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Mea Tulpa

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Everything posted by Mea Tulpa

  1. I don't entirely agree. Compared to Serviles, Lifecrafters get: 1/3 less Health Hugely lower melee ability Worse Quick Action Worse Parry and 1/3 more Essence +2 Intelligence Mildly better creations I think the melee ability is balanced out by being able to have more creations at any point in the game -- though the Servile is certainly more versatile. So it's really a question of whether that also balances out the lower Parry and HP. Let's take a look at how much Essence a Servile and a Lifecrafter, with the same investment in Intelligence and the same equipment, will have at several fabricated points. (You can get a lot of bonuses to Int from items so these are fairly reasonable numbers): Code: LV Int + Servile Lifecrafter--- ----- ------- ----------- 5 +2 28 46 10 +5 69 109 15 +8 130 192 20 +12 233 346 30 +16 428 630 40 +16 562 830 This is a significant difference. A Lifecrafter can afford more creations in the first 2 chapters, and better creations in the last 3. Essentially, a lifecrafter potentially has more offensive firepower at any point. And a servile has better defense and, therefore, more options in terms of how to do things at any point. In the end I think they are both good options. (The other three classes are worse, of course.)
  2. The more I look at it, the more I am concluding that it's not worthwhile to pump a shaping skill early -- or at all. First of all, Cryoa don't really end up any better than Roamers, except for having slightly more ammo. Second of all, once you hit Drayks, the benefits from having high shaping skill are pretty low, as far as individual creations go. Levelled Roamers and Cryoa are cheaper than Drayks but otherwise not any better, and you can more than make up the essence cost by putting some of those 36 skill points into Intelligence. Third of all, mixing shaping types is at least mildly useful, as there are good reasons to make one Vlish over a Roamer and a Wingbolt over a Kyshakk. Plus you can just make an army of cheap Artila in chapter 1 and steamroll the chapter. Fourth of all -- and this is the kicker -- because of the 10-cap on shaping skill benefits and the fact that you eventually have +6 to shaping available from items, if you charge to 10 shaping skill right away, you will effectively be paying double for bonus levels -- up to 12 skill points for a single level. That's not so hot. So, my new theory is: don't neglect Leadership and Mechanics. Don't pump shaping skills. Make some Artila and kill things. Pump Int. Pump spell skills. Make a Vlish or two. Pump Int more, make Drayks and Kyshakks or Wingbolts, and live happily ever after.
  3. Well, we know Athron didn't self-fertilize because she talks about having a mate who is also responsible for the brood. Also, it's worth pointing out that, while Athron is female in parts of Exile 2 and all of Exile 3 and Avernum 1-3, in the Exile conversations that talk about the brood -- i.e., Athron's own words -- Athron refers to himself exclusively as male. Athron's gender wasn't changed until after he began brooding... Also, there are what, 2 or 3 serviles that changed genders, out of numerous repeat appearances. 80% of the dragons changed genders. (Unless you count Pythras, or argue that Pyrog's being neutered doesn't count as a gender change, but you're still at at least 50%)
  4. You can buy more living tools, though. Lots of merchants sell one or a few, and most players don't buy them because they're moderately expensive.
  5. Agreed, the AI isn't all bad. When I broke G3 using Vlish (see this topic ), I initially made them with no extra Int to make seven as soon as I could. I actually held off putting Int in for a long time because it was easier to not control them, anyway. I think I finally had to give them Int when I started running into Submission Turrets, which they had to use melee attacks against to do well. Late in the game Int is probably always necessary, but early on when essence is scarce, it can be a waste.
