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Triple Slartifer, Part 9


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376. Hoodwinked with a scarf - Nazgul cousin, or Black Shade or Dragon styling

The Úlairi and Black Shades are depicted in, well, black cloaks with hoods. Also, I've been trying to figure out if it's significant that you spelled Nazgûl with a "u" instead of "û," given that grammar pointings obviously matter to you. Anyway, you've got things with hoods, plus the fact the scarves are extremely "stylin'." :D

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376 - NO - also that's not really what "sub rosa" means


374 - YES +1 - the name itself is just three related words: grammar, the structure of language or a book describing it; a grimoire, a collection of magic spells; and glamor, an out-of-use word for magic (as well as the origin of our word glamour).

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392. Umlaut Boat - It sneaks up from the back of your mouth

So, I knew the umlaut was the diacritic mark of two dots over a vowel, such as in "ü." But when I looked it up, I learned it ALSO can mean "the process by which a back vowel becomes front in the context of another front vowel." Back and front in this context appear to deal with where in the mouth certain sounds are formed. So the sound can shift forward from the back of the mouth, just like the clue describes.

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392 - YES +3

376 - YES +2 - I believe it's ultimately a reference to Romeo and Juliet:


The date is out of such prolixity.

We’ll have no Cupid hoodwinked with a scarf,

Bearing a Tartar’s painted bow of lath,

Scaring the ladies like a crowkeeper,

Nor no without-book prologue, faintly spoke

After the prompter for our entrance.

But let them measure us by what they will.

We’ll measure them a measure and be gone.


403 - YES +2 - recommended


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380. Public Display of Anomia - Your nostalgia for the sub rosa culture you were never a part of is showing, dear

A public display means something is showing, and it makes sense that one wouldn't know the names of things within a secret culture one had not been part of. PDA is also an abbreviation for public display of affection, i.e. showing love for something.

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I seem to find these topics late, so here is my first try


400. Finger of Avadon -- Another attempt to live up to that first "psychosexual" proclamation, maybe


There were some posts about the psychosexual nature of Avadon including RedBeard and his wives. Adding to that is the body part imagery of Avadon with the "Hands", "Hearts", "Eyes" or in this case "Finger" which with the addition of -ing is slang for a sexual act, expanding even more on the psychosexual imagery of Avadon.

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YES +3 - I wasn't quite going for that slang, but close enough :)


Also, sorry you found the topic a bit after others did. (Or maybe Triumph should just apologize :p) Dintiradan complained of the same thing.


I don't really know what to do about that. I could give a head's up the day before, I guess, but some people will still get to it before others. I am definitely not switching to a "first round of guesses via PM" system. And I don't want to discourage anyone who is having fun with it. Perhaps I'll post a heads up in this topic the day before posting the next set, whenever that is. That way, you can subscribe to this topic after it's over and you'll get an email notification (well, if you have those turned on) when the next one is about to start. How does that sound?

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I don't really know what to do about that. I could give a head's up the day before, I guess, but some people will still get to it before others. I am definitely not switching to a "first round of guesses via PM" system. And I don't want to discourage anyone who is having fun with it. Perhaps I'll post a heads up in this topic the day before posting the next set, whenever that is. That way, you can subscribe to this topic after it's over and you'll get an email notification (well, if you have those turned on) when the next one is about to start. How does that sound?


I wouldn't do anything. Trying to adjust to the schedules of a bunch of different people who live in a multitude of time zones is nearly impossible as the various attempts to have games on the forums have shown. In general, I am only on in the evening, and I skipped yesterday because I was traveling so even had you given notice, I still would of missed it.

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Ah well. Thanks for the honest analysis.


369 Vindicative Raccoon -- A reference to long departed cartoonists

Rocket the Raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy as Keith Giffen has not had a high profile in a long time

Hah! I love it. Nope, though. Also, it's vindictive raccoon, so maybe Rocket doesn't fit so well...


380 Public Display of Anomia -- A garish, shoddily constructed argument that conceals pearls of wisdom


Anomia is a Genus of bivalves which sometimes yield pearls


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394. <><><><> - Make PDNs Great Again

I've been trying to figure out what in the world this PDN signifies, and I've finally got an idea. This PDN is a series of less-than signs followed by greater-than signs, thus in sense saying to make something great(er) again and again. The clue is obviously also reference to Donald's empty campaign slogan.

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369. Vindictive Raccoon - Minion of the Mad Hermit

The deranged hermit, dwelling, as befits a hermit, in the isolated fastness of the great forest, would have many opportunity to fill the local wildlife with his misanthropic ways and his feelings of having been wronged by the world at large. Thus, the formerly innocent and pristine wildlife would be come fierce minions bent on seeking vengeance for their new master. Yes, this must be it.

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383. Lwar (Lizard Lord of Formello) - Nazgul cousin, or Black Shade or Dragon styling

Rather than dealing style in the sense of fashion, could this involve to "style" the verb, meaning to give something a special name or title? Lizard Lord is something a dragon could style itself, and Lord of Formello is something one of the Black Shades could style itself.

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I don't really know what to do about that. I could give a head's up the day before, I guess, but some people will still get to it before others. I am definitely not switching to a "first round of guesses via PM" system. And I don't want to discourage anyone who is having fun with it. Perhaps I'll post a heads up in this topic the day before posting the next set, whenever that is. That way, you can subscribe to this topic after it's over and you'll get an email notification (well, if you have those turned on) when the next one is about to start. How does that sound?


another thought: you could limit the number of guesses each poster is allowed to make per day so there are still ones left for other people. this would also encourage more thoughtful answers over scattershot guessing if that's what you want

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Hmm, interesting thought. I could see that working well. It's at least worth a try. Maybe I'll do that next time.


