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Question: increasing skills with coins?

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How does one do this? I am playing the first two games. Next to where the skill point cost is for each skill is listed a cost to increase it with coins, but I cant seem to figure out how to train my characters in this way. Help! Am i misunderstanding or missing something? Thanks! Absolutely loving the series by the way :)

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This changes in the later games, but in the early games you need to go to a trainer and go inside the room to talk to him or get the train button in the roster. For the first game the trainer is in the northeast part of Silvar. Later games in the second trilogy let you train anywhere.


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Thank you guys for the quick replies, but I think I may not have been clear in my question. I am in the training screen while in the training room in Silvar, and I have no idea what I click or do on the training screen to raise my stats or skills (for example cave lore) in exchange for the given number of coins. The fact that i cannot raise them using skill points is unsurprising given that i've none left over after my last level, but shouldn't I be able to raise them using the number of coins listed? I have over 100 at this point and yet I can't raise a single skill even in the training room....?

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Ah, thank you for confirming that for me -- I must admit, I felt rather silly when i realized it was not an either/or kind of thing, but thank you guys so much for the help! Still absolutely loving the series so far, though, and I haven't had so much fun playing a game like this since I went through the Might & Magic series :)

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