  6. I think that last bit occured in G2 and G3 as well.
  7. Quote: Originally written by Randomizer: You don't need more than 2 or 3 decent creations through the first 2 chapters and being able to make the higher ones with some equipment bonuses makes up for starting them later. No, what makes up for starting them later is the fact that tier 4+ creations (and Drayks) are already good without being levelled up a lot. The equipment bonuses certainly make less difference than levelling up does. I think it's reasonable to use the following plan if you go Cryoa. No matter what you do, you can't get to 10 FS until level 6 and you can't get two properly made Cryoa until level 7, so you actually have 5 skill points of wiggle room naturally. (This is done out for a Lifecrafter). Code: Lv FS Int Ess Cryoa Leadership-- -- --- --- ----- ---------- 4 9 4 30 1 3 (2 points bought) 5 9 4 34 1 3 6 10 4 38 1 3 7 10 5 50 2 3 8 10 5 55 2 5 9 10 5 60 2 610 10 5 65 2 6, Mechanics 4 You can then spend a few levels pumping Leadership or Mechanics as needed. You can also go for Int first if you want to make a few Roamers right away -- there are a few areas full of rogues so you can get XP in battle without worrying about low lead/mech. As noted previously, there is little shortage of money late in the game so I don't mind using living tools when I really need to open a door or chest. Most of them don't have great stuff behind them in chapter 1, though.
  8. Quote: Originally written by Randomizer: For the endgame you might want to look at damage versus drakon since that was a consideration for me to choose fire shaping. Magic shaping is marginal versus them because they resist magic attacks and a war trall isn't any better. I wish I had tried rotgroth since that might work better. Drakons actually don't resist magic at ALL. Ur-Drakons do, though. Otherwise they have the same resists: moderate physical resistance and high fire resistance (and high mental). Essentially, unless you really like Eyebeasts or Unstable Wingbolts, you can treat Ur-Drakons the same way you treat Wingbolts.
  9. So the implication is that Solberg killed himself to get rid of Cheeseball, then came back to life? ?_?
  10. You got it right -- it's based on the highest level character. How did you accrue such a gap? Do the other 3 have lots of advantages and he has disadvantages?
  11. This time, I needed real tables: http://minmax.ermarian.net/g4/g4cre.html
  12. I've been doing some testing with experience, and -- surprise, surprise -- things have changed since G3. It's easy to notice that the penalty for being high level is not ramped up so high so fast. The real change is in how creation levels are handled. Your own XP is still reduced by the number of creations (or other party members) you have, and so are your creations' XP. The reduction is definitely the same for the PC, and it seems to be the same for creations: --- XP Earned --- Creations PC Creations 0 16/16 1 15/16 15/20 2 14/16 14/20 3 13/16 13/20 4 12/16 12/20 5 11/16 11/20 6 10/16 10/20 7 9/16 9/20 HOWEVER, creation XP is now adjusted on an individual basis. It isn't based on the creation's level, however. It is based on the difference between your level and the creation's level. There is a certain range of level variance where there is no adjustment made. If it goes above or below that, creations can earn less or more experience. This effect is not huge -- but when you make level 20 creations at level 6, it is definitely noticeable. If you make a high level creation and keep it with you the whole game, it will no longer lose its level advantage at a constant rate, it will lose it more quickly at first, and eventually slow to the old constant rate if given long enough. All in all, I guess this doesn't change things that much, but it does steal a number of levels of creations you keep through the whole game, which is yet another roadblock in the Cryoa or Artila strategy.
  13. There is more evidence -- but it's on both sides! In E2, Patrick says of the Vahnatai: "It is their magic that created the glowing fungus that gives us light, and thus life." In A2 he says "our" instead of "their" due to the insertion of a question talking about magic in general -- it is not actually asserting that Exile created the fungus. Maxfield and X in A4 talk about refining the glowing fungus, but that doesn't mean much at all. On the other hand, A4 also has an area description for the Tower remains that says "All of the plants that make life in the underworld livable, the glowing fungus, the trees, the giant, edible mushrooms, they were created here." Also, early in the game: "Early in the history of Avernum, ingenious wizards created a fungus that glows with a soft green light. It spread, with help, to the ceilings and walls of every cavern in this land." In ZKR, Seletine says: "Your way will be lit by glowing green fungus in the ceiling. This was created in the Tower of Magi." However, this is of questionable canonicity since Seletine also talks about the Tower of Magi having already been rebuilt, which it wasn't. So we have, for the Vahnatai: E1 - Solberg A1 - Solberg E2 - Patrick And for Avernum: E1 - Erika A1 - Erika A4 - Descriptions ZKR - Seletine (questionable) EDIT: Solberg, I'm all for RPs but please don't mix fabricated fantasy in serious discussions about canon. There is nothing to suggest that Rentar-Ihrno or the Council created the fungus, and there are a number of facts that make that sound extremely unlikely.
