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A Geneforge Trilogy.

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A guardian wouldent be like a trainer.. More like... Traveling with him. It would make good for if he switched back to shapers and the guardian was a rebel or Vice Versa.


Also would make for a Great Battle too laugh


Also Guardians are not mere Soldiers with fancy names. They can shape

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@ Master Ackrovan, Saraph did recieve basic sword work and martial arts dureing the 6 months.


@ Velzan, I suppose I could have Saraph get escorted to the rebels by an undercover guardian. That way when Saraph realises he would have to either fight or run (depends how powerful he is)


I was also thinking that the canisters act upon Saraph differently due to his stronger relationship with essence. Not overly different but significantly enough.


I will also post the chapters for book two and three hear untill it becomes too big and problems occur. Please note that all chapters can be found on my website. The address is http://sharx92.001webs.com/ Thanks all.

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Book two. Chapter 1 – A Gift of Faith


Saraph walks along the path west from the testing grounds, Tino walks behind him whispering directions to Saraph. Saraph walks briskly and before long they arrive at a small bridge over a river. Saraph walks across it when Tino gives him an instruction telling Saraph to turn north. Saraph looks at the ground to the north and notices a small amount of traffic has been up that way. Saraph walks along the faint trail and sees a small building set into a small clearing. Tino unlocks the door with a key and ushers them inside. The building is small and cramped with little light. At the other side of the room is a small door. Tino walks across the room and through the door at the back, Saraph follows close behind. The door exits to a faint forest trail heading north towards the mountains.


Saraph follows the trail and keeps mental contact with his creations to make sure they keep a tight formation. As the day draws towards night Saraph arrives at another small building, Tino walks forward and unlocks the door. Once inside Tino locks the door behind them and shuffles to the corner. He lies down and closes his eyes. Saraph remembers that the rest of his creations will also need sleep, he laughs to himself, how could he forget that everyone else requires sleep. He gives his creations permission to sleep and tells Zephyrus that he should sleep too. Saraph sits in the centre of the room and extends his mind outside of the small building. He senses many rogues around them and searches their minds. He realises that they were created by the rebels to purge the island of shapers, they have strict instructions to guard the path that Saraph is travelling along.


Morning arrives and Tino stirs, Saraph wakes Zephyrus and his creations. Once awake and ready they set out from the door opposite. The path stretches all the way to the base of the mountains and Saraph passes through many of the small buildings along the way. As they near the base of the mountain the forest comes to an end. Guards patrol the road that crosses over their path. Saraph observes the patrols and find the right time to cross the road to avoid being seen. He times it just right and goes. Saraph makes the safety of the forest moments before the second patrol of guards rounds the corner. He times the crossing again for his creations, one by one they arrive on the other side safely along with Tino. Saraph has one last creation left to navigate across the road. He gives it the signal to go at the right time. The fyora gets halfway across before a stone gives way under the fyora, it falls to the ground as the guards round the corner. Tino tells Saraph he must leave it, that the most important thing for him to do is get to the mountains. Saraph tells his fyora to look like it is rogue and attack the guards. He takes one last look at his fyora wishing he could save it before turning and running down the path. After a couple of minutes Saraph slows back down to a walk. His breath has not accelerated and his heartbeat remained steady the whole time. He arrives at another building and passes though it. The mountains are within an hours walk. Saraph continues walking thinking about his fyora, how many creations must die because of shapers.


Saraph gets the base of the mountain and Tino places his hand on a protruding rock. A small crack appears and slowly gets larger, within moments there is an opening in the side of the mountain. Saraph follows Tino through the opening into a small room with a set of stairs at the other side. Tino walks across the room and begins to descend the stairs. Saraph follows him down the stairs and arrives in a large hall. Tino walks across the hall and Saraph notices that it is the central hub of the complex. From this hall are four exits the stairs to the south, a set of doors to the north, and a pair of passageways to the east and west. Saraph follows Tino through the doors and into a long straight corridor. Halfway along the corridor Tino stops and unlocks a door to his right. He tells Saraph that there is a gift of good faith in the room, an example of what the rebels have to offer Saraph.


