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Everything posted by Velitace

  1. You can use the sign decoration to label the shops, though it doesn't show up on the minimap.
  2. Could it be that Tower of Might only applies when you're in the field?
  3. Team I just finished the game with. We have Prince Osric (didn't know he was supposed to be young, though I ended up liking the idea of an old pampered prince); Growin' Owen of the Vol, front line fighter; Mudd of Ukat, combat caster; and Bad Monday, healer/bowman.
  4. A lot of good info here. Never realized how good Battle Frenzy is. Here are my favoured skills: All passives save Hide in Shadows (especially Haven's Command, Tower of Might, Radiance, Steelskin, Raw Power, and Haste). I love saving energy, so I generally went for the passives first. I think Radiance and Raw Power are my favourites. Mind control is extremely debilitating, so I'll take anything to clear it. Combat: Fast Feint, Whirlwind, Brutal Blow, Bludgeon, Shield Shatter. I find Whirlwind especially useful to clear the chaff from areas, Brutal Blow for single target, and Shield Shatter to focus down boss mobs. Not sure if Bludgeon is actual any good, but I like stacking debuffs. Fast Feint is my go-to first move on melee attackers, but I really should consider Battle Frenzy instead. Magic: Shock, Call Bones, Time Warp, Build Construct, Fireball. Summons are a must for me. They tank, pull aggro, and do some damage. Not sure if Shock is much better than basic attacks. Support: Teleport, Curing, Disruption, Restoring Rain. Teleport is just broken, imo. It only cost one energy on my game, for some reason (I thought it's supposed to cost 6 in this patch?). Disruption is great against most bosses. Cultural: Haven's Mercy, Mind Steal, Free Mind. Haven's Mercy saved my team a lot early game. I still use it for clutch heals. Mind Steal is like a summon, but somewhat unreliable. Good against mob spam.
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