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Why can't I reenter Goagh Nar...?

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Playing Celts I helped the lower Fomorians defeat the upper fomorians so I guess I should be allowed to reenter Goagh Nar. I have the Stone Skull. I thought we were friends. I left a lot of stuff behind because I thought I could go back for it. I guess I will be more choosey about what I pick up in the future.


I find it strange being first locked in (could not get out until I completed the quest) and then locked out of a dungeon like that. I do not really get it. it is not like they said, "Okay human skum, you did what we wanted now get out and don't come back." Like I said I thought we had become friends.


Are all the important dungeons one shot deals?



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Actually, I do think that all of the major plot dungeons after the Ruined Hall are completely or almost completely inaccessible after you finish them. There's also always a reason for it. If you were the fomorians would you want your happy little band of bloodthirsty killers to come back and wreck things even more?


—Alorael, who was more annoyed when his carefully stolen loot of spiritual significance was confiscated when he left Goah-Nar. He doesn't make a habit of abandoning equipment anywhere but in towns. Shadowvale is also notable for being small enough in size that you can leave things in your starting town and not have to consider it abandoned forever late in the game.

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I was just wondering. I mean secret doors that are there one minute and then not the next, not being allowed to leave the dungeon until the quest is complete. In terms of plot it makes the story less believable and what is the point? There is not even a message saying, "Funny that door doesn't seem to work anymore." No one meets you at the locked door to say, "Thanks for killing the Queen for us, you have the Stone Skull now just stop bothering us." I don't know. It just seems like a purely technical solution to a plot question.



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That's because it is a purely technical solution to a plot question. You can imagine whatever excuses you like, but Jeff programmed something easy to keep you out.


—Alorael, who likes to think that the fomorians are still xenophobic and don't want to have an unnecessary conversation with you about why you aren't welcome when they can not have any conversation with you and you still end up going away.

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  • 4 months later...

The best explanation I can think of is that the whole settlement is in a state of chaos and civil war, and short of an instakill node, this was how Jeff planned to keep people out. Why exactly they need to be kept out I don't know, although recall that King Roava reverts back to his ogre-speak, indicating that along with no longer caring much for whether others perceive him to be civilized, some of the old grudges also start coming out as he begins to make a movement from acceptance of his lot in life and the passage through the Nethergate, to war.


But granted, as you said, it's not as though any of that is made explicit through the given dialogue.

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  • 1 month later...

In the original Nethergate you would need to hex edit the blockages out of the way.

In Nethergate: Resurrection a few quick and temporary alterations to the relevant town script might enable access to the lower levels. I will have to research this more.


In the Celt version of Nethergate: Resurrection, find the folder Celt Data, townscript t14Upper Goag.txt should have the following line:


(Look around line 63.)

Insert comment marks to disable this temporarily

// set_state_continue(81);


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  • 2 weeks later...

As for the original version:

In the Windows version of Celt.dat, you should find a hex number with a value of 241 at offset 781,475. (781,475 is a decimal number that has a hex translation of BECA3.) Anyway change the 241 to a 0. The hex editor should show this:

FF FF FF FF 00 05 00 33 00 F1 FF FF 00 42 00 36

The "F1" is the 241 we wish to alter.

This will get you to the bottom floor only. If your stuff was left on the second floor I will need to research this further.


Insert 5A at offset 862,708 = D29F4, this will insert a footbridge at the NW corner of the bottom floor.

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