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Jenneke John

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Posts posted by Jenneke John

  1. Ok, I am very very ashamed of myself for such a stupid question, but how do I kill Shaftoe? confused I have killed every hostile presence in his bunker, even that obnoxious Servant Golem, but everytime I try to attack him, he kills me after a few rounds, even if he is feebler than me. There are 3 doors which don't open up for me and I suspect there is something useful behind them. Any help?

    Thanks smile


  2. OK, I have the same problem, after I reached Dhonal's Keep (or the surroundings) I wasn't able to see a map for the island anylonger, only Harmony and Greenwood. I suppose there is a fault here, that Jeff will fix later... but in the meantime I can't try what has been suggested because I can't find the key for the West Dock, so no way to reach Gull Island! Can anyone help? Please pretty please??? frown

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