Saraph steps into the small storeroom and looks around. In the centre of the room stands glowing cylinder. The walls are made of thick glass and hold in the glowing liquid inside. The top and bottom of the cylinder are made of thick metal and Saraph can see a layer of thin glass on the top. The liquid begins to move faster as Saraph approaches the strange item. It glows with a sickly luminous light and yet Saraph has an overwhelming compulsion to touch the glass at the top of the canister. Almost in a trancelike state Saraph reaches out with his hand towards the glass. The contents go into overdrive dancing around itself like boiling water in a pan. Saraph’s hand makes contact with the glass and it cracks beneath his slight touch. The liquid within is able to escape. It makes contact with Saraph’s palm and gets absorbed through his skin. It burns along his arm and through his body, after less than a minute the contents of the strange canister have been absorbed into Saraph’s body. Saraph can feel the strange essence within him slowly changing his very being. Saraph falls over as his body begins to change he closes his eyes and focuses on remaining conscious. Once the pain stops Saraph opens his eyes to find his vision has drastically improved and his mind feels clearer. He is capable of much faster thought and processing. He smiles feeling an urge to use more of these strange canisters.

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The way i have depicted magic allows Saraph to aleady cast Aura of Flames. Magic in the story is simply the manipulation of magical energy into elemental energy like heat, electrical, light, sound, kinetic, gravitational, and elastic energy. In which case provideing Saraph has enough control he can manipulate the energy to surround him in flames and such.

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Book two, Chapter 2 – Journey


Saraph looks over the empty canister and realises that the glass is near enough ordinary glass but the metal top and bottom are made of puresteel. Saraph quickly figures a way to detach the top from the glass his mind even quicker to learn due to the changes imparted by the fluid in the canister. His eyes are able to see every impurity in the metals surface as he looks over the metal disk. He attempts to lift the thick glass centre of the canister but is unable to lift the surprising weight of it. Saraph takes the disk and places it in his backpack before exiting the room. Puresteel is a metal compound discovered by the shapers, Saraph is unsure as to the process used but the base ingredient is iron. Once the iron has been refined a skilled smith with the ability to shape somehow uses magic and essence to purify and strengthen the metal incredibly. The result is weaponry that is capable of being sharpened to the point where it cuts through most other metals easily and armour that cannot be scratched, even by diamond.


Tino closes the storeroom door and locks it behind Saraph. Saraph is led along further up the corridor and arrives at another door. Tino opens the door and walks though waiting for Saraph and the rest of his creations to pass through before closing it again. Saraph is stood in a cavern that is mostly filled with water. There is a small jetty with a living craft besides it. Living crafts are just what the name implies, the shapers created them to ferry people and supplies across the seas. Their main feature is a large flat circular back with edges around it. They are reptilian with blue scales and a long arched neck they are capable of spiting balls of fire from their mouths. Tino leads Saraph up the jetty and tells Saraph to board the craft. Saraph is unable to fit more than one creation with him so he asks Tino if there is anyway his fyoras can help the rebellion here.

“Yes it shouldn’t be a problem for us to employ them here. Have a safe journey to the Grayghost Mountains.”

“You are not coming?” Saraph asks surprised. Tino shakes his head before turning and leaving. The living craft swims forward along the natural cave away from the underground dock.


As the living craft travels down the tunnel that should be pitch black Saraph finds that he can see clearly and is able to focus on the tiny cracks that appear in the rocks. Saraph is truly amazed by the effects of the luminous liquid. Why don’t the shapers use it to train apprentices? Saraph shrugs he doesn’t care why the shapers don’t use them he wants to find more. When the living craft exits the cave entrance Saraph expects his eyes to hurt from the light after so long in the dark but they don’t they adapt quickly and allow Saraph perfect vision constantly. Saraph smiles he can focus on things that would have been dots in the distance and make out small details about the object. Saraph spots some hikers on the mountains several miles away and can spot pearl buttons fastening one of the men’s jackets. After marvelling at his new sight he sits down and prepares for the week and a half journey to the Grayghost Mountains.


