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Some cool SDF codes, potions, spells, cheats, hints and custom items. (unofficial)[G5]

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Lean & Mean gf5itemschars.txt for adding mods.


Freed up 680 lines (including blank ones). Probably

about 300 plus or minus 50 of actual scriptable lines.


Removed all '//' (remark/rem) lines that were

ignored by game and moved // lines with priority

information to end of first lines they pertained to.


Have tested for several days and with new games,

various game saves, and an end game with Astoria

alignment, no bugs. All active content is preserved



Lean&Mean gf5itemschars.zip


Note: If you cycle back here without getting file: Copy & paste this in your browser:




Pro's: Lots of available lines for scripting! Now

custom item/creature scripting potential is HUGE!


Con's: You have to download and use the "trimmed" gf5itemschars.txt file. You have

to look a bit closer to see lines because they aren't "2+ spaced" nor have '//'s'

(remarks) to help you spot stuff. And note that additional items require the trimmed file

and/or use an unused item number for use by any who want to create custom items

without editing original script.



Spiderweb Software does not support anything modified.

Use at your own risk! MAKE BACKUPS FIRST! Thank you.


Trivia: Original has 6473 lines. Trimmed has 5793.





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You can use a word processor, even WinWord, and do a 'find' or 'search' for [toggle_quest] (no brackets) in the scripts folder.


All quests start with a unique first number and the number 1, they all finish with number 3. Some have a 4 at the end and, I'm guessing here, that may be quests you can no longer finish because of changes in alignment.



toggle_quest(55,1);//start quest

toggle_quest(55,3);//finish quest or

toggle_quest(55,4);//quest not finishable because giver betrayed???


There are 82 'zones' (0-81) in the scripts folder. The files you want to look at have certain distinctions. Most of them have 'dlg.txt' at the end.





Script file name breakdown:

z[one]42 T[own] stormh[stormhold] dlg[dialog].txt


A search and replace type program does this very well. It will find every time that a quest is given and finished. Some quests are 'forever quests' like "Shaper Papers". There are about 120+ possible quests. Some quests are hard coded, and some don't even give you a quest! Some of Litalia's (Trakovite Haven) 'jobs' must be so hush-hush you don't get a quest for your quest list!


OK, to sum this up. When you find a toggle_quest(xx,1); the text above it should tell you who gave it. You may have to scroll up a bit to find it. Not all quests are available to you depending on your alignment.


OK. After reading this it seemed like a good thing to post in my "Some cool SDF codes, potions, spells, cheats, hints and custom items. (unofficial)" thread. Here's the link for all quests, start and finish, that I could find. the script file name will give you a strong clue for where they are.




If this loops back to here just copy and paste it in your browser.

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  • 6 months later...

hear ar a list of codes press shift and d at the same time and tipe in one of theas



shieldsup - Bless party

pleaselikeme - Erase criminal record

giveasnack - Cake

iampoor - Money

iamweak - XP

healmenow - Heal party

whereami - List character's current zone and coordinates

showmeall - Mark characters on your minimap

dontshowmeall - Deactivates minimap marks

clearthisarea - Mark current area as completed

iloverebels - Good terms with the Rebels

ihaterebels - Good terms with the Shapers

rechargeme - Refill energy and essence

resetbugs - Reset Shredbugs

exitzone - World map

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There are several short forms of phrases used online that have other meanings, sometimes foul. Here are a few "clean" ones used here:


FTW: For The Win

FYT: Fix[ed] Your Typo

FTS: Fixin' To Start

FTR: For The Record

OMG: Oh My Gosh

JIC: Just In Case


So, look at the context the abbreviations are used in for a clue of posters intent! tongue


An extensive list of such can be found here:



Meanwhile, back on topic:


Any "Recipes" for items that can be forged on an Enchanted Anvil?


Any "Custom" items that you've scripted or would like?


Any feedback on the "stripped" gf5itemschars.txt that allows room for 100's of new items?


Any new SDF codes? Need one to bail you out of an "Oops"?


I'm waiting for A6. If you have a request post it and there are many talented players/scripters

here who may help if I can't get to you right away. smile

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  • 1 year later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Originally Posted By: Warlord Aidan
Hey Microphage are there any codes like the alwans SDF codes for taygan and the others?

Yes. You need to create them from the "dlg"'s associated with those characters. I've had a series of problems with hard drive crashes in my game machine(s) (and have decided to not use a certain brand ever again) and so have lost appr 4 re-installs of my SpidWeb game collection. I will eventually get back to them but am currently totally immersed in another game. I consistently get more active with SpidWeb forums when the latest Windows release is available. Meanwhile, there's no reason why you or some of the others here can't make some SDF's.

