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(newbie help) quests not completing :(

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I am at the very beginning of GF3. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong here but the option in the dialogue isn't appearing after I complete a task that the NPC asked...


Kentia south gate : Meraia has a quest to kill

a worm (located SW). I had killed everything there before I talked to Meraia, roamed around to make sure the worm didn't maybe trigger AFTER the conversation with Meraia but... no worm (I'm assuming he's refering to a worm IN south gate right?)... talked to Meraia again but the dialogue otion wasn't there.


Kentia : Alillia at the inn asks me to take care of the rogue Atilla in the stables. I found the atilla (south east in Kentia)took its essence but in speaking to Allilia again, the dialogue option wasn't there either...


so in other words, these quests still appear as incomplete in the quest book...


could someone please tell me what's up? Is this a common bug or am I just missing something?

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The worm is not a regular visible enemy; it pops out of some bushes when you get really close. It's around a clearing in the south/southwest part of the map. I can't describe it exactly, but the little gap in the trees is horseshoe-shaped, you have to come in from the south, and it's probably 3-4 tiles across. I hit it completely by chance. THEN go talk to Meraia.


In Fort Kentia, you have to ask Alila again "Not all the monsters are outside the gates?" or that similar question. She'll mention the penned Artila again, and then you can say, "Took care of it."


Typically, after a quest is completed, you have to go report to the character that gave you the quest.

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