-fed a bigotted interpretation. Drew 10. Don't be so mad at me all the time. I'm just a guy sitting in his basement. You'd like me if you met me. Spidweb
  5. Mea Tulpa

    Game topics

    I have a list of 63 RPs and games, depending on how you count them. I think about 30-40 of them are RPs. Will be up with the History.
  6. What... you're not implying I start large projects and then fail to complete them, are you?
  7. They will all be linked publicly, and many more like them, when I finally finish the gigantesque History of the Boards. I am almost done.
  8. That is correct. Round three is already in the works, and the period of time it covers should not be hard to guess, given the first two rounds.
  9. “Tell Niemand to get rid of the doors-in-walls entirely, and make new door terrains, so that one door terrain type can always be "locked and closed" and the other can always be "unlocked and closed." Switching the terrain is probably the simplest way imaginable of doing this. The only downside is terrain slots, and maybe checking for 4n terrains for pathfinding (where n = number of door sets).„
  10. Originally Posted By: Artemis is back. Good or Bad? 3. Definately Hypnotic. 1. I know I read this one, but its not coming. Kelandon? Yes, and yes. Originally Posted By: Dikiyoba 6. No clue. Scorpius? 7. Slartucker 8. Enraged Slith 9. Nikki 10. Student of Trinity No, yes, yes, no, yes. Originally Posted By: Duck Who Finally Sold a Hat 5. I think that was Ephesos, after a depressing speech by SoT. 9. Definitely *i. Yes on both accounts, and yes. Originally Posted By: Excalibur 2: Thuryl 5: Ephesos 6. Jeran? Yes, yes, and yes! Originally Posted By: Dantius 3: Hypnotic, I can tell by the spelling errors and the fact I have seen many Hypno posts in my time. 4: *i, who as I remember Abdishek hated. 5. I should know this... WAIT! It was in Ephesos 5000 post thread, where we were all attacking him. I say Ephesos. 8. Enraged Slith, in that topic about hard drinks that had enormous topic drift 9. Nikki, I'm sure of it. 10: I think Aloreal, or was it Goldenking, maybe? Yes again, no, yes again, yes again, no, and no.
  11. Same rules as the bitter oldbie game except that the quotes in question were all posted in 2009. Many are out of character. All show irritation. Guess which member posted them? The usual caveat applies: no googling or searching the boards in any form. Good luck! [Note: the topic title is not a guarantee that there are no members in this thread whom you may consider oldbies.] 1. You might want to eat something first, just so that you'll have something to vomit up instead of suffering through dry heaves. Kelandon 2. I have met geriatric snails that were faster on the uptake than you. Thuryl 3. Just to clarify I did not take this personally, I just don't want to post anymore otherwise I will start to sound like Kanye West. Trying to prove my point while amending my words. So to save myself turning into a total nincumpoop I am not posting anymore on my point of veiw, everyone knows it, so further info is redundant. Hypnotic 4. Don't assume Slarty likes you, Abhishek. He's pretty grumpy. He doesn't like me either. ADoS 5. i'm gonna go crawl in a hole and die now, thanks Ephesos 6. Would you mind laying off the caffeine based products before posting in my thread? It's kind of irritating and stupid having the conversation degenerate into infantile methods of destroying the planet, when the original purpose was a discussion about more IQ-intensive solutions and causes then gargantuan chunks of C4 and supernova’s, thank you... If that means I only get five rational replies, those are the only sodding replies I'm interested in, not the pointless trash I see my topic distintergrating into in the last few posts. Jeran Korak 7. First you left me for a woman, then you quit the boards. Slarty 8. As an avid milk drinker, I am offended that soy would have the chutzpah to call itself milk when it is actually a nasty poo plant. Enraged Slith 9. There have been many times where I thought of responding to something with a snarky comment, but don't. Stareye 10. We are a safe and supportive environment for drivel. Student of Trinity
  12. 2 is indeed Khoth (talking about Rhapsody in Blue, of course). 3 is indeed Alorael. And 6 is indeed Scorpius (bringing up 9/11 conspiracy theories). (Alec has been guessed as well, for #9.) In alphabetical order, the other members are Drakefyre, Ed Lemur, Rosycat, TM, Zephyr Tempest, and Zxquez. Who can match them all up?
  13. If there are no correct answers shortly, I think I'll list the ten members who posted these lines (they are ten different members) and then everybody can match them up.
  14. Originally Posted By: Sarachim almost all of us are fine. I realize you said this is the context of "not Charles Manson," but nonetheless this has got to be the misstatement of the week.
  15. Dantius, neither one is TM, and Sarachim, I'm afraid all your guesses are wrong. 4 is not TM either. :-D
  16. 9 is Alec. The rest are all wrong.
  17. Yes, it's another round of "name that member." The quotes in question here were all posted between 2001 and 2003. Many are out of character. All show irritation. Guess which member posted them? The usual caveat applies: no google, in this case, no googling PPP. 1. Today, Jeff Vogel released a statement ordering destruction and ‘termination with extreme prejudice’ of all people of the New Louisiana. Drakefyre 2. Maybe Drakey is following the instructions in the Blades manual. He's just added the tree to Warrior's Grove, and in a month or so he will start on the goblin pit. Khoth 3. KYRAS! WE WANT YOUR BLOOD! Alorael 4. I mean there's dumb lies (Something I know all too much about, being the creator of them) but then there's just the point where you want to ram a large point object into your spleen because it's so melodramatic and obviously fake that her attempt to get pity makes you want to pity yourself for even thinking of giving her any FORM of pity. Ed Lemur 5. FINE!!!! I come in these boards hoping to find some friends, but no one accepts me because I'm different, BECAUSE I DON'T ACT HUMAN. I am NOT completly human, no one is. If you guys fear things you don't know about, FINE. I'm eating my olive branch instead of giving it to you. NO ONE IS THE SAME, GET IT THROUGH YOUR SKULLS!!!!!!! YOU SHOULD ACCEPT THINGS EVEN IF THEY'RE ALIEN TO YOU!!!!! Zephyr Tempest 6. In this thread, I take off my pants. Actually, I have several questions about planes flying into skyscrapers. Scorpius 7. Bye. Rosycat 8. Mrs. Potato, intrigued by her husband's tales about Ermarian, has been dropped off by spaceship. She moves in the same way he does, with little hopping motions. However, she was given a wand by her husband, along with little potato armor, for protection. TM 9. Point 2. Given the fact that you have member numbers one number apart, and one is a permanent attachment to the other's a**, you really AREN'T fooling anyone with the double-members routine. See Point 1. Alec 10. It's people you You who do Supid Things that brings these boards down. Do you need me to explain further? Zxquez
  18. As of the release of G5, anyway -- those CDs obviously were not made when G1 came out.
  19. Mea Tulpa


    who are you, thuryl? in all seriousness, I have to support the quality of life > quantity of life meme
  20. Uh oh. You aren't a White Sox fan, are you? Then I might have to grudgingly like you, or something.
  21. The goal of the clones is not to stall -- their goal is simply to defeat their opponent. Good question!
  22. I think this has to do with installing the saved game folders. I'm not sure if you can get around that easily. I've run into a similar problem with almost any installer on work computers where I don't have admin access. The best solution is to just borrow admin access. If you can't do that, I imagine that means the computer owner doesn't want you installing games on it in the first place.
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