Saraph passes the time talking to Zephyrus and improving his control over magic until he is able to create a blizzard of flames for a radius of ten meters around himself. He soon runs out of things to do and for once wishes he could sleep. He should remember to bring some books along with him on the next long journey. He takes to inspecting the puresteel disk for any sign of how it is made but he can discern nothing from the item he makes a note to find a book which details the instruction of making and working puresteel. Halfway though the second week of the journey Saraph runs out of food for Zephyrus and hopes that they are near the Grayghost Mountains but as he looks out he cannot see an inkling of land, not even with his improved eyesight. Saraph is forced to create creation limbs for Zephyrus to eat. Two days later Saraph spots the tips of the gigantic mountains, they are white with snow and Saraph notices a chill in the air.


Saraph rummages around his pack and pulls his travelling robes from the bag. He quickly gets changed into his travelling robes throwing the red shaper robes he acquired from the academy into the sea. By the next morning the living craft is swimming by the side of the mountains. Saraph stands at the front of the craft searching for some sort of dock or cave. By midday Saraph spots a small opening at the base of a medium sized mountain. The living craft is heading towards it and once there it swims along a similar tunnel to the one under the mountain near the academy. Saraph notices this tunnel widens almost immediately after the entrance. It is wide enough for several living crafts at one and Saraph presumes that this is one of the major rebel ports. He spots several wooden jetties at the waters edge, two of which are occupied with living crafts being loaded or unloaded. Saraph glimpses one of the canisters he used in the storeroom before. He feels a deep desire to use it but restrains himself. The living craft stops besides a dock and Saraph steps off the craft and onto the wooden jetty, Zephyrus follows Saraph onto the jetty. Saraph sees a robed woman walking swiftly towards him.

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I think the picture looks pretty cool though, and what is to stop a shaper who learns to understand the base language (with the 4 letters) from changing someone so precicely that they add the missing cromosones and such to give somebody the body of a drakon? I can't seem to find something that states that it could not happen.

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They arn't covering it up they're just not telling Saraph his town was destroyed. They faught the shaper - rebel war in the game and won and then rebuilt and destroyed all their records of it happening. So now this rebelian starts and even the shapers have forgotten about the war and have grown arrogent and such again. Or something like that anyway.

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Chapter 3 – A New Home


As the woman gets near Saraph her hood moves away from her face slightly. Though she looks pretty Saraph can only focus on her skin. It is pale and waxy in appearance but beneath it Saraph can see a slight glow, his new eyes having been altered such allow him to looks around the large room at everyone else and spot others whose skin glows slightly. Saraph can feel the energy within each person radiating from each of them. Their bodies can’t hold all their power within. Saraph looks back at the woman as she comes to a halt in front of him.

“Good Afternoon, I hope your journey wasn’t unpleasant?” Her voice is a high soprano as Saraph shivers as it reverberates in his head.

“It was pleasant, if not too slow.” Saraph provides a small smile. The woman doesn’t react to it in the slightest. Saraph takes a brief moment to examine the woman both with his eyes and with his senses. He observes that she is of medium height but rather thin and compact. She holds little essence within her but Saraph can sense the energy she holds. He compares it to his and notices that he holds slightly more. His body is a lot more apt at storing energy than most other people he has met.

“I am to take you to show you where you will sleep when not on assignments. I am also to show you our rather limited but unrestricted library. Though it may contain few books it is not like the common shaper library where the advanced books are hidden until you are deemed to have the ability for them. You may read anything at will and practice what you learn in a designated practice hall. Don’t be afraid to show you full potential hear, we recognise potential and reward it generously.” While she speaks she leads Saraph down a series of tunnels until she reaches a small door.

