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Everything posted by Superdeath25

  1. I mean, the shopkeepers buy back items they watched you steal in front of them. Plus you can kill someone in one hit while they are isolated and the entire town knows immediately. Logic is clearly not a thing in the Geneforge universe
  2. Slowing becomes more bearable in the later games, but in Geneforge 5, stunning becomes a serious handicap.
  3. I always do Guardian, though the Servile is appealing in the last two games. I don't trust creations due to how they can go rogue and kill you (and I prefer to kill the enemies myself) but I like having healing spells. In harder sections, learn to isolate stronger enemies and kill them quickly apart from other enemies. Getting mobbed is a sure way to die. One of the hardest parts about Guardians is learning when to unleash their power and when to fall back to a safer position to heal up. It is easy to get overconfident and thrust yourself into unwinnable situations if you aren't careful
  4. Lure the enemy creations back to Astoria and she can help enormously with her aura of flames. Luring them to the trio at the entrance is also viable. Once the Drakons around the edge are dealt with, Greta is dead, and the back exit is crumbled, talk to Astoria to begin the final battle. Give Ghaldring all you got and retreat to heal periodically. He should go down eventually.
  5. I have beaten Geneforge 5 six times and it is still quite a struggle. Geneforge 5 is kind of like a comprehensive final exam as it tests you on everything you learned from the other games and pushes you to your limits. I have not dared to try it on the hardest difficulties. Death is often one misclick away. It is definitely a very good game though
  6. Pretty much you have to say things that are against the idea of servile independence and oppose the other two factions. Personally though I find the Obeyers kinda creepy with the way they worship Shapers
  7. I have searched Google and discovered only one Geneforge meme exists. There should be more Geneforge memes
  8. If you follow him at the end, General Alwan straight up says you are a Shaper though which is pretty nice. Though if you use more than 6 canisters, the Shapers leave you in a remote colony as you are deemed unfit for the rest of society. If not and you are consistently loyal, you get to be an administrator with plenty of influence after the war ends
  9. Geneforge 3 competes with 5 for my top favorite. It has great artifacts (I use the Talisman of Might, All Protector, Emerald Chestguard, and Avenger's Ring.) It also gives the best sense of progression as you clear one island, then move on to the next with progressively harder enemies. The boss fights in it are also very fun. I don't like Geneforge 4 all that much because of how many "impossible areas" there are and the double agent aspect is not too well done. Plus, when you choose the Shaper path, so many Shaper soldiers attack you regardless of your loyalty and you hardly get to fight rebels. It also is very easy to permanently alienate the Shapers in 4 if you don't do things in the beginning right
  10. I didn't like Geneforge 1 as much as the others, but it was good. Geneforge 5 is one of my top favorites, but it is also very difficult. Save frequently when playing as death is often just one or two misclicks away. Lots of strong enemies and tough bosses.
  11. Yeah, maybe that was a bit too enthusiatic, but the ghost did say to destroy him to free him and his ghost friends
  12. Thought of one for the Guardian ghost in Dead Pass that drops the Guardian Claymore THe Guardian drops his sword suddenly. He says "Free! I am free! I thank you" before the energy holding him together fails. He dissipates into the air, never to be seen again. From the screeches you hear in the distance, so have the ghosts haunting the pass. You stare at his sword. It looks very strong. It could clear out any remaining enemies here with ease
  13. It's in one of the boxes in the southeast, but I would have to do another playthrough to remember the exact one. Just keep clicking boxes until you find it
  14. There is a dead shaper in here with the key. Colored it in red https://imgur.com/a/lyXaITN
  15. With this kind of editing tool, you pave the way for one could make their own Geneforge games. Now that the series has long ended, maybe one day it could go the route of the Freespace games and be continued through custom made games that either fill gaps between games, go back to the origins of Shapers, or have games that continue after 5 as unofficial sequels. It could even have a Knossos like database called The Gameforge
  16. I will probably still post, but I do wish there were more commentators here. It appears the Spiderweb Forums gets less activity than the Hardlight Forums where I post about Freespace related stuff. I don't see as much variety in responders here.
  17. and a way to delete comments irrelevant to the topic. So farm I am disappointed with this thread because many of the comments are not journal entries like I wanted
  18. I am talking about the powerful Golem boss in the area Pit of the Bound
  19. Anyone have any ideas for the Bound One?
  20. Maybe "The rogue shaper Barzahl falls to the ground mortally wounded. He looks up at you with disgust "I may die, but the Barzites will live on." There is a bright glow as all the energy within him burns his body from the inside out. You look away to avoid blindness. When you look back, all that remains of Barzahl is a goopy, disgusting mess. You suspect the Shaper Council will approve. On the other hand, Barzahl's remaining followers will probably hold a grudge"
  21. Well, the Barzites were a bunch of canister junkies, so something like that sounds about right for Barzahl
  22. and this thread is where we can brainstorm dialogue for such a mod, or have Jeff put into the remake
  23. I was thinking the dialogues would be for killing npcs such as the faction leaders, some of the named gazers, the Drakon Master in the bonus area, the unique Rotghoroth in the bonus area, maybe the spawner near Drypeak, Stanis, some named ghosts, the bandit leaders in the Warren of the Three, the Bound One, some named Drayks and Drakons, things like that.
  24. There is almost no kill dialogue in Geneforge 2. A tiny bit more than Geneforge 1, but still, very little.
  25. I didn't mean it would auto write. It would be an entry you could choose to keep if you wish. So yeah, in this thread I wanted to see if we could write ideas for kill dialogues
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