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Everything posted by Cinoo

  1. They both appear to have 10 damage and 3 bonus. I'm not sure how the damage is calculated in Exile 1, so perhaps there is some mechanism for it to inflict less damage?
  2. It seems you're right. In the meanwhile, I've found a few more. Looks like I was just too used to Avernum, where, as far as I am aware, they're all two-handed weapons.
  3. I managed to pick up an item, steel spear, which is a one handed weapon. It was dropped really early in the game, in the bandit fort south of the first Nephilim fort. Was this item accidentally included, or has anyone encountered this item in a play-through? Now my Slith fighter could theoretically dual-wield (with a non-polearm) or carry a shield. This item appears to be different from the steel tipped spear that you can buy in Fort Draco.
  4. There was some very useful armour / equipment there, but by that point in the game my party was so developed that really both different endings were already in the bag without it. I do think it's a nice touch that this private stash is there though.
  5. I just finished both (major) final endings of Avernum 5, and what's the deal with those nice items by the final battle in Inner Blackchasm? Is the idea that I'd sneak over to that area before finishing the final fight or something? I guess theoretically I could grab them, then work my way out and go do the other ending instead? On to A6 for me now, I suppose.
  6. It seems that there is nothing major so far that has resulted from this. Hack and slash away.
  7. Is there any difference in outcome if I kill Vyck or let Vyck live? I kind of want the item that Vyck drops, but I don't know if this will anger anyone down the line, etc. I assume no?
  8. Yes it seems so; I am wondering if there are any differences beyond the art as well.
  9. Sure, This is what I am seeing in my version: It seems to have been cold when the pictures were drawn.
  10. Hello, I haven't read too much into the different versions of Avernum 5 so I was hoping someone had some knowledge in this area. I am not sure if this is a game that was remastered, but I noticed that the character graphics in my HUD seem different than the character graphics that I've seen in various youtube videos of people playing the game. The graphics in my game are fairly cartoon-like, whereas the character graphics I'm seeing online of others playing seem slightly more realistic. Does anyone know if this was just users customising the graphics, or were they updated at some point in a later release of the game? I only ordered and bought the game a few months ago, but not via Steam, so I'm not sure if there have been any official updates? Also, if there are updated versions, were there any other changes other than these character graphics? Apparently I am running V1.0.1 Mercikes
  11. I believe it tells me that you need to be level 6 when I try to have my priest cast it (who doesn't have many points in mage spells, level 3).
  12. Upon playing, it appears that the spell unlock doors does not work on regularly locked doors, thus making tool use a necessity, and I am guessing it does not work in conjunction with the spell.
  13. Does Tool Use 'stack' with the unlock doors spell as it seems to in Avernum 4? I am building a party now and just need to wisely invest my skill points. Cinoo
  14. So many months later I have finally had time to defeat the final boss in Avernum 4. I have to say that if you are patient, the final dungeon is easy enough (even with my Tool Skill maxed out at like level 5 or 6). My Vahnatai friends, whom I recruited to assist my in my final foray, I found to be fairly useless as they just got distracted and stayed behind, not helping me with any difficult fighting as I made my way through the level. The actual final battle, with hastes, blessings, invulnerability potions, summons and high defensive skills seemed to me to be relatively easy to survive (in fact my magic users were entirely unscathed). I am just sad that I couldn't leave after vanquishing the final foe, as I'm not sure if I completed every small quest I could (in fact, I definitely did not complete the cauldron dust quest as I did it in the wrong order) and I wanted to increase my tool skill to turn off some more of those machines. All this said, I feel like my characters were only really sufficiently strong by the very end of the game. Prior to getting into the Abyss I pretty much had to save after every hostile interaction. And this was on normal mode. On to Avernum 5 I guess, I am interested in a slightly different plot line (as this seemed very analogous to Exile 3 / Avernum 3).
  15. Yes it's not the ones in Gnass (They are my bros). You have to access these maps by going through some sub-sub-terranean tunnels. The first encounter you have is with some sliths conducting a ritual sacrifice when you emerge from the tunnels (This area and the map to the north: http://ironycentral.com/harehunter/Avernum4/Maps/M67_SlithLands.html). I appreciate that this game is quite old now. I am late to the party.
  16. Hello, is the slith 'fort' that is located roughly north of the castle area the subject of an assigned subquest in the game, or is it simply a place where you go in and kill a bunch of sliths in an unsolicited fashion? I feel like most of the quests in the area I have accomplished. Thanks for your input, Cinoo
  17. Is there any long-term consequence in the game to reporting the location of the spiders to the Sage in the Abyss? I personally hate spiders anyway, so I might just reveal their location. I've already done the Chitrach quest for the spiders so I am not sure if they are useful anymore.
  18. Ah yes I see now I am able to take a bit of a round-about route. It would be nice if I could destroy a few for the XP but I really am getting destroyed by these things haha. I may need to complete a few more quests. Merci.
  19. Am I supposed to be killing these pylons as I make my way through the western wastes outside of Fort Remote? They are utterly destroying me, so I am not sure if the idea is to sneak past them or not. All the best, Cinoo
  20. To add some detail for those playing this looking for information on this topic, I have done a few quest related things in Dharmon and as for the main storyline I need to go to Fort Remote after talking to the king. my levels are 16, 14, 16 and 16 so I may be just squeaking by most of these quests. I took some time to do a ton of side quests in the eastern gallery before this.
  21. Okay so I am doing many jobs and mini quests and I think this is helping me acquire enough experience and items that should help. My characters are much stronger. I think I went way too soon.
  22. Yes I basically didn't do anything on the Job Board. I think that I am used to Exile 3 where I sort of ignored that in favour of the bigger storyline elements and it worked out fine. I may have to give some of these jobs a shot; I did think I was advancing quickly. I actually did give some mage skill to my priest but that was my only character which was very diversified.
  23. In retrospect, the priest spells would have been a good idea. At this point, I am not sure when I will be adding in that factor as skill points are quite few and far between. Yes I am playing A4, I neglected to mention. I'll try taking out the pylons one by one from a sheltered line of sight, that's a good strategy. I actually completed the entire cave and managed to survive in the final battle with 1 pylon left, but, it took a lot of tries so I have the sense that my team is quite weak. I've decided to go around killing stuff elsewhere to increase my levels a little bit.
  24. Hello everyone, I cleared out Mortrax's cave except the final vahnatai boss. I am wondering what a typical level is like at this point, as my characters are 5 3 5 5 (and I made some bad stats choices on some of them too) and it seems pretty difficult to actually beat this battle. Is it possible to just jump at tasks right away like this, or is it expected for me to grind it out a little bit to gain strength before advancing through the quests? Or is my fighting strategy just bad. Cinoo
  25. Hello: Are there false walls in Avernum 4 akin to the exile series (1-3) wherein one could pass through false walls which acted in a way such that permitted passage similar to a gangway? I've just started playing Avernum 4 and it hasn't been readily apparent to me as to whether these exist and operate in such a similar fashion in this installment of the series. Many thanks, Cinoo
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