“It isn’t much but it is a little better than the academy rooms.” Saraph nods and takes the key she holds out. He unlocks the door and removes the saddle from Zephyrus’ back placing it in the room before closing the door and locking it.


The woman continues walking along the corridor and takes a right. About one hundred steps down the corridor she opens a door to her left. Inside is a small room, about the size of Saraph’s academy room, the walls are lined with shelves and there is a single pedestal in the centre of the room. Saraph walks around the room examining the titles of the books. They are alphabetically ordered and grouped into creation type. Many of the books are research journals but some are shaper published instruction books. The woman leaves the room silently leaving Saraph in the library. When he turns to speak to the woman finding she isn’t there anymore he hurries to pull a book from the shelves and places it upon the pedestal. The book is titled ‘Clawbug 51st Generation 2nd Design’ Saraph appears as if scanning the book briefly but his new eyes absorb all information on the book and within ten minuets Saraph has learnt the basic construct of a clawbug. Clawbugs are giant scorpion like creations they have thick armour plates and only four legs but their claws are powerful enough to rip apart rock with ease. Further to their powerful claws they have a vicious poisonous stinger on their tail which is capable of moving at blinding speed.


Saraph returns the book to the shelf and proceeds to work though the books containing various variations of the clawbug. Each book detailing different upgrades from thicker armour to sharper claws. Some even detail changes to the stinger so it injects acid and not poison into the victim. Saraph reads through the books in the library not stopping as the afternoon changes to evening, the evening changes to morning, and the morning changing back to afternoon. Saraph reads though every book one by one. Starting with clawbugs he proceeded to roamers and vlish, he went on to battle alphas and glaahks. Saraph finishes the last book in the library his mind racing with all the knowledge he absorbed. What would have taken years to be allowed access to was handed to him like a rich man dropping a penny. Saraph looks at Zephyrus and realises he needs to feed him. Saraph shapes a couple of raw fyora meat for Zephyrus to eat and waits patiently. He realises that the essence within his body has not depleted much but notices that over his journey his body went through another radical adaptation, as if it reacted to the substance in the canister. Saraph realises he has room for twice the amount of essence he could two weeks ago.


Saraph leaves the library and sees a sign inscribed into the wall. It states that the shaping halls are down the hall to his left. He asks Zephyrus if he wants to come who replies that it is tired. Saraph returns to his room and unlocks it allowing Zephyrus to enter he closes the door and walks back to the library. He continues down the hall and to the shaping hall. As he reaches the large stone door it slides open revealing a small transition room. Transition rooms are made around large or experimental shaping halls. They are used as a containment mesure in case a creation or experiment goes wrong. In the event that it does happen then the doors seal and remain closed until the cause of the danger dies. Saraph walks into the transition room and waits for the door behind him to close. Once the door behind him is closed and sealed, the door in front of Saraph slides open and Saraph gets a good look over the rebel shaping halls.

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Hmm mabey if I have spare time after writeing the story I may be able to make an animation of it, but it would be hard work and I would have to work on the voices. Not to mention the looks of each characture. Would be an awful lot of work creating the models, once their done the animateing isn't too bad. But would still take about a year and that would be a bog standard animation. Theres always 2D animation but I'm not sure where to begin. I think i'll stick with writing it for the moment.

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Chapter 4 – Feelings


Saraph looks through the doorway to see a huge shaping hall, this must be one of the rebel’s main facilities. There must be at least twenty shaping platforms set out around the room with four large essence pools in each corner. In addition to the common equipment there is also a large machine in the centre of the room. From what Saraph can tell it is an essence fountain. A skilled shaper with access to one of these machines is capable of using the essence provided by the fountain to shape creations that would require more essence than the shaper can store within his own body. Normal essence pools were deemed unpredictable and unstable for this use due to the uncontrolled essence output. Shapers designed the essence fountain to slowly spray the essence into the air at a controlled and steady rate.


