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Posts posted by FroBodine

  1. Hmm, I'm looking at the character and inventory screens, and I don't see the class name anywhere. What am I missing?


    It's not super important, but for a newbie, it's nice to know what class you are looking at when deciding what skills and stats to improve, e.g. ok this is my Sorcerer. She needs intelligence, and I want to get some more magic skills instead of buffing her standard attack. Stuff like that.


    No biggie. It's not the end of the world by any means. I just thought it stuck out as something sorely missing. I'll survive, though. I love these games!

  2. Thank you for the response, I really appreciate it. I'm not worried about missing anything, I just think it's an oversight to not show the class of the character anywhere on their character sheets. I've never played a D&D type game that left this out.


    It's just a matter of having to look at all the skills to try to remember what class of character so and so is, when deciding what skills to improve and such, especially after coming back to the game after an extended absence.


    It shouldn't even be an issue. The class should be displayed on the character sheet.

  3. I have five folks that I have met, that will join my party when I embark upon quests and such. I don't see anywhere on the character screen, skill screen or the inventory screen, where it tells me what class the character is, e.g. Sorcerer, Barbarian, etc.


    How are we supposed to know what class a character is please? It HAS to be shown somewhere, otherwise this was a huge oversight to not ever tell you what class the character is except when you first meet them. And, I can't remember that well.



    I've never played the game, so I'm not familiar with all the skills. Over time, it will become obvious, but right now it's a pain in the butt when I'm looking at the dudes before I have chosen my group.


    It sure seems like an oversight to not put the character class on the character sheet. That is D&D 101!


    I love the game, it's just a little frustrating right now until I remember who is who, and it shouldn't be that way.

  4. I originally selected 1920x1200, and the game ran fine. Then I quit and restarted and lowered the resolution to see if it would make the character sprites and stuff larger. It didn't.

    So, I restarted again, and selected 1920x1200 full screen. But, now the game won't go full screen. It has black bars along the left and right side of the screen. It's not utilizing my full 1920x1200 like it used to.


    How do I reset this, please, so my graphic selection will work properly?

  5. So, can someone please confirm if the hint book is in fact released now, and if I buy it will I get the .pdf immediately?


    Thank you.


    [edit] Well, I took a chance and bought it, and it is available now. However, the download page still says, "When the hint book is ready, you can download it here."


    So, both the download page and the store page need to be updated to show it is ready now, and not still pre-order.

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