Originally Posted By: Thirsting Gemstone
Question: are the "Spore Batons" used at all in G5? They were used in G4 for those minefields I hated, but do they come into play in G5? Because if not there are roughly 22 lines of editing free.

That's a good question. Due to the above I'm not qualified to answer it. However, I recall thinking I could free up some lines regarding "melted sand" or somesuch. As it turns out, it WAS used! So I suspect the lines you are referring to are not artifacts. Anyone?
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Also, another question: I'm running tests to see the maximum amount of stat points you can boost yourself with items (roughly 190 with STR INT DEX END and over 6000 with weapon and magic proficiencies) and ran into an odd one: when my luck goes above 9, the game freezes any time I enter combat. Anyone know why?


Oh, and microphage?

begindefineitem 253;

it_name = "Cake";

it_graphic_template = 51;

it_graphic_sheet = 1;

it_which_icon_ground = 7;

it_which_icon_inven = 7;

it_variety = 14;// makes cake cheat give

it_value = 10000;//10000 coins instantly

begindefineitem 254;

it_name = "Kabob";

it_graphic_template = 51;//kabob original

it_graphic_sheet = 1;//kabob original

it_variety = 9;//kabob original

it_which_icon_ground = 10;

it_which_icon_inven = 10;

Doesn't work: it gives me two coins, not 10,000.

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it_value = 10000;//10000 coins

Does indeed give 10000 coins.

(I lowered it from earlier amounts because of potential probs mentioned below.)


The giveasnack cheat is in most, if not all, Avernum and Geneforge games. The mod varies in effect from one game to another. In one of them if you went over a max of 40000 coins it would zero out your coins. Some it would simply cap at 30 or 40000 and I think I've heard of it leaving just a few coins under certain circumstances. A clean install cures most ills. And hang on to your savegames. Unless they are corrupted.


Was "two coins" in addition to your original amount? Or was 2 all you had left after trying cheat? Was your original amount fairly high to start with? What version of game are you running? What computer and OS?


Again, I don't have the games installed. I'll take a peak at other threads where I posted this cheat and see if I've missed something. You could try in the meantime to make:

it_value = 1000;//1000 coins

and see if you see a change in results. Always save before modding.


Surprisingly for as long as this has been posted (nearly 2 years) no one else mentioned a problem. Sooo...


I re-installed GF5 and tested it. There is no problem I could reproduce. Try some of the above suggestions and see if you get different results. Try re-installing. Another possible fix is copying and pasting modded items 253-54 directly from post to gf5itemschars.txt. Also, If you've used other mods that may conflict somehow. A small, incomplete change can easily effect 100's of lines of following content.


With a fresh install I went from game start training area with 100 coins to 10100 coins. Ran it again 20100. Ran it again 30000. Ran it again 0. Ran it again 10000. I can't fix it if it ain't broke! (grin) There may be over hundreds of thousands of variations of machine composition and OS's so it may just not work for you. That would be sad because in other threads I have variations on this theme that allow you to "conjure" nearly any desired item.


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Originally Posted By: Thirsting Gemstone
Also, another question: I'm running tests to see the maximum amount of stat points you can boost yourself with items (roughly 190 with STR INT DEX END and over 6000 with weapon and magic proficiencies) and ran into an odd one: when my luck goes above 9, the game freezes any time I enter combat. Anyone know why?

I've done a few tests on this back when G1 came out and it's been the same in all subsequent gf and av games. My hypothesis is that your turn order (which is affected by luck as well as dexterity) is too high and wrapping over to a negative, which means that either your turn is skipped endlessly or the game crashes.
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Microphage: nope. It just says "You got 2 coins!" and gives me two coins. I'm running MacOS 10.6.6and have tried it after a clean reinstall. 2 coins. Ah well.


Another question, in case someone knows: I adjusted my stats to the maximums I could without the game freezing on my turn in combat, but when I leveled up, the freeziing returned. Anyone know if there are hidden bonuses to something that occur during a level up?

