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Everything posted by pibbur

  1. I usually name characters after bacteriae and viruses. So I have Yersinia, Zooster, Herpes and Anemia (OK, that's a disease). But my main character is always pibbur (for a completely different reason).
  2. Correct, under winxx (I run XP), it reloads from the same directory if you restart Avernum immediately, but after reboot, the default save/load directry is again My Documents. It's no big deal. I just wanted to know if there was a hidden setting I as a newbie didn't know about. There is this file irunin.ini, I thought maybe there was something I could edit there.
  3. OK, then I'll be just as lazy Thanks for the info.
  4. I'm playing A1 - I should have been more explicit, I guess. It does not by default save in nor load from my A1 directory.
  5. Sorry if it's a FAQ. When I start Avernum and want to load a game, the dialoqbox opens in My Documents. Is there a way to set .\Avernum\SaveFiles as default saving location?
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