Saraph walks over to an essence pool and absorbs all the essence he can hold. After he has absorbed only a quarter of the essence he has room for he realises that these essence pools are stocked from an outside source and do not contain an internal mechanism that auto refills them. Saraph continues to absorb essence watching the level of the pool shrink. When Saraph has finished absorbing all the essence he can store he looks down and sees only a puddle of essence about three feet in diameter. The other people around look t Saraph with awe. Saraph walks to the nearest free shaping platform and starts to create a clawbug. Once finished he orders it to follow him around. He confirms that he has made the creation properly before moving onto creating a roamer. He again checks it has been shaped properly before shaping a vlish. Vlish are magical creations, they are filled with helium pockets which allow it to float around. Underneath them waving about are three long tentacles. Saraph confirms that this creation is also created properly before he orders it to follow him also.


Saraph turns around and leaves the shaping hall, he decides to practice creating battle alphas and glaahks later. For now he decides to explore the complex. In his travels he finds many shaping halls and training rooms for both magic and weaponry. Saraph continues around the complex looking for somebody in charge. Since Saraph arrived he has not been told what to do when he is ready. He walks around for hours before he notices that he has traversed most of the mountain. There were only a few rooms that Saraph couldn’t enter because they were either guarded or locked. Saraph walks back to his room and orders his newly created creations to guard the door. With his creations left outside he enters into his room.

“Hello, how are you settling in?” Saraph is shocked, a woman is stood confidently in the centre of the room. Saraph connects mentally with Zephyrus to check what she is doing here. Zephyrus replies that he doesn’t know but replays a scene of her entering the room and asking Zephyrus if she could wait in the room for Saraph. Saraph doesn’t let any emotions pass over his face and once he calms himself down he looks over the woman. She is shorter than Saraph and it is clear that she isn’t like the other rebels here, her skin doesn’t glow and is a beautiful porcelain colour, even Saraph’s enhanced eyesight can see few flaws. Her hair is dark brown and it flows freely around her face which is like and artists sculpture of a goddess. Her body is slender yet perfectly curved. Saraph feels something he can’t place a word upon, he wants to smile and touch her perfect face. This desire is so powerful that Saraph’s significant training at repressing emotion is almost broken. Saraph takes a deep breath and places a slight smile on his face.

“Good evening. I am settling in fine thanks. May I ask who you are?” Saraph speaks softly and waits for her answer.

“I am Pyralis. I have been told to check that you are ok and that when you are ready to tell you to proceed to the docks and proceed through the western door.” Saraph smiles and thanks her.

“What do you do for the rebels?” Saraph asks unwilling to let the conversation end.

“A bit of this and a bit of that, maybe you may find out someday.” With this she steps past Saraph and exits the room, as she passes by Saraph he smells a subtle smell of crushed roses and lavender blended perfectly together to compliment each other.


Saraph stands there for a minute after she closes the door savouring the smell she left behind. After he can no longer smell roses and lavender he proceeds to converse with Zephyrus for over an hour telling him how he felt and trying to work out what it was. Still unknown as to the feeling he decides to go for a walk to allow for some thinking time, he leaves Zephyrus in his room and as he walks past his creations he orders them to remain guard. He walks through the various halls while everyone sleeps. By morning he remains no closer to an answer but decides that he can think upon it later. He proceeds back to his room to pick up Zephyrus before following Pyralis’ instructions.

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Chapter 5 – The Drakons


Saraph heads to the dock with Zephyrus at his side, he enters the main dock area and sees the door to the west. Saraph walks over to the door and opens it, on the other side is a short passageway lined with turrets and guards. At the far end of the corridor is a large door and flanking it stand two drayks. Drayks are reptilian creations that stand on all fours. Their body is strong and powerful and their heads look similar to a dragons head. They have short wings on their back which are too small to use for flight and can breathe fire from their mouths. Drayks are also banned by the shapers for being to intelligent to control it is not surprising that they exist within the rebellion. Saraph walks to the end of the corridor with no problems and opens the door.


