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Warrior Mage

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Everything posted by Warrior Mage

  1. reward_give() call works fine right now. I don't why not the first time. Also, now the dialog boxes are working fine.
  2. I have updated my website.
  3. I just sent what was in my memory because I messaged just after finishing yesterday's session. But, I... deleted that part of the actual code after I found it not working. That's why I couldn't send the actual one. But, that was what I tried actually in the script. Sometimes, I am able to send the full code as I send during the session with forums open. However, I'll try it again and send the full node if it's not working again.
  4. code = reward_give (x); break; code = reward_give (x, 5); break; I tried the above two. x is mentioned because I don't remember the item number right now. I tried 5 for the number of items.
  5. I have to give an item to the PC using the code characteristic. I tried reward_give but I receive a message telling that it is an unknown command. How to give an item to my party? Help appreciated.
  6. No, no... I was not intending to ask something. I was just showing an instance where Blades of Avernum designing just casually converts itself into blades of disappointment and cast cloud of blades on me.
  7. And please leave your sanity at the door.
  8. How do you people actually deal with SDFs? I want to set those in my later towns but I have to include their result in dialogue nodes in previous towns! Should I include SDF in the code directly? One more unfortunate thing happened is I forgot to include a dialogue node way back to the first person of the town and should change memory cell values to the NPCs and edit the script from node value 1 the numbers like begintalknode 1 to 2 and so on.
  9. What does the parry bonus we get on defending do? I didn't think that does something.
  10. The title of the scenario itself is humorous. This focuses on a humorous plot about our party. Our party wants to enter the adventurous world and want to get fortune and glory! Or something else. The plot has good value and the thinking for creating a unique scenario was far better. The area descriptions and scripting were wonderful. It was not battle heavy but there was no need for battle either. It has some out-game references such as 'title of your dialogue' in the dialogue which I loved much. The final battle or which was supposed to be a battle was most humorous. The best humour scenario I have seen in Blades of Avernum. The gameplay was too not frustrating. Whatever, I liked this scenario and I would recommend this scenario to one who want to laugh using Blades of Avernum. And, designing too was fine. Final Rating- [rating]BEST[/rating]
  11. https://warriormage474.wixsite.com/warrwebsite. Have a look at the experimental website. Meant for my scenarios if I made them. Not much right now.
  12. I had added something I forgot above.
  13. Well, I named this Random as I don't know in which forum I should include this. I had experience with the game for few years. I am critical to some points of that. Not to impossible things but something Jeff could have did to improve. 1. There should be a high AP such as 8 to 10 to allow variations in it. Reasons below: 2. AP should be proportional to health. Health is merely seen as a count in the game but it is more important. The character's efficiency and speed should change with health. 3. Slow spell is to slow the foe, not to halt it. It should not be made to lose turns but should have reduced APs. Battles are real time based according to in-game view. 4. Another appreciable thing in Exile. Character MUST eat and rest. They can't walk 1000 miles per day. But, in avernum one don't want to worry about PCs. 5. In second trilogy, the bows are getting infinite arrows which is impossible. This gives more advantage to ranged fighters specifically as they can attack recklessly without reaching close.
  14. I didn't try that. Let's see the next day.
  15. None of the faults you told are made and I am also not that stupid. My system is old model and I am not thinking of upgrading my OS. Well, spiderweb says that XP is compatible for that. Better, I'll try something else. Even if I got it, I won't play it soon as sessions are running out in Blades of Avernum as you see.
  16. Well, I have 1*2 outdoor sections with 6 towns (including dungeons and starting from 1) in it. Designing over for 1st town and outdoor section, but still messing up in scripting the first town. That is because of the matter of time. This is why... I understand homeland takes years to complete. But, I am making progress!
  17. Unfortunately, that too didn't work. Restart, run single program, reinstall... I tried all these. Also, it tells that a file is not found when trying to run the DX version. Any idea about what to do now?
  18. Well, I tried code = set_party_status(28); break; But it did not work and just said that parameter error.. something like that. Please help me.
  19. Oh, thank you. But I really didn't think I had to do that even though I had other thoughts. Seems like I should think more stranger to design... Then, Hmm... Is mentioning personality useless? I thought it would correct the problem.
  20. begintalkscript; variables; begintalknode 1; state = -1; nextstate = 1; personality = 1; question = "Fallopibus"; text1 = "You see an archer. He calls, _Oh! Hello there, adventurer hired to clear out our problem._"; text5 = "He asks, _What else do you want?_"; action = INTRO; begintalknode 2; state = 1; nextstate = -1; personality = 1; question = "Who are you?"; text1 = "_I am the archer commander of New Cotra._"; begintalknode 3; state = 1; nextstate = -1; personality = 1; question = "I would like to shop a bit if you have items to sell."; text1 = "_Thank you for your help._ The archer says."; code = begin_shop_mode("Fallopibus' Missiles", "This person has a good variety of items to buy even in this situation.", 3, 2, 0); break; begintalknode 4; state = -1; nextstate = 10; personality = 2; question = "Allen"; text1 = "An apprentice mage is busy with ale here. He introduces himself as Allen. He laughs bitterly."; text5 = "_Hi again_, Allen barks."; action = INTRO; begintalknode 5; state = 10; nextstate = -1; personality = 2; question = "Why are drinking so much?"; text1 = "_Things are going bad lately. Just to escape from the stresssss._ He laughs bitterly."; This was the code I typed for two characters in a town. But, both are displaying the same nodes of the first personality. I have zero idea as I have looked into other dialogue script that do the same. What should I do now?
  21. Hello there and thank you, Kelandon. I'll definitely look into that as I am in the point where I have to use it. Still can't understand everything properly but I'm too glad that I'm far better than before some days. The docs is useful and me, making my progress. You guys know, I had told that I don't have a lot of time, but I'll try to do my best. Yeah! Stick on to that stick word, EXAMPLES help a lot!!! EXAMPLES. And it is working very well.
  22. I came out again with some thing. 1) I want to set up an inn that sells wine which should change party state as drunk, two rooms to rest: one fully revive hp and energy and second upto a particular point. I also want the party to move to the room after conversation. 2) Maybe simple: As a reward, I want my party to get an item. Exactly what call should be used?
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