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Item editing. Here:

begindefineitem 12;

it_name = "Coated Cloak";

it_graphic_coloradj = 512;

it_protection = 4;

it_stats_to_affect 0 = 0;

it_stats_addition 0 = 185;

it_stats_to_affect 1 = 1;

it_stats_addition 1 = 185;

it_stats_to_affect 2 = 2;

it_stats_addition 2 = 185;

it_stats_to_affect 3 = 3;

it_stats_addition 3 = 185;

begindefineitem 36;

it_name = "Chitin Armor";

it_graphic_sheet = 0;

it_which_icon_ground = 8;

it_which_icon_inven = 9;

it_protection = 10;

it_stats_to_affect 0 = 4;

it_stats_addition 0 = 600;

it_stats_to_affect 1 = 5;

it_stats_addition 1 = 600;

it_stats_to_affect 2 = 6;

it_stats_addition 2 = 0;

it_stats_to_affect 3 = 7;

it_stats_addition 3 = 600;

it_value = 20;

it_weight = 100;

begindefineitem 168;

import = 164;

it_name = "Student's Belt";

it_graphic_coloradj = 2;

it_stats_to_affect 0 = 9;

it_stats_addition 0 = 600;

it_stats_to_affect 1 = 10;

it_stats_addition 1 = 600;

it_stats_to_affect 2 = 11;

it_stats_addition 2 = 600;

it_stats_to_affect 3 = 12;

it_stats_addition 3 = 600;

it_value = 100;

begindefineitem 182;

it_name = "Sapphire Ring";

it_stats_to_affect 0 = 15;

it_stats_addition 0 = 100;

it_stats_to_affect 1 = 16;

it_stats_addition 1 = 100;

it_stats_to_affect 2 = 17;

it_stats_addition 2 = 100;

it_stats_to_affect 3 = 18;

it_stats_addition 3 = 100;

it_which_icon_inven = 13;


begindefineitem 152;

import = 145;

it_name = "Nimble Sandals";

it_graphic_coloradj = 2;

it_value = 200;

it_stats_to_affect 0 = 20;

it_stats_addition 0 = 100;

it_stats_to_affect 1 = 21;

it_stats_addition 1 = 100;

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Jeff has been using SDFs since BoE at least, since they're the way scenario designers handle, well, everything. He's probably been using that nomenclature and variable structure since E1.


—Alorael, who is a bit curious as to why Jeff still puts them in that format. It's an odd way to set up what could just as easily be a named variable.

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Originally Posted By: Thirsting Gemstone
(Answering Warlord) Item editing. Here:

begindefineitem 12;
it_name = "Coated Cloak";

begindefineitem 12;
had to reduce to 99 to prevent lockup.

begindefineitem 36;
had to reduce to 400 to prevent lockup. Reset 0 to 10 ok.

begindefineitem 168;
had to reduce to 400 to prevent lockup.

Lockups only occurred during combat at my characters turn. At first I wondered why you didn't buff some higher items, then realized that the ones you used were readily available fairly early in game without further scripting signs and such to get them. Good ideas here... I like it!

Note: Running Win XP SP3 AMD Phenom II x4 with other game mods removed, after getting these to work ok I put other toys back, no conflict. Possible future conflicts as character levels up? Mainly concerned about raising Quick Action from 10 to higher than 37 when leveling. With some other mods back in it's at 37 but can't be raised as lvl 11. May not matter, my character is only level 11, what level was your character when you boosted 600's?
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Originally Posted By: Codec Seraphinianus
Jeff has been using SDFs since BoE at least, since they're the way scenario designers handle, well, everything. He's probably been using that nomenclature and variable structure since E1.

—Alorael, who is a bit curious as to why Jeff still puts them in that format. It's an odd way to set up what could just as easily be a named variable.

Does he still use SDF's in Avadon?
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Well, of course Jeff has always used SDF's. If you aren't keeping track of the story state in variables, I don't know how you're keeping track of it.


SDF's are just a fancy name for integer variables, arranged in an array, that Jeff came up with to help make Blades of Exile more user-friendly. And it worked, I think. Giving SDFs a unique name, rather than a common technical term, made them easier for non-technophiles to banter about.

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Your question is missing something.


Jeff uses SDFs, but SDFs are not the only kind of integer variable. I'm still baffled by the fact that he's still avoiding variables with meaningful string names. $canisters_used, for instance, or $roach_quest. In large part, it is laziness: Jeff has said that he's only a mediocre coder, and having only himself coding means he recycles as much as possible. He's got bad code, but it works, so it stays. But it seems so inconvenient for him, too!


—Alorael, who thinks the demonstration is, in fact, in those A3 SDFs. Jeff lost the master list, apparently, so he can't advise anyone on what the flags are. The editor can change values, but since the flags are unidentified it's not a useful feature.

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Lockups only occurred during combat at my characters turn. At first I wondered why you didn't buff some higher items, then realized that the ones you used were readily available fairly early in game without further scripting signs and such to get them. Good ideas here... I like it!

I buffed the items which I could find early on and weren't imports for any other items, essentially. Thanks.
And thanks for the help!
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  • 9 months later...

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