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Lord Viator

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Tenderfoot Thahd

Tenderfoot Thahd (2/17)

  1. I decided to make a new topic for tacking my process in my Exile mapping, so that I don't have the conversation spread amongst multiple of other's mapping topics. Dropbox Folder Structure and naming convention subject to change, but the link should stay the same over time. Currently I've done the outdoor maps for each game for each version with a unique tileset, based on all the versions I've been able to collect. If a version's tiles didn't change in a way that affected outdoor maps, I haven't generated a map for it. It seems that some reason the Windows tilesets have a much brighter palette, I'm not sure why this is. For Exile III at least, not all of the Windows tiles have this brighter look to them, so I'm not sure what reason this was done. In any case, I did both Windows and Mac versions. For Mac: Exile 1.0 Exile 1.1.2 Exile 1.1 Exile 2.0 Exile II 1.0.1* Exile II 1.0.3 Exile II 2.0 Exile II 1.0.3* For Windows: Exile 1.0b* Exile 1.1 Exile 2.0 Exile II 1.0 Exile II 2.0 Exile II 1.0 * I was unable to locate 1.0 versions of these games Right now, I have a very high degree of confidence I've correctly identified each tile, and it's a matter of validating that I'm correctly drawing decorations. I have some corner frill concerns, and haven't checked Exile II roads for perfect pixel matching compared to how the game draws yet. Lava/Pit/Water frills Roads Exile III roads where the terrain changes from grass to hills Once I've reached confidence that I have pixel perfection on the decorations, I'll move onto generating "annotated" outdoor maps, that display named locations, hidden passageways, safe lava, hidden events, etc. Once I've finished with that, I'll move on to creating the town/dungeon maps. Original inspiration threads: Exile 1 Maps - The Exile Trilogy - Spiderweb Software Forums (ipbhost.com) Complete Exile 2 outdoor map (massive spoilers) - The Exile Trilogy - Spiderweb Software Forums (ipbhost.com) Exile III Maps - The Exile Trilogy - Spiderweb Software Forums (ipbhost.com)
  2. Oooh, that makes sense. I'll probably sort that out once I get to town.dat mapping. Working on Exile III now.
  3. That's right. There are one each of "Rock" and "Moldy Rock" on either side of the road north of Formello. The second copies of each type are to the east of the Castle in the Great Cave, and at the Empire Checkpoint. There are different four byte values in the outdoor.dat, two for the "Rock" and two for "Moldy Rock". It's been so long since I've played that I actually didn't recall moving mountains, I've mostly just be thinking about the world of the games :). So it may be that one set of bytes is a static version of them, and the other set is movable versions. North of Formello East of the Castle in the Great Cave Empire Checkpoint It is my intent to do this, now that the hard parts have been worked out. I'll provide an update when I've got my script updated to do that. I'll probably match the conventions of some of the other maps folks have provided Added this to my dropbox link above, this was an oversight on my part because I was analyzing all the PC versions since that's my platform. Tiles taken directly from a 1.0 mac release. (Edit: Also included Mac 1.1, which mostly just had slight changes to the animated tiles like water and lava). Side Notes: The outdoor.dat appears to be the same across all Exile I versions except for the very first few Mac releases. The map I generated with the very original graphics uses the 2nd (and last to my knowledge) revision of the outdoor.dat. (Edit: I have only a 1.0 Mac release with a different outdoor.dat, the 1.0.5 mac release is the first one the "final" revision shows up. The only different is some slightly different wall tile placement, 18 bytes are different) I plan to more carefully examine all mac versions for changes between each revision. There's also at least one PC tile set that is the brown cave style but with a darker set of ground tiles reminiscent of the original Mac tiles. I may go back and generate the image with this set and add them to the collection, as well. After getting these outdoor maps hammer down, I'll start working on the town.dat maps.
  4. Sorry for double post, I figure it's been long enough and it's big enough of an update IMO. I reworked the Duskwolf scripts into Powershell, and adapted the process for the Exile 1 outdoor.dat as well. I will share when I've got the script better cleaned up. For now, here's a folder of the maps I've made with it. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/u0u1ysjlmkos34htk0lpf/h?dl=0&rlkey=ey9xcdammkod2r53nks4jzdnz I've improved on the Duskwolf scripts by identifying the tiles their script didn't (Safe lava, a second set of "rock" and "Moldy rock", shareware border, and anything else). Anyone know if the second set of "Rock" and "Moldy rock" behave different than say the pair above Formello in Exile II? Looking for feedback on the above question and also on if I can improve little things like liquid frills and roads to be more accurate, and if there are similar things. There's also a set of four corners (the last one after the other frills) that I can't figure out where they are used, on MIXED.BMP. They're the very square angled ones.
  5. IMakeMaps, I was wondering if you could share your notes on the Exile 1 dat structure, and maybe script/code samples you used. I'm working on a similar project and thought that'd be a good starting point for me. I've been playing a bit with Duskwolf's scripts for Exile 2.
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