Saraph steps through the doorway and looks around the room he is now in. The room is large with minimal furnishings, there is a table to Saraph’s right with maps scattered upon it, to his left is a shaping platform and essence pool and straight ahead is a semicircle of chairs with a few beds. Some of the chairs are large enough for Saraph to stretch out upon the seat while the rest are human sized. Saraph looks around the room to find nobody is present. Saraph waits patiently and when he begins to get bored he wonders over to the maps and begins to look over them. A moment after Saraph begins to memorise the maps detailing the continent of terrestrial he hears a click sound from the back of the room. Saraph stops what he is doing and steps back looking to the back of the room to notice that there is a large door behind the largest chair. As Saraph looks at the door it begins to swing open.


Saraph continues watching as a large reptilian creature walks through the door. It is about the same size as a battle alpha with green scales. It stands on two legs and walks with powerful strides that make the ground shake beneath Saraph. Its head is similar to the drayks but larger and his bone structure is altered to allow it to walk upon two legs. The creature has large wings upon its back that it shakes to keep them limber, they look large enough to provide the enormous lift that would be required to allow this creation to fly. Saraph feels enormous power radiating from the creation and can sense something more unusual. Saraph can feel the presence of unused essence within this creation, the creation has the power to shape! Of all shaper laws this is the most strict, never shape a creation with the power to shape. Saraph notices that there are two humans behind the creation, behind them walks another of the huge reptilian creations followed by two serviles. The serviles are followed by yet another large reptilian creation with two drayks following it. Saraph can feel huge amounts of power within the second and third large creations but they are nowhere near the first’s power. Saraph can feel that he could defeat one of the second creations if they fought one against one.


The procession splits and travels to their respective places in the semicircle. The first creation sits at the middle of the semicircle flanked by the two other creations on either side of them are the humans, serviles, and drayks. Once in position the sit down and look upon Saraph.

“Come forward.” The creation at the centre of the circle speaks with a hiss in its accent. Saraph steps forward into the centre of the semicircle.

“Do you know what I am?” Saraph shakes his head.

“Sspeak!” Saraph remains calm on the outside as the creature hisses loudly.

“No I do not know what you are.” The creation’s lip twitches with the hind of a grin, Saraph spots a row of sharp teeth.

“We are the Drakonsss, we are the power behind the rebellion, we are the brainss behind the rebellion, and we are the ssoul behind the rebellion.” Saraph remains expressionless throughout its speech.

“Do you have orders for me to perform?” Saraph speaks with confidence and impatience. The drakon cocks its head to the side and looks at Saraph.

“You are powerful, yesss” It cocks its head more “But you have the potential for sso much more!” It snaps its head upright grinning, its teeth on show for all to see. The drakon looks at the two other drakons with a look of disgust on its face before returning his eyes to Saraph.

“You will be the tool to accomplissh our goal here. You will be the harbinger of the ssshapers demisse. You have used the canisterss, no?” Saraph can hear the question in the drakon’s words.

“I have used one canister before I set off here from greenwood isle, when I got here I was shown the library which I proceeded to read. There is nothing left for me to learn without requiring access.” Saraph speaks with confidence and hoping that he can gain more knowledge from this drakon. The drakon’s face contorts slightly.

“You have used one canisster and yet you are thiss powerful? It iss not possible!” The drakon takes a deep breath and continues “Our ssupplies of canisterss are limited due to lack of resources, we do not provide canissters to improve that which can be learnt without them. You have permissssion to use the canisterss in sstoreroom P. Return once you have adapted to the changesss.” Saraph bows and departs the room through the door he entered.


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