369 - YES +1

This is actually a reference to Spectromancer (possibly the best game ever) and perhaps its best-named card, the Vindictive Raccoon, which is specific to the Mad Hermit. Here it is:




(The Mad Hermit also has access to, among other things, the Crazy Squirrel, the Enraged Beaver, and the Angry Angry Bear.)


383 - YES +2

Correct about the meaning of styling, and the Black Shade and Dragon reference. Nazgul is a reference to... gosh, I've been making a lot of Angband references lately, sheesh... the name given to one Nazgul in Angband, and which I always found amusing: "Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw."

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Just ten left; I've updated the list again. To wit:


378. Characters not permitted

380. Public Display of Anomia

382. Panopticodpiece

387. Spilt Ilk

390. Septic Paladin

394. <><><><>

396. Beards

397. Rake Low Urn

398. Long Cons and Massive Clocks

402. Intelligence Toes


A reference to long-departed cartoonists

Amille Aglia looks for easy money in an RPG

BDSM implement, presumably

It's Cains all the way down

Make PDNs Great Again

Operator overload

Painful to remove

Showing off my plastic identity

TM cousin, perhaps from Silvar or Shayder

Your nostalgia for the sub rosa culture you were never a part of is showing, dear


When it gets close to the end, *some* kind of explanation will be required -- though you won't have to hit the nail on the head.

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382. Panopticodpiece -- BDSM Implement, presumably

The panopticon was a prison design and a codpiece is clothing for covering the crotch area and is often sexualized or fetishized.


396. Beards -- Your nostalgia for the sub rosa culture you were never a part of is showing, dear

​Beard is a slang term for a female friend that a male homosexual uses to conceal his belonging to what was in Western Europe a hidden (sub-rosa) culture


​380. Public display of Anomia -- Make PDNs great again

Anomia is the inability to make words come out for the things that you want to talk about and PDNs are publicly displayed names


394. <><> -- Operator Overload

The mathematical symbols < and > are operators and there are to many of them so they are overloaded

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382 - YES +2

In particular, the panopticon is often associated with Foucault's book _Discipline and Punish_.


396 - YES +4


380 - NO


394 - YES +2

They are also operators in programming languages, as is <>. In that context, operator overload typically occurs when an operator has too many terms attached to it (for example, "if x < 3 5"). This is a variation where there is simply too many operators.

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378. Characters not permitted - Amille Aglia looks for easy money in an RPG

Again might be my personal bias against(Edit: or better stated; agressive mixed feelings about) her. In any case characters are a very important part of roleplaying games. Almost as important as choice. Restricting their existance might cost money or earn some. For instance lack of memorable characters will deffinitelly cost an rpg, while removal of a controversial one or one aimed at a specific demographic but with the ability to repulse others might be the economically safe thing to do. (In portuguese there is an exp<b></b>ression that translates to "saltless" is all I think on "safe" characters) in any case, i am not sure how she could get money from this since she seems openminded about controversial things but she could deffenitelly make a critique on sexual censorships in games as well as call the people responsible for economic prudency on use of controversial characters gutless.

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390. Septic Paladin - TM cousin, perhaps from Silvar or Shayder

To be completelly honest if it was from almaria i would go for the sickness or yellow shade. Since silvar had the fear shade i make no sense of it. Only that septic paladin must be a way to avoid a possibly trademarked name which would point a possibly obvious relation to silvar and shayder(whose identity i am yet to discover)

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387. Spilt Ilk - A reference to long-departed cartoonists

Same as with milk there is no point in crying over long departed cartoonists?



378. Characters not permitted - Amille Aglia looks for easy money in an RPG

NO - good explanation but not where this one goes


390. Septic Paladin - TM cousin, perhaps from Silvar or Shayder

YES +1

TM refers to a longtime (and long departed) member here. Although PDN-changing was more common then, he was one of the more consistent name-changers. One of his "stickier" names (due, I think, to his receiving a long-ish ban shortly after he changed to it) was "Butt Paladin" -- sort of appropriate for him. What Silvar (in Exile) and Shayder (on Bigail) have in common is that they both have sewer systems, hence the septic.


402. Intelligence Toes Painful to remove

Any kinda toes are painfull to remove mister! >.>

YES +1

This is specifically a reference to wisdom teeth, which are known for being painful to remove.

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398. Long Cons and Massive Clocks - Make PDNs Great Again.

You need time and a plan to make PDNs Great again. If you manage to convince people only based on your confidence and play on their ambition and naïvety you will make PDNs great. And they shall rule the world again and reward their faithfull worshipers.

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387. Spilt Ilk - It's Cains all the way down

Ilk refers to things similar to something. Whole bunch of Cains would be "ilk" of each other. Maybe "spilt" refers Cain spilling his brother's blood (Cain killing Abel)?


398. Long Cons and Massive Clocks - Amille Aglia looks for easy money in an RPG

A long con would a possible way to make money. Perhaps Camille Paglia is missing the first letters of her name because she's engaged in a con and is trying to conceal her identity!

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378. Characters not permitted

380. Public Display of Anomia

397. Rake Low Urn

398. Long Cons and Massive Clocks


A reference to long-departed cartoonists

Amille Aglia looks for easy money in an RPG

Make PDNs Great Again

Showing off my plastic identity




From this point on, guesses will not be accepted unless they include a meaningful attempt at a real connection XD

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398. Long Cons and Massive Clocks -- Make PDNs great again

I try to limit politics on here, but . . .

Trump is a salesman and like many salesmen, Cons may creep up, he has a lease for a massive clock (the old post office and clock tower in DC) and his campaign slogan is make America great again


that leaves

378. Characters not permitted -- A reference to long departed cartoonists

All I have on this one is cartoon characters

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