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Posts posted by Henrik

  1. Did this one last of the quests in this area. Yes it's one of the worst bosses in the series I'd say.


    I was also stupid enough to go there without killing everything off first. BIG misstake. Took a while before I got how to get rid of the death curse, doing it with a load of other sliths running around was a pain...


    Still liked the design though smile

  2. Quote:
    Originally written by Rowen:
    I love the demo part. I wish I wasn't some poor college kid who is living by day by day so I could pony up the cash for this game.
    Hehe, you should move to europe then wink

    Thanks to the historically low dollar value (it hasn't been this low since during the oil crisis back in the 70s actually) any european will find the game (or any other american product) very, very cheap smile
    This all suits me very fine as I love this series but like you I'm a very poor student.

    Oh and if you've killed *all* the scuttlers, you can save the mission for much later. There will be more scuttlers later on (though tougher).
  3. Quote:
    Originally written by Nioca:
    Exile just doesn't seem as fleshed out and as well executed as Avernum. Additionally, you really get a feel for the environment with Avernum.
    Funny, I think it's exactly the other way around smile
    And I disliked the geneforge engine transition the most of all, everything is looking more and more the same, variation is dead frown
    I still play the games as I love the world they take place in but somehow I am never as Immersed as I used to be back when the cave floor was green frown
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