  14. Useful Lists Canisters Training Synergy's Item List Forging Recipes Item Collection Quests Abilities list and script editing Scripting new list Full Item List Maps Detailed Information Basic Tactics for the Geneforge Series Class Statistics Creation Statistics Further Analysis Experience Damage Multipliers Slartyanalysis - Physical Damage Resistances Reputation (Pro-Rebel vs Pro-Shaper) Slarty's Insane Reputation Analysis Leadership Mechanics Creature / Enemy Resistances Ending Guide Discussion Lifecrafter - Fire Shaping w/Cryoa (Part 2) Shock Trooper - Why they are inferior Shocktrooper Tales The Warrior Challenge Delicious Vlish's Warrior Challenge Servile - Combat Heavy - The Adventures of Onan the Barbarian Servile - Magic Heavy The Insidious Infiltrator Wingbolts vs. Kyshakks Other Trainer mod (grants ability to make all creations) - Fan-Made Content Artifact Weapons mod - Fan-Made Content
  15. Err, my bad. That thread somehow slipped out of my view. Apologies
  16. I seem to remember having dialogue with Lethos when I went there solo in my first game. I'm not sure, though. The XP reward is 200 at level 7 (in the scripts). As for the Cryoa Plan and experience: it really depends how many Cryoa you think you will want late in the game. I did out the math for a few ways of doling out skill points. It works best to get FS to 10 first, then go for Int. At level 6 you get to 10 FS and get one Cryoa. (I made one earlier, but it hadn't gained 1000 XP by the time I got to level 6, so it got absorbed and remade.) At level 7 you get a second Cryoa. Level 9 is a third and level 10 is a fourth. However, depending on how many you plan on keeping late in the game, you can stop pumping Int and focus on other stats for a while. 2, 3 and 4 are all reasonable numbers depending on how you like Drayks. It only takes two experience levels to get a Leadership of 6, and the doors and chests you *can* come back for. Besides, there's practically no interesting loot in Chapter 1.
  17. I just figured Daze and Strong Daze, and other mental magic, would be sufficient crowd control. Is it harder than in the past to keep Mental Magic strong enough to be effective against mobs? I'm used to Strong Daze letting you take out three creatures basically for free. Also, I figured crystals and wands with a few points in Missiles would work for opening volleys/mob needs. Nope?
  18. Argh. I am not talking about Fire Shaping type skills, I am talking about Create Fyora type skills. And I am not talking about canisters, I am talking about training from people (i.e., Jared). Argh.
  19. Lifecrafters should never, ever have 30 Essence (or whatever it is) to spare that early in the game. Ok, I guess you can play them without min-maxing creations, but where's the fun in not being petty?
  20. I hate to sound like a broken record, but if the spells are going to be weaker than your sword anyway, why bother with them?
  21. Yes, I forewent them. You can do lots without them, you can do all the zones, you just can't open every door and do every quest. I'll come back and do them once I've gotten enough levels and Int to make a suitable number of Cryoa, and my Cryoa will be much stronger for it. It hasn't gotten too far -- still in Chapter 1. As with G4 I'm spending all my time researching insteead of playing. Also, I work more hours now.
  22. I just tried to test Luck. I pumped it up to 20 (no patience for any more cheat code entry beyond that) and killed lots of stuff. Mostly stuff with 1 rate drops, but also some 20 and 50 rate drops. ...I was unable to find ANY correlation between level of Luck and rate of dropping items. However, I tested at 5 Luck, not 0. And I know that my high-Luck characters have tended to amass far greater numbers of Fine Hides than my low-Luck characters. ...Meh. Incidentally, there are no checks for Luck anywhere in the scripts.
  23. Can anyone produce a list of where you can buy the Create _____ skills? I have canister location lists, but are in the dark about where training can happen for the later creations. Suggestions on an approximate range of levels you might be at when first reaching that